Hijacked by shortsighted pirates, stealing local grassroots prosperity to build overseas deals, destroying their own middle-classes and small medium business economies across the Western World, the nobility of the term “globalization” was lost in slow motion drama during last decades, cheered by the local national leaderships of the period as an era of the greatest economic boom, ever. Ignored was the optimization of untapped local entrepreneurial forces to uplift small medium business economies. Destroyed was the upskilling of working citizens for global competitiveness as economic forces, today, limping economies, in the shadows of Pandemic Recovery, the decimated factories and deserted communities are now visible all across the developed nation. The restless citizenry needs urgent options before magnetizing towards populism.
However, ever since, humankind started walking upright. The lingering dreams over millennia past were always to understand beyond horizons, explore the new world. Today, time has arrived to reclaim the dignity of the term “globalization”the real term that defines opening up global collaborative fair trade across 200 nations and understanding living inside 10,000 cites of the world. This is a junction to open up the greatest crisscross trade and boost micro-exports and micro manufacturing. But why,
Now digital platforms like flying carpets surround exotic caravans of the future of the world
Rains of printed money only creates social-democratic societies, brings us closer to raw communism and new “isms” while trade wars are living proofs of unskilled production unable to stand up to global competitiveness. Relax; no need to jump out of the window, because we are all on ground floors of broken economies. Smartness is creating skills-wars to uplift national working citizenry. Globalization is the future, because open world means open trade, in harmony, diversity and tolerance and the time has arrived to mobilize 500 million SME and billion new entrepreneurs on digital platform economies to drive global economies, nation-by-nation and city-by-city.
Why does the “Third Decade of Third Millennia” suddenly need globalization?
Upon acknowledging the largest economic force ever in action, the existence of some 500 million micro-small-medium enterprises of the world lands us in the third decade, virtualization of economies start becoming realities to survive in a digital world. Upon recognizing the billion new entrepreneurs on the march, including the largest portion from Asia alone, the tidal waves of streamlined ideas on upskilling exporters and reskilling manufacturers comes into motion.
Absent from the global meeting agenda; such mega forces combined, colossal uplifts will start, although NOT yet properly spelled out in this collaborative digitized format, by G20, OECD, WEF and UN alike and clearly absent from last G20 meeting, because SME issues when isolated nation-by-nations do not create a global voice and force. New global pacts are poised to achieve growth and global collaboration like UNGC, RCEP, ASIAN and CPEC. Therefore, major intense orientation programs and global scale debates critically needed. Each of the 200 nations with their own recitals of laundry lists of economic problems, lacking hardcore discussions on challenges replaced with political lip service via Teleprompters on SME sectors have failed to merge global digital platforms of understanding or bring this to a globally workable solution where the inter-trade and countertrade will benefit all participants. Embrace extreme change; accept virtual economies that adapt to a deep digital world.But why,
Upon full vaccination we will not wake up in 20s but suddenly thrown into 30s
What this means, technology will suddenly climax on all brand new business models shattering our current competency levels. This is where every job-title will be required to match real talents, real skills and execution speeds. Replacing firm-handshakes and fake smiles, power play attires and fancy posturing saved for the circus shows, while expensive decorum and furniture thrown out of skyscrapers. But why,
Welcome to our modern times, where only unlearners survive, as deniers become slaves to robots. This is where only a continuous point of constant disruption will create a continuous point of constant evolutionary mode status. Rest will turn into dust, busting century old business models, adding stormy winds for old lingering dead ideas to fly out. But why,
The global-age-transformation and national leadership in denials;
Although, burning on stakes sometimes earns sainthood of sorts but many centuries later. When ‘earth’ no longer considered the center of universe, millions brutally quartered while alive, altering new thinking, real advancements based on huge sacrifices. Post vaccine world is a very dynamic and highly efficient world but the challenge is to uplift the majority of the global populace to acquire right-skills and courage to face the truth and advance-skills to seek sustainability and survival of humankind of our times for common good. Around the world, our current systems of outdated education and skills training failed miserably, the destruction visibly open as critical disconnect, dangerous tribalism and economic chaos, screaming injustices, inequalities and lack of tolerances. Is there any point in fixing old things or just starting on a new page?
Today, if earth is round, humankind is marching on one flat path of commerce in need of collaborative synthesizing
Unless corrected immediately with drastic measures, soon nations without full digitization of their economies gasp for oxygen, national leadership without precise expertise on digital platforms and AI will appear zombies with ivy drips. When billion employed start singing populism, on the main boulevards, the global panic may hit the fan and when national productivity unable to stand up to global competitiveness economic leadership may finally surrender to upskilling and reskilling with a precise performance national agenda. How else is such mobilization deployed?
Why is national mobilization of entrepreneurialism the driving force to such challenges?
When systematic and collaborative uplifting of 500 million SME starts,upskilling on exportability and reskilling on manufacturing suddenly appears as pillars of globalization to grow local grassroots prosperity and start saving national economies. The facts are out there, Unlimited, global markets can absorb unlimited innovative ideas, goods and services. Unlimited, SME Founders with entrepreneurial talent and energy are always anxious for global age expansion. Unlimited, well-designed, innovative ideas and global age skills can quadruple enterprise performance. Missing Links, lack of upskilling, reskilling and global-age thinking plus execution styles are all strangling growth.
Foremost are the hidden challenges of uplifting global age skills of all frontline layers of national economic development bodies, national trade groups like chambers and trade association and export promotion agencies. A quick testing will prove today, the serious skills and experiences gaps and the reason why special interest groups hijacked economic development. Nation-by-nation and city-by-city, identification of all high potential small medium businesses capable of standing up to global exports and eager to improve via upskilling and reskilling platforms and showcasing them with global access to untapped markets. Not to be confused, as these are several steps way above what in practice now
New future for economies: Allow micro-small-medium enterprises a tax-free window on the first USD$5-10 million revenues in exports, this will create local jobs and bring foreign exchange. Allow micro-small-medium enterprises free access to all dormant Intellectual Property, Patents rolled up due to lack of commercialization as Academic Experts on innovative technologies and related skills on free voucher programs. Allow micro-small-medium enterprises free full time MBA as 12 months interns so MBA graduates can acquire some entrepreneurialism while enterprises can uplift their ideas in practice. Allow Million qualified entrepreneurs to park within a nation for 5-10 years under a special tax-free visa program. Allow National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism Protocols mandated to engage trade and exports bodies. Allow National Scoring of entrepreneurialism to measure, differentiate talents, and separate pretenders.
Digitization will reduce bureaucracy, upskilling will create exportability, reskilling raise manufacturing
National mobilization of entrepreneurialism on digital platforms of upskilling exports and reskilling manufacturers will save nations by superior productivity, performance and additional foreign exchange reserves. Relentless in pursuit and with authoritative action plans, Expothon is tabling a very special and bold agenda and starting a high-level global series of virtual events starting in early 2021. The virtualization of the national economy will boost vertical sectors to new heights and globalization the new links to global exportability and grassroots prosperity.
These are not easy tasks, but a good dialogue will start the wheels in the right directions. The rest is easy