In Vietnam, a series of wars broke out since the early twentieth century. The wars in Vietnam continued from 1944 to 1973. The United States was either indirectly or directly involved in Vietnam Wars.
The Vietnam Wars have two different names: The first and Second Indochina Wars. The First Indochina War (1946-1954) was also known as the Anti-French Resistance War. There have been major impacts of Vietnam wars on world politics. This article aims to analyze the role of wars in Vietnam in global politics.
First Indochina War and Vietnam War
After the end of the Second World War in 1945, world political system had changed. Japanese forces surrendered and Vietnam was left with no government. Following the end of World War II, France sought to reestablish its colonial rule. During that process, France came into conflict with the Viet Minh government. The First Indochina War had many actors. Violent struggles amongst Vietnamese groups, whether Viet Minh or nationalists, and outside forces, the French, Chinese and later Americans got in the war. The United States got involved in Vietnam began in 1945.
On the other hand, Vietnam War (also known as the Second Indochina War) continued between years 1955 and 1975. The Vietnam War was one of the longest wars in history. The Vietnam War was among the North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos regions between the Eastern bloc led by the Soviet Union and the US forces leading the Western bloc. The region called Indochina is the region that includes Thailand, Malaysia Peninsula, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam in today’s world. It was under the domination of Japan during the Second World War.
It is to be noted that, one of the main reasons behind Vietnam War was the problem caused by Communism in the region. Communism caused high turmoil in Vietnam. As a result of the conflict between communists and nationalists in Vietnam, the United Nations decided to divide Vietnam into two separate regions, North and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was close to the communist bloc, South Vietnam was close to the Western bloc.
The United States provided military aid to South Vietnam to prevent Communism. By 1975, North Vietnam became stronger. This war has continued for 21 years. The last American troops left Vietnam in 1973. In terms of human losses, it should be said that, America’s intense aerial bombings have caused massive destructions in North Vietnam cities.
The Impact of Wars in Vietnam on International Politics
There have been major impacts of the wars in Vietnam on world politicals. The First Indochina war also known as the French-Vietnam war led to the division of Vietnam as North and South Vietnam. The South part of Vietnam was victorious and both parts got unified.
In terms of military technology, in Vietnam War, the Soviet Union had used new air defense technologies in Hanoi. This was a crucial development for weapon industry of that time-being.
In terms of human perspective, the impact of the wars was major. Millions of barrels of orange gas were used. More than 4 million people were directly affected by this gas. It is also important to note that, wars in Vietnam especially the war called as “Vietnam war” (Second Indochina War) affected power configuration in world politics. The American military supremacy put under question.
Vietnam witnessed a series of major wars. This article aimed to analyze the impact of first Indochina war and Vietnam War in world history. The Vietnam War was a long conflict. The war had weakened the myth of American invincibility. The people of Vietnam could not erase the wounds of the war for many years.
The war which led to the deterioration in Soviet and Chinese relations also changed the direction of Cold war. In short, it can be said that these two wars especially Vietnam War (1955- 1975) had major devastating impacts on global system in a multidimensional fashion.
- Hastings, M., Vietnam: An Epic History Of A Tragic War, Oxford Books, 2019
- Westheider, J.E. , The Vietnam War, The Greenwood Press, 2007.