From “sins of omission” to full-on deception; professional “Check People” help uncovers all
The Oscar-winning drama “Parasite” by Korean director Bong Joon Hodepicts a family using Photoshop and other techniques to forge documents and gain employment from a wealthy couple as tutors, a housekeeper, and a driver. In the film, the obscenely wealthy and horribly naïve couple trust a single reference from a trusted friend – and forego background checks. The story does not end well; to say the least.
These days, a claim you graduated from Harvard is very likely going to be double-checked; but it’s the more minor claims that sometimes slip through the cracks. The person who claims to have graduated from Concordia College and University of Delaware, for example. Concordia looks legit and the claim hardly seems worth checking. But how would you feel after you learn that Concordia (sometimes of Delaware, sometimes of Dominica, etc. –They change addresses and websites as needed) is listed as a so-called “diploma mill” that grants degrees based on “life experience.” Concordia will scream to the heavens that it’s accredited and legal, but courts have deemed otherwise and people have gotten into serious legal trouble for using such degrees – some of which cost less than US$300. A comprehensive background check would easily flag such a “graduate.”
Put simply, background checks work by using proprietary algorithms to conduct online searches of public databases as well as deeper inquiries into online content to find a “reel” of data on an individual. Reviews of CheckPeople background check service shows the cost of a serious background check is a pittance when compared to the trouble an unverified person could end up costing a company.Background check service companies might also check the prospective employees’ immediate relatives or even extended family to discover any connections that the person has not disclosed that you would rather know about.
Avoid Legal Troubles and Hits to Your Reputation by Doing Background Checks
Using fake degrees are becoming less common as, you know…Google. But human beings are human beings, and so-called “sins of omission” are too-often the rule rather than the exception. And it’s surprising to learn how common deliberate deception is – one report found that almost 60 percent of all resumes include incorrect, misleading, or otherwise false information. Some things are hard to falsify: a hospital in 2021 is unlikely to, say, hire a fake brain surgeon, but the person who you’re considering for your small or medium-sized business could lead to serious problems – unless you invest in a good background check service. There’s plenty that can be falsified and the way to avoid being burned is by hiring a firm with the know-how and reputation to do a real look into a person’s past.
It might not seem like a big deal when a person falsely claims on a resume that they have been certified in such-and-such an area; until an accident or incident happens in that particular area – opening up your company to lawsuits. “Negligent hiring” is the cause of many a lawsuit claiming negligence due to a company hiring an employee who perhaps falsified an accreditation or certification in some specific area. Employees from janitors to drivers are in positions that could lead to incidents affecting your company. The first thing the lawyer on the other side of the table is going to ask – if an incident should occur is, “Did you run a background check before hiring this individual?” If not, the jugular “negligent hiring” vein is exposed for the claws of legal retribution.
“Trust, But Verify” is a Very Wise Plan: People Don’t Advertise Their Flaws
Many offenses don’t make the news and aren’t uncovered by simple searches. Perhaps there was an altercation with a neighbor that didn’t lead to criminal charges but was reported, and indicates a propensity towards violence. Perhaps there was a write-up by a supervisor over some negligence that, again, didn’t make the papers, but is buried in someone’s deeper background. Perhaps they’ve transgressed in some financial way that is pertinent to your industry. Perhaps they have a substance abuse problem that you’d rather not be liable for.
This is why you need professional help and the best plan is to get a background check that vets thoroughly and completely, giving you peace of mind that there are no old forgotten accounts, blog posts, or other real-life or webskeletons in closets that could do great damage to your company’s reputation.
You will want to use a reputable background check service that ensures no stones are left unturned. Public records such as criminal charges, marriages, divorces, addresses, and other simple things are easy to find, but there are also harder, “deep web” searches. These involve looking into possible aliases, possible unreported presences on social networks, and a boatload of other possibly incriminating data. It’s easy to imagine a simple background check finding a criminal charge, but how easy would it be to find white supremacist comments left by someone using a fake identity on a social media site?
Make Sure the Background Check Company You Hire is Legit
Authentic background check sites offer various financial plans thatsuit your budget. But more important than money; is the background check company itself legitimate? Keep in mind the United States Fair Credit Reporting Act prohibits the use of background checks for potential employees without informing them beforehand and having them agree in writing. Any background check company worth its salt will inform you of the law beforehand.
The main point is simple. People don’t volunteer negatives. Resumes are written to show a person’s most positive aspects. It is therefore incumbent on the employer to run a complete background check. Luckily, we now live in a digital age where it’s become easier than ever to instantly uncover traces of information that just a few decades ago would have been nearly impossible to uncover – if you invest in a complete background check from a reputable source.