Over a period of the Syrian conflict the U.S. used all possible methods to overthrow the unwanted Assad’s government. At the very beginning Washington provided financial and military support to the moderate opposition. But when a number of US-backed armed groups hadn’t live up the expectations, the White house paid its attention to the Syrian Kurds, who pose consolidated and much more reliable force.
After gaining the support of Washington Kurdish groups have completely refused negotiations with Assad, and began to coordinate their actions only with the U.S. authorities which used them as the main force in fight against the ISIS. In exchange for their allegiance the Syrian democratic forces hoped to live out their dream under U.S. protection – to create their own state in northern Syrian regions. As a result with Kurds achieved a progress in fight against Daesh, took a solid part of the Arab country, created the Autonomous administration of the North and East of Syria and began to cooperate with several western countries and even with some international organizations.
In 2018 Donald Trump declared final victory over terrorists in Syria and has begun the withdrawal of the American military from Syria, having left only small part, which main aim is a protection of oil and gas fields from possible terrorist attacks.
However, such power balance hadn’t fit to Turkey, the key ally of the U.S. by NATO in the region. Ankara, in turn, considers Kurdistan Workers’ Party and all Kurdish units operating in Syria as terrorist organizations and it carried out a number of military operations aimed at maintaining stability and safety near its southern border.
As a result of the “Olive Branch” and “Peace Spring” operations Turkey and its backed armed groups pushed aside Kurdish units and took the Afrin canton and northern districts of Raqqa and Hasakah provinces under their control. At the same time U.S. authorities decided not to confront with their NATO partner and left SDF to the mercy of fate.
Up to date SDF units complete the tasks set by the White House receiving poor support instead. In current conditions their situation is unenviable as not only Turkey, but also representatives of local Arab tribes dissatisfied with their actions aim to destroy them, and the fact of the essential military aid absence from the U.S. only aggravates this situation.
Relying on unreliable “ally” as Washington, the Kurds put themselves into a corner and now they have to protect its territories from Turkish forces and their proxies on the one hand and to maintain authority over the Arab population living in controlled by them territories on the other. So far they manage to commit diversions and terrorist attacks against Turkish forces aimed to weaken their influence in Syria. But will they be able to continue this armed stand-off? It is quite obviously that the U.S. will not step into direct conflict with Turkey for the sake of the Kurdish people destiny, taking into account that such actions can lead to the termination of the further military partnership and also will threaten the NATO integrity.