Funniest pickup lines that actually work online

There is a secret most men don’t know. The conversation is everything in the seduction game. To make jokes you have to be intelligent, so by being funny you’re showing everybody that you’re a great choice for a date. Funny pick up lines are like gems of wisdom, gems of hottnes. Use them wisely. You don’t know any funny pick up lines? The solution is obvious.

You have to learn some funny pick up lines, lines so good they’ll work even if the target (a hot girl or guy) has 0 sense of humor. You don’t want to date those people, but it’s still good to know you have such a powerful weapon. So… get ready. We’re going to make a knight out of you. A funny knight who saves beauties from the claws of boredom and fires of loneliness.

Top 5 funniest pickup lines that work even on married girls

Sometimes you have to be direct. Sometimes you want to go slowly. Some of the following 5 pick up lines are for the first scenario, some are for the second. It’s up to you to decide what to use when.

  1. I was feeling very off today, but then you turned me on.

This one is great. It’s not so cheesy, but it still shows you can play with words. After this icebreaker, it’s up to you to show you can play with more than words.

  1. If I was the judge, I’d sentence you to my bed.

Hopefully being in bed with you isn’t a sentence. Even if it is, use this freakishly good and direct pickup line to gain experience. One more thing, this actually works (online and in-person), but it works even better if you’re a judge for real.

  1. If you were a vegetable, you’d be a ‘cute-cumber.’

Try this online, it works every time. Girls love to be called cute, hot, sexy, and so on. Not every word is for every occasion, but showing how creative you are with a line like this will open a lot of doors for you (and drop a lot of pants).

  1. I believe in following my dreams. Can I have your Instagram?

This line would have 0 sense 15 years ago. Today, it works like a charm. Go on, use it, follow your dreams.

  1. What does it feel like to be the most gorgeous girl in the room?

This pickup line works great online for two reasons. If you’re texting 1on1 with a girl who’s home – she’s probably the only girl in the room. That makes it funny. It one of the “so stupid it’s funny” lines. If you’re in a chat room with a bunch of people then it works because it’s a nice compliment.

Love starts from a conversation

Funniest pick up lines open the door to a first date that could be funny too. Imagine going to the movies with somebody who likes to mock every character in the movie as much as you do. Prepared funny pick-up lines help to invite for a date even married girls that look for adventures. This site collected the funny pick-up lines and first date stories from not only their users. When you finish reading it check out the tips you can use to make yourself more interesting. These small tricks are crucial for success in the dating game.

Tips to impress your conversationalist

You have to show you’re worth the attention. You want a girl you’re talking to carving for you. To make that happen speak about yourself, but just enough to keep her wondering. Then when she expects you to go on with a full bragging story, you make a shift and make her talk about herself. While she does that look interested (or better yet – be interested). Wake up her imagination. Let her wonder who you are, how can you know so much about something she’s talking about, how can you make her feel.

Curiosity and imagination. Spark that in your conversation with potential dates and you’ll have so many dates you’ll become a dating guru.