The Great Reset of Mind: WEF Goes Mayan

When all of the populace of the world easily fooled all the time by Social Media, it is definitely time for a Great Reset.  Nevertheless, a great reset of mind, is like a great progressive step forward to address the ‘great upset of humankind’. The term ‘Reset’, itself is a social media branded hype but in reality acknowledgement of broken systems and failed promises that no longer fit the needs of today or the out of focus future. What WEF is saying is something what Mayan tried 500 years ago. Let us play with the ‘on’ and ‘off’ switch.

The tapestry of humankind cannot pass through the eye of the needle but the global chaos of restless citizenry of the world constantly passes wirelessly to mobile devices and works as if throwing hated kerosene on emotional fires.  Absence of such reset topics already brought us here where political correctness duct-taped mouths and now fragmented fabric of societies speaks babbled gibberish so no one understands. Tribalism at peak, we have to sort out our commonalities of our mission and decide to go forth with diversity and tolerance.

Great Upset of Humankind:

When workers of the world go remote, tsunamis occur…
End of commute to start the downfall of the expensive and compressed downtowns of the world. End of 9-5 rush hour centric models transformed to free-style 24x7x365 thinking, living and operating models.   End of the ‘boss-managers’ and freedom to think out of the box to outshine performance happens.  End of centuries old hierarchies and business models, new definitions of organizations emerge.

When remoteness up-skills management, the embracement of 200 nations as one market occurs
End of local newspaper reading as global atlas become mandatory new daily readings. End of treacherous business travel and trade shows turned into 24x7x365 live shows. End of offices, just common spaces, and periodical staff meetings, optimizing remote culture. End of century for the mind, from agrarian to absent 4th Industrial Revolution moving to remote virtuality.

When the future of work defined ‘workless’ top political agenda of managing restless citizenry occurs
End of Gold Watch was last century, now end of 401K and other benefits, fresh start of live upskilling and reskilling. End of appearances, personification and dress-kills, only productivity, performance and profitability. End of reliance of business degrees, constant upskilling and reskilling to thrive in unlimited options. End of paycheck replaced by daily drips of cash from all over, but performance must shine.

The Greatest Upset of Mankind: Searching open and bold dialogue, looking for new talents and in hunt for raw entrepreneurialism to fix local economies. Numbered are the days, when firm handshakes and kissing babies got you in the public offices, now thrown out as fakes, new programs with implementable strategies benefiting the masses is where new skills are tested. The Pandemic recovery is 100 moons long; only our new understanding will help us cross the bridges of enlightenments as fake and shine success will destroy us further.

When Social Media Intelligence combines as global intellectualism and creates lucid notions of Great Resets, we must rely on history to acquire some proven lessons… So what happened? Like WEF, the Mayans too had eight key points …

The Mayan Dynasty; some 500 years ago, as an example, a Major Reset occurred

1-“You’ll own nothing but your ‘head’ so be happy”
With heads rolling down the pyramids, attachment with body was the greatest reward

2-“The Mayan will not be the only leading power of Universe”
The head-choppers realized the sharpness and size of their blades

3-“We will not die waiting for an organ donor”
At the bottom of the pyramid, unlimited organs and body parts are all free

4-“We will eat less meat”
With so much carnage and blood on the floors, tacos and veggie enchiladas be better

5-“A billion people displaced by climate change”
Lookout for suntan lotion, the sun will come closer to earth, so hide

6-“Polluters will have to pay to emit CO2”
Avoid beans

7-“You could be preparing to go to Mars”
Find out where is Disney and his lands

8-“Western values will have been tested to breaking point”
Our own exemplary work will surely end us all very soon, for sure

What we can learn from the Mayan resets, what we can observe from the heavenly hierarchies hidden in lush tax-free paradises, and what can we debate about rolling down disabled, displaced humans of today. We surely all need a real greatest reset to serve all humankind, but equally.

In the meanwhile, the brilliant Dr. Klaus Schwab, Founder of the World Economic Forum may be realizing that his Fourth Industrial Revolution is not coming and may eventually come when human land on Mars. The Great Rest is another oddity of his desperation but lacks the courage to accept the limits of our economic systems and failure of the monetary system. As the economies now openly visible as fat bellies in bubble baths on slippery floors, need answers.

Here is the link to Norman Lewis on RT and his coverage of The Great Reset as tabled by WEF, read the eight key points and seek some wisdom.

The rest is easy. 

Naseem Javed
Naseem Javed
Naseem Javed, a Canadian born in a printing publishing family of small merchants, settled over two centuries surrounding the Red Fort in Chandni Chowk, Delhi, India. Educated and raised in Karachi, Pakistan, and arrived in Canada fifty years ago. He spent years at the 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics and learned how to create and develop global-stature organizations and events. Acquired global experiences, serviced dozens of Fortune 500 companies as a senior advisor over 25 years, and learned how to commercialize, monetize, and popularize complex ideas globally. Later, in 2000, Naseem took a sabbatical when he noticed markets lost the art of value creation and adopted value manipulation when one million dollar turnover factories traded as 100 million dollar operations in stock exchanges. He took all his high-value knowledge and experiences, placed them in a shoe box, and almost free for the world's 100 million Small and Medium Enterprises. He developed The National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism Protocols. The rest is history. Now highlighted as a corporate philosopher, the Chair of Expothon Worldwide, and recognized authority on new economic thinking, where the mobilization of small and medium business entrepreneurialism is tabled as the savior of already struggling economies. Expothon has been sharing weekly information with some 2,000 senior officials at the Cabinet level in around 100 countries for the last 50 to 100 weeks. The narratives are an open challenge to current economic development and offer pragmatic solutions and new thinking on mobilizing the untapped talents of the national citizenry. He is a world-class speaker and author, gaining global attention.