Recommendations for the development of the International Hydrogen Energy Centre

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has organized the First Expert Group Meeting to support the operationalization and capacity building of the International Hydrogen Energy Centre (IHEC), set up by UNIDO in July 2021. Nineteen international experts from industry, academia and development agencies discussed the appropriate policy framework, incentives and roadmaps that can encourage economies in transition and developing economies to define national hydrogen targets and policies. The experts shared their experiences and advised on technology development, strategic approaches in the global hydrogen energy industry, and overcoming challenges.

Based on the in-depth discussion covering the entire hydrogen value chain, the key outcome of the meeting were recommendations for the focus areas for the IHEC’s work:

  1. Production of hydrogen. Definition of the colours of hydrogen. Ultimate goal: net-zero emissions.
  2. Transport and distribution. A solid hydrogen infrastructure (refuelling stations, pipelines etc.) is a key for the hydrogen application.
  3. Deployment of hydrogen: ways to connect integrated production and usage of hydrogen in large industrial complexes with domestic use.
  4. Standardization and codes.
  5. Environmental, health and safety considerations.
  6. Cost competitiveness and financing.

Tareq Emtairah, Director of UNIDO’s Department of Energy, said, “The Expert Group Meeting is an important milestone in the development of the newly established Centre. UNIDO will consider the meeting’s outcomes and the recommendations of international experts in the formulation of a strategy to promote the uptake of hydrogen in Member States.”

Liu Heng, UNIDO Project Manager, said, “We highly appreciate this consultation with experts. Their insights and wealth of experience will support the Centre’s work and UNIDO’s Global Programme for Green Hydrogen in Industry.”