Welcome to springtime, is this a gentle rain of currency; manna from heaven or a hailstorm of debt? The mini-micro-small-medium-enterprise economy of the USA now gets some amazing opportunities. Suddenly, on the grassroots economic development frontiers, new eruptions, new realities but simultaneously all around the world, nation-by-nation, city-by-city,pandemic recovery forcefully teaches us some new global-age mantras.
Stillness is death: How constant learning, constant disruption, and constant advancements, constant collaborative dialogue brings new perpetual life to enterprise. How continuous optimization of self-discovery achieves new heights. How does continuous quality production open global doors to exportability? All moving in simultaneous synchronization seeking collaborative engagements for common good, all designed for all to grow together, hence, now new definitions urgently required; here are new opportunities for the USA when triangulated they become pillars of growth.
Emergence of new corporate math: A $1000, investment in technology buys digital solutions, which were million dollars, a decade ago. Today, a $1000 investment buys on global-age upskilling on export expansion that were million dollars a decade ago. Today, a $1000 investment on virtual-events buys what took a year and cost a million dollar a decade ago. Today, any micro-small-medium-enterprise capable of remote working models can save 80% of office and bureaucratic costs and suddenly operate like a mini-multi-national with little or no additional costs.
Not your simple parks, these are tactical and combative battlefields in search of new warriors, ready with new mobilization of talents. Just like when the desktop revolution turned the business world upside down. We are on a crossroads of passing through the eye of the needle.
Recovery: Will $2 trillion save the midsize business economy of America? President Biden is delivering on the promise to build a great US economy and avoid trade-wars, therefore, on table, internal skill-wars to upskill and reskilling-working citizens to stand up to global competitive standards is now top priority. Nations of the world now measured by new standards of skilling and re-skilling for the new world, observe how the last tectonic shifts started and changed the power-map of the world during our recent ‘computer-age’ transformation.
Now is the time for national mobilization of entrepreneurialism on digital platforms of upskilling for exportability, for some 200 nations and 10,000 cities. Imagine if SBA the Small Business Administration of USA mobilized selected 10 Million SME for digital platforms for rapid-fire upskilling of exporters and reskilling of micro and small-medium manufactures to quadruple productivity, performance and profitability leading to additional new jobs creations. This is like a Marshall Plan but in reality more like a turnkey digital platform economy maneuver seeking right and authoritative leadership. Imagine if doubling or quadrupling of productivity created 10 new jobs, this would add 100 million new jobs in 1-2 years. Maybe not the best jobs but surely secure local grassroots prosperity.
Now new combinations of power play: “Work + Office + Health + Money + Politics + Globalization” suddenly,all morphed into one gigantic blob of global calamity, forcing new challenges, creating new thinking and getting the world on brand new combinations of growth tracks.
Now is the time for trade groups to come together, Local Department and Agencies, Trade Associations and Chambers across USA must shine in participating on various aspects to boost their own local presence and their own memberships across the board.
Now the new trade winds: Allow micro-small-medium enterprises a tax-free window on the first USD$5-10 million revenues in exports, this will create local jobs and bring foreign exchange. Allow micro-small-medium enterprises free access to all dormant Intellectual Property, Patents rolled up due to lack of commercialization as Academic Experts on innovative technologies and related skills on free voucher programs. Allow micro-small-medium enterprises free full time MBA as 12 months interns so MBA graduates can acquire some entrepreneurialism while enterprises may uplift their ideas in real practice. Allow Million qualified overseas entrepreneurs to park within a nation for 5-10 years under a special tax-free visa program. Allow National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism Protocols mandated to engage trade and exports bodies. Allow National Scoring of entrepreneurialism to measure, differentiate talents, and separate out pretenders.
Now the immediate task and difficult questions: Start byIdentifying local national regions ready for national mobilization of entrepreneurialism. Select chambers and trade associations in agreement on upskilling small medium enterprises. Organize harmonious effort to uplift women entrepreneurs on the national stage. Introduce fast-track options to upskill local leaderships such economic deployment bodies. Identify, when simultaneous synchronization uplifts upskill of 1000 to 100,000 SME on a fast track basis, what is blocking? Select solid agenda and contents for high quality umbrella debates streamed weekly to all stakeholders locally or nationally. Identify, when such issues are not new funding hungry, they are execution starved, who is stopping? Where are the top global-scale skills and deployment models?
Now the urgency demands qualified execution; Success at times is failure management; failure is often about a lost battle, but not about a lost war, the ultimate success is not necessarily about winning the war, success more about understanding of the battlefield, as the real victory hidden outside the war. ExpothonWorldwide,relentless in pursuit and authoritative with action,is tabling a very bold new agenda and starting a special high-level global series of virtual events in coming months. Going forward, the virtualization of the national economies will boost vertical sectors to new heights, globalization creates new links to global exportability, therefore, grassroots prosperity and upskilled performance must adjust to absorb the new loads. Study more on Google.
Nevertheless, rewarding algorithmic-masseuses to create spike on economic data where ‘value-manipulation’ the massage-oil, needs review, but rewarding tabulation of ‘real-value-creation’ and outpouring of hidden entrepreneurial talents of the citizenry summed as national treasures of economy, a new thing. The reward of good economy is growth of local grassroots prosperity and not some selective glitter, just like admiring the ‘shiny-cities’ while ignoring the ‘tent-cities’. A great bright future awaits the midsize business economy of USA…
The rest is easy