Afghan debacle: President Joe Bidden under immense pressure

President Joe Biden was honest enough to accept his miscalculation about the Afghan war, in his speech on 16 August 2021. Although, many people in the US are criticizing him for failure and miscalculations. They held him responsible for such a big failure, irreparable dent to US reputation, the challenge to US capabilities, and doubts on its role in geopolitics. But I believe that he is an old man, such huge pressure may not be good for his health too. And all such burden to put on his shoulders may not be very fair, as the war was initiated twenty years ago and five presidents have been overviewing the Afghan war. He is not the only one responsible for all related issues.

He acknowledged that after 20 years — a trillion dollars spent training and equipping hundreds of thousands of Afghan National Security and Defense Forces, 2,448 Americans killed 20,722 more wounded, and untold thousands coming home with unseen trauma to their mental health.

And of course, killing millions of innocent Afghans, injuring millions and some of them seriously injured, so serious that lifetime disabilities happened. Making millions homeless and pushing them either to live in refugee camps, mountains or take refuge in other countries. Damaging infrastructure, destroying agriculture, harming businesses, etc. Depriving the nation of education, health care, social security, modern-day facilities and pushing them into the stone ages.

 Repenting now is too late! Making three generations suffer and pushing the country one of the most poverty truck nations the most underdeveloped nation, an apology is not acceptable!

The American public is asking for their tax money, how lavishly spent in Afghanistan, and no outcome yet! Failure, defeat, humiliation is the only visible outcome. The public is right to ask for accountability, either president Joe Bidden or all previous presidents involved in the Afghan war, it is an entirely internal matter of the US and let the public handle it.

The people in Afghanistan are the victim and may demand war crimes and war compensation. It is logical that whoever caused all such damages and harm to Afghan, should come forward voluntarily to reconstruct the nation and rebuild as compensation. The US acknowledged that they have spent trillions of dollars in the Afghan war, if they spend only a fraction of it to construct the country, Afghanistan has the potential to eradicate poverty absolutely. Afghanistan is rich in agriculture, mines, and minerals. If the US helps them to modernize agriculture and the industrial sector, it will help the new government to revive the damaged economy and jobs for youth.

The Afghan war was initiated along with 46 nation allies, all allies have the responsibility to share their responsibility proportionately. If all allies contribute, there will be no big burden on any single country and collectively they can rebuild the war-torn country. It is not a new concept. It happened in world war II, where the allies imposed war compensation on Germany and Japan, and till now, they are playing regularly. Trust, taxpayers in the US or the allies countries, will not mind if their tax money is spent on the welfare of humankind.  The most precious thing in this universe is human life, everyone should respect human life and dedicate themselves to the welfare of human life.

Afghans are broadminded and open-minded people, if they are compensated well, they might forget the past experiences and all bitterness.

It is appealed to the international community, to play a role in making Afghanistan a stable, safe, and prosperous state. All is well if it ends well. The US should not try to destabilize Afghan peace and stability. A peaceful Afghanistan is a prerequisite for regional peace and stability. All peace-loving nations and individuals may struggle toward this goal.

Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan
Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan
Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Founding Chair GSRRA, Sinologist, Diplomat, Editor, Analyst, Advisor, Consultant to Global South Economic and Trade Cooperation Research Center, and Non-Resident Fellow of CCG. (E-mail: awanzamir[at]