Global Economic Development & Facing the Mindset Hypothesis

Looking at failing economies: How do you measure the prosperity levels of any surroundings when economical behaviorism and fiscal management fails to add up anything in proper totals or columns? How one may know if any economy is failing or reaching stars when misinformation surrounds it and mesmerization astounds it? How one may know when to change the game, fix the rules and follow the right paths of recovery? Thinking of new ideas is always offensive to old mindset; change is always very disruptive to bureaucracy and global age competitiveness extremely frightening to existing levels of competency.  Why would one fight for change? Why would one advance?

Seeking courage to face truth: When fixing obesity requires a life size mirror, an economy demands a calculator, because when numbers are real but columns and totals are fake, facing truth demands extraordinary courage. The opportunity losses are often far greater than the current losses, the waste of human talents is far too tragic and overall grassroots prosperity performance far too miserable. When a world never stops for all or any single nation, only bold discussions provide potential answers as silence remains as only proof of incompetency to face the truth.

The term ‘economic development’ a misnomer:  Firstly, the term ‘economic’ is all about numbers, their origin, source and manipulations, best managed by qualified mathematical aptitudes and job seeker mindsets, while ‘development’ is all about creation of new business and new enterprises best suited for only entrepreneurial job creation mindsets. While job seeker mindsets grow and build the organization but the job creator mindset, originate the idea and create that organization in the first place. Both mindsets are good and are essential to come together in balance for spectacular growth. 

Understanding the new Mindset Hypothesis: Finally, the mindset-hypothesis challenges any government department or an agency for having too many mathematical job seeker minds mandated with economic development but with a serious absence of entrepreneurial job creator mindset placing any economic development on a wrong course and ultimately damaging desired economic growth.

The LinkedIn exposure: Check anywhere in any country, the economic development teams as their LinkedIn profiles already speak volumes, a quick test to identify between the number of job seekers and job creators mindsets within a government department or an agency will further clarify this. Once all reviewed and sorted out to satisfaction, a minimum 50-50 balance of the mindsets is a good start. However, departments and teams with only 10% or less, such lack of entrepreneurial job creator mindset places the economic development process as redundant and a liability to the national economic progress.

The mapping of the world: Across the world, today, there is nothing more critically important on the national agenda than “economic development” while each nation struggles hard to create grassroots prosperity to stabilize local citizenry and uplift small medium business economies. Therefore, observe how critically a new global crisis of mindsets exists that divides the purpose and challenges the national models. National mobilization of entrepreneurialism is slowly advancing around the world and nations are prioritizing small medium business economies for sustainability.

Mindset recognition and not facial recognition: In a world where everything measured from gender, race, religion and culture to where facial recognition applied in the name of “AI” and where all decisions on Human Resource Management programmed in accordance, ignoring what the new hypothesis on mindsets places on economic growth is a big quandary. If current economic progress is the most sought after answer, obviously, the visible damage to national economies is the proof of such malfunctions. Bringing both mindsets to work together is a new art and mobilization of economic development a new science.

Rules of engagements: Nations of the world, find the best ex-Olympians to train and coach their high potential athletes to become top competitors for the gold medals and send them in global Olympic competitions with confidence and pride. For such challenges, they never hire their local Librarians or Acrobats from their local circus acts. The world is super competitive and to export to a wide-open world demands highly special skills to create, design, produce, manage and export and no longer simple games.

The global-age-shock-therapy: The number one shock to any economic development team member across the world is to walk into any globally recognized commercial fair and witness the advancements, quality and pricing of goods and services available from around the world. Naivety on these topics, proven almost daily, around the globe, reflected in the dwindling exportability numbers only proves the unprepared nations, their unskilled advancements and their lack of depth on global-age-affairs on competitive mandates. The critical importance of placing the right minded teams to such mandates, now placed in hot seats, challenges some 200 nations, some 1000 departments and various agencies already engaged in economic development now facing a new hypothesis to lead

Take the simple test:  How can one ever revive, grow and build a small medium business economy without an entrepreneurial job creator mindset? How can one even start germinating such thinking of specialized topics without being both the job creator mindset and the job seekers mindset to create a common path of progress? How can one articulate such challenges without actual tests or evaluation of every department, agency, trade-group, chamber or Ministry? How can one define the new rules of engagements especially when absence of organizational rules is missing?  How can one mobilize small medium businesses within any region or across the nation without an authoritative knowledge and understanding of such mobilization? Take a simple test across the department. Study Expothon on Google

The Three-Step solutions: Without understanding of the mindsets and job-title match with skills and expertise, there is no department. Without job-seeker- mindset; mathematical aptitudes, there is no rightful economic data extraction. Without job-creator-mindset; entrepreneurialism, there is no growth or development. Without creating, the right balanced ratio between the two mindsets there is no economic development. Without bringing both mindsets as an art and new science, there is no grassroots prosperity. Find the problem, adjust the balance and advance the economy

Follow the trail of silence: Without a revolutionary mindset to uplift the national economy, the creation of both mindsets to come together as progressive combination is almost impossible to uplift the national economy. Observe, how quiet and silent is the economic development on such matters, as real entrepreneurialism for reasons of fear already barred from the academia, institutionalized economics halls and corridors of the administration side of the economic wings of the national leadership. Study deeply, why top entrepreneurs across the world are always dropouts from university, why they not seen in government departments and now as technology changes access and exposing serious pitfalls what will it take to create revolutionary changes. Who will lead, follow or get out of the way? All doors are open now and all options on the table. Bye by Pandemic, Welcome Endemic

The rest is easy

Naseem Javed
Naseem Javed
Naseem Javed, a Canadian born in a printing publishing family of small merchants, settled over two centuries surrounding the Red Fort in Chandni Chowk, Delhi, India. Educated and raised in Karachi, Pakistan, and arrived in Canada fifty years ago. He spent years at the 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics and learned how to create and develop global-stature organizations and events. Acquired global experiences, serviced dozens of Fortune 500 companies as a senior advisor over 25 years, and learned how to commercialize, monetize, and popularize complex ideas globally. Later, in 2000, Naseem took a sabbatical when he noticed markets lost the art of value creation and adopted value manipulation when one million dollar turnover factories traded as 100 million dollar operations in stock exchanges. He took all his high-value knowledge and experiences, placed them in a shoe box, and almost free for the world's 100 million Small and Medium Enterprises. He developed The National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism Protocols. The rest is history. Now highlighted as a corporate philosopher, the Chair of Expothon Worldwide, and recognized authority on new economic thinking, where the mobilization of small and medium business entrepreneurialism is tabled as the savior of already struggling economies. Expothon has been sharing weekly information with some 2,000 senior officials at the Cabinet level in around 100 countries for the last 50 to 100 weeks. The narratives are an open challenge to current economic development and offer pragmatic solutions and new thinking on mobilizing the untapped talents of the national citizenry. He is a world-class speaker and author, gaining global attention.