No marketer can underestimate the power of customer reviews in this day and age when greater stars and positive feedbacks are all that takes people to choose you over your rivals. Asking your clients to leave a review at the right time (when they are happy with your products/services), via a right medium (through SMS, email, or in-person), and using right words (with polite and appreciative phrases) can benefit your business tremendously. After all, good reviews can boost trust, credibility, and brand reputation of your company. Take a look at the following six ways you can use to ask your clients for positive feedback:
Ask for a review via SMS
Since our phones are the handiest digital accessory we like to take everywhere, writing orpostingan online review straight from our phones is the quickest and most preferable mode of communication for today’s generation. It would come as no surprise that SMS is the most convenient and effective channel for generating the reviews since opening and reading a text message doesn’t take long. Researches have shown that SMS messages have a 98% open rate, whereas, email messages are opened typically at a rate of 40 to 50%. Besides, 90% of text messages are read within 3 minutes.
The tip is to send an SMS with an added link that will take the customer to your request review page. It doesn’t require your clients to make a significant effort or give away much data to post a review. Use catchy lines and polite phrases in your messages such as ‘Thank you for being our loyal customer” or “Your opinion matters”.
Ask for a review via email
Email campaigns stand as one of the most optimal channels to generate new and post-transaction reviews. Studies reveal that about 70% of reviews are obtained from post-purchase review emails. Your email campaigns usually include customer feedback surveys. Keep your emails simple, short, and straightforward and incorporate a link to the page where your clients can write feedback. The key is to strike while the iron is hot. Ask for a review as soon as your customer shops from you. Use appealing templates and compelling content. Tell your clients why and how their review matters. Customize your email, be thankful, and reply immediately if they ask or complain about something.
Ask for a review via social media
Social media is the friendliest channel through which candid and quick reviews can be acquired. Facebook reviews, for example, play an essential role in highlighting your online presence. You can display your clients’ reviews on other social media platforms to generate social proof. Besides, people generally use their full names and profile pictures on their social media networks, meaning the reviews you receive have validity. Shoppers usually turn down anonymous reviews.
Ask for a review via your website
A new client is likely to seek some evidence on your website before doing business with you. A dedicated testimonial or review page on your website can do the trick since they can vouch for your credibility. You can either display existing reviews with a CTA to leave a review or add a page on your website and ask your clients to give reviews on the platforms where you’re listed on such as Google or Yelp.
Ask for a review directly at the point of sale
If you want to ask a review via more personal, direct, and instant way, consider making the review request at the point of sale. Hand over tablet or iPad to your clients during checkout or the end of their visit and request them to fill out a short form.
Nevertheless, if all that ails you, just ask for the professional help from to increase your online reviews!