India exposed further

Amnesty International reported police abuses, negligence, discrimination, and siding with the terrorists & facilitating the terrorists. Pre-planned Indian police “committed serious human rights violations” during deadly religious riots broke out earlier this year in Delhi, the capital of India. The report said police beat protesters, tortured detainees, and confirmed several incidents where Police took part in riots with Hindu mobs.

Confirmed more than 40 people died when clashes broke out between Hindus and Muslims over a controversial citizenship law, aiming to victimize Muslims only. Muslims bore the brunt, Amnesty said.

The investigation verifies the BBC’s reporting on incidents of police brutality and complicity during the riots in February this year, the deadliest in the city for decades. However, officially, the Police kept on denying any wrongdoing.

Analyst Yogita Limaye confirmed the Police involvement in the riots.

Although the Indian Government tightened control on media and strict measures were taken of reporting. Yet, the Videos had emerged on social media and messaging groups from the KhajuriKhas area in north-east Delhi, in which Police were seen acting with a mob and throwing stones. We investigated these videos by gathering eyewitness testimony from both communities.

One shopkeeper alleged that Police gave stones to him and other Hindus to throw at Muslims over the road. Bhoora Khan, a Muslim whose home and shop across the street were burnt down, also alleged the Police acted with Hindus against Muslims.

Another set of videos showed that a group of policemen brutally beating a Muslim man, identified as Faizan. The man died a few days later. His brother Naeem told me Faizan succumbed to the injuries he suffered at the hands of the Police.

Although the Hindus also suffered a little, but the state machinery was used to target the Muslims, and the casualties of Muslims were disproportionate. As the Security forces and Police were well equipped and well trained, the damage to Muslims was huge, which includes loss of lives, injuries, arrest, detention, buring of Muslim houses, shops, property, and business.

The cause of riots was the Amended Citizenship Act, passed in December 2019. The Amended Act was aimed to target the Muslims only. As a result of the new Act, around two million Muslims may loss their citizenship; they might be forced for deportation.

The new Act was controversial and faced opposition with in the country from opposition political parties and neutral intellectuals of India. en, some of the neutral politicians within the ruling party were not satisfied but did not dare to express their views publically.

The discriminatory amended Act also faced criticism from the UN and International Community. There were widespread protests in many Eurpean capitals and other parts of the World. Overseas Indian, settled in developed countries, has reacted to such a bias Las. Not only the Muslims, but other minorities and sensible Hindus also protest over such discrimination.

The Intellectual community in India believes that discrimination may harm the unity of the country. If the Minorities are dissatisfied, it may lead to a movement for separation and demands for the independent country. If there is any further division of India, it will not be like 1947, where Pakistan and India, two countries emerged on the world map. But this time, the integration of India may lead toward the creation of several independent countries. A couple of dozens of insurgency movements already exist in India. All of them are not satisfied with Delhi-rule and are demanding their rights and a separate independent country. There are strong possibilities of many small independent countries instead of existing India.

Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan
Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan
Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Founding Chair GSRRA, Sinologist, Diplomat, Editor, Analyst, Advisor, Consultant to Global South Economic and Trade Cooperation Research Center, and Non-Resident Fellow of CCG. (E-mail: awanzamir[at]