Between Russia and USA – India Intends to Extract Benefit from Both Sides

It has become a challenge for India to maintain a balance between new and old friends between the changing international equations and priorities.

The challenge from China, trade and other issues are bringing India closer to the US, and Russia is not getting this close response from the western countries and India.

These new and old friends of India -America and Russia have been bitter opponents of each other. Both countries also keep accusing each other.

There is often a conflict between Russia and the US over allegations of Russian interference in the US presidential elections.

Now the war between US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin has started.

Joe Biden said in an interview that he considered Putin to be “deadly”. At the same time, he said that Putin will have to pay the price for the alleged disturbances in the 2020 US elections.

In response, Vladimir Putin challenged the US President on Russian TV to talk to him in a live program. He used a rhyme or poetry spoken in Russian schools, which means that “we are like that, we see the same as others”.

Objections of Russia

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Lloyd Austin is visiting India from Friday, March 19. He has met Prime Minister Narendra Modi after his arrival.

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) is likely to be discussed on the tour. The US, Japan, Australia and India have formed the quad to deal with the challenge they are facing from China.

However, Russia has already expressed its discomfort about the quad. It has also expressed the danger of its regional security being threatened.

The 20-year annual conference between Russia and India was not held last year. The quad was also believed to be a reason behind it. However, India and Russia have cited the Corona epidemic as the reason for the absence of this conference.

On December 8, while addressing the government think tank Russian International Affairs Council (where this write contribute regularly) in a video conferencing, the Russian Foreign Minister said that Western countries are trying to weaken its close relations with India.

At the same time, Russia’s military practice with Pakistan has also made India uncomfortable.

US pressure on India

The India has been eyeing the purchase of the S-400 missile system from Russia. A recent US Congressional “Congressional Research Service” report warned that “India’s billions of dollars to buy S-400 air defense systems made in Russia” counters America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act. (CAATSA) may also impose sanctions on India. “

However, outgoing US Ambassador Juster also asserted, “We do not take action on friends under CAATSA.”

India is a big market for the US for the purchase of arms, while Russia accounts for the highest 56 percent of India’s arms purchases. Here too, Russia remains a challenge for America in India.

For India, both America and Russia are important countries. But, between the challenge being faced by China and the tension between Russia and America, it is difficult for India to balance this path.

Why did the situation between the US and Russia worsen after Biden took power?

When Biden called ‘deadly’, Putin gave him this challenge

China a Big Factor

 “Due to India’s confrontation with China, the interests of India and Russia are divided here. A border dispute has been going on between China and India for a long time. The armies of both countries are face to face. China and Pakistan remain a challenge for India. In such a situation, America has emerged as a cooperative country for India. The interests of both the countries meet in one place regarding China. In such a situation, China remains a big factor in India’s relations with Russia and America. “

The difficulty of India is that it has to take both Russia and America together. India also challenges the status of America’s superpower through Russia. BRICS is an example of this, which includes Russia, China and India. These countries talk about multi-polar system.

Need for Multi Allocation

There is a long history of trust and strong ties between India and Russia. It is a big country with which India has no major differences. Russia is a major country for selling arms to India and this situation has persisted since the era of the Cold War.

Russia’s ability and experience in important and strategic areas such as defense, trade, energy, space have been helpful to India. The upgrade of the BrahMos missile, the M-46 gun, are prime examples of the strong India-Russia relationship in the defense sector.

At the same time, India’s relations with America are on many levels. There is economic, commercial, technology, migrant, energy, defense and political partnerships between the two countries.

Talking about the security of the country, at this time America is standing with India on the issue of China and Pakistan.

Two Way Needs

But, experts also believe that India’s relations with Russia and America cannot be one-sided. All parties have their own preferences.

Talking about America, it has changed its foreign policy for India since the year 2000. It sees a large market and a strategic partner in India. We can also understand this with the changing attitude of America regarding Pakistan. In 2005, there was also a nuclear agreement with India, for which the US even amended the constitution. He started giving priority to India.

The United States needs Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, India’s cooperation on the issue of terrorism and trade. This is the reason, whether Trump administration or Biden administration, America’s attitude towards India has not changed. A section of the Democratic Party may have been raising the internal issues of India, but President Biden has not yet commented.

In such a way that maintaining a balance between Russia and America is a challenge for India, in the same way, Russia and America also will not want to lose India as an ally. Therefore, it is to be seen how these countries are able to adjust to the changing priorities.

Ratnesh Dwivedi
Ratnesh Dwivedi
Prof (Dr) Ratnesh Dwivedi Award-winning Academic/NASA Certified Educator/Interdisciplinary Scientist/Awarded Sec,Intel & Def Expert/Peace Prize Winner