While the increasing use of the internet and a good chunk of our social lives going online has benefited us in many ways, it has also given rise to a whole new set of problems that we have yet to find solutions to. One of the more pressing matters amongst these is cyberbullying. The problem with cyberbullying is that online platforms’ anonymity and nature allow these situations to get out of hand really fast. We can use social media to campaign against and raise awareness about cyberbullying. It is a good idea to use growth services such as SimplyGram growth service to get your anti-cyberbullying campaign to reach more people.
The Dangers of Cyberbullying
While many people might dismiss cyberbullying as something that can easily be avoided, in reality, it may even be more dangerous than traditional bullying. Because an online space is always available, a child can’t escape bullying by, for example, avoiding school because it will follow them home. Cyberbullying can go from insults to widespread harassment, and as more and more people start using the internet and social platforms, this problem only becomes worse.
Cyberbullying and cyberharassment tactics include doxxing and publishing people’s personally identifiable information online without consent, leading to their security being compromised. It can also include other tactics like trolling that may appear less severe but can cause an equal amount of emotional and mental distress to the victim. Information on social platforms can also be easily faked, and many people don’t look for verification either. People’s tendency to ‘ride the wave’ also means that harassment can grow to extreme levels, with hundreds of people bullying one person based on false information.
Using Social Media Growth Services to Fight Cyberbullying
To fight cyberbullying, the first step is to spread awareness. Many people don’t take internet activity seriously, resulting in cyberbullying being even more harmful to the victim. Using social media to create an anti-cyberbullying campaign, you can help people understand how hurtful cyberbullying can be and how to prevent it.
The first step to do this is to understand who your target audience is. In the past, bullying was often associated with school settings, but many adults can also be caught up in harassment with the changing online environment. What’s important is to pick a target audience, such as a specific school, and address issues within that demographic.
By using growth services such as SimplyGram, you can expand and spread your campaign’s reach, allowing more and more people to see cyberbullying for the toxic, abusive act it is, rather than dismiss it as child’s play on the internet. By spreading awareness and reaching more people with a growth service, you can help the victims to speak up. They will know that they will be taken seriously, and their problems will not be swept under the rug.
Cyberbullying has often resulted in many people harming themselves, falling into depression and self-isolation, and in some extreme cases, even suicide. A good social media campaign supplemented by an organic growth service will prevent these things from happening. These services grow your social media outreach, which means your campaign will be more effective. By growing your follower base with real people and using the right hashtags made specifically for the campaign, you can reach more and more people and help weaken the growing problem of cyberbullying.