Trump, Obama, and “Oh Hell Certificates”

It is undeniable, besides fighting with Joe Biden, Donald Trump has never stopped targeting Obama personally and all the policies that have been made by him. Shortly after Trump became president, the cancellation of Obamacare became his first target. Unfortunately, Donald Trump lost the congress and lost the voice of McCain. Not so long ago, Trump also tried to cancel the DACA policy passed on by Obama. No exception, in every Trump political campaign speech, Obama has repeatedly been placed as one of his greatest enemies. Recently, Trump also questioned and asked Obama to show proof of Obama’s college certificate. What’s going on between them?

We have to go back to several years before Trump becomes the boss of White House. Actually Obama might be the one who was the most surprised when Donald Trump won the 2016 election, shocked mixed with wonder and awkward precisely. Indeed, Trump almost took part in the republican convention in 2011 and was ready to fight with Obama in 2012.  Trump’s main weapon at that time was not so convincing. The weapon in the form of the issue of the Obama Birth Certificate or questioning Obama’s Americanity, was broke in the middle of the road.

Donald Trump began to burn the issue of Obama’s origins, in March 2011. Trump expanded the reach of the issue to the federal level. Although previously, Orly Taitz, a conservative activist, had sued Obama over the issue of the origin, which was considered to cancel Obama’s legitimacy as US president. The lawsuit was finally canceled by the federal court and simply disappeared from the circulation of the issue.

Though the issue was an old issue, since the Obama and McCain competitions in 2008, which was rejected by McCain himself. At that time, a woman appeared in the stronghold of the Republic and spread rumors that Obama was born in Arabia. The woman even called herself McCain to deliver it. Senator McCain flatly refused. He said, “Senator Obama is a decent person and you don’t have to be scared of being president of the United States.”Then the case was closed instantly. And it’s clear that in June 2008, the Obama campaign team released a photocopy of Obama’s birth certificate which briefly showed that Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961. Even reporters were also digging for announcements of contemporary births published in Hawaiian newspapers and no further problems

No body knows how, Trump raised the conspiracy whispers again and repeated the old song that was clearly rejected by McCain. Trump got on stage in the right media and loudly shouted “Show your birth certificate” for about two months. America was so noisy. The conservative camp was divided, only the senior and moderate figures who did not question Obama’s birth certificate, the rest shouted negatively at the white house.

Trump’s target was simple. That was, the issue had a place in the Tea Party Caucus, a caucus in the republic party that was established shortly after Obama was appointed, to oppose Obama’s leadership. This caucus was very decisive in the process of candidacy for presidential candidates from the Republic. Therefore, to advance from the Republic, Trump must look brilliant and shine.

Nearly Trump got lucky, because it had become a trending topic at the federal level and entered the caucus radar. Trump’s name began to count, even treated that Trump is more America than Sarah Palin. Since March 2011, the fire had spread and enlarged. The White House and Obama didn’t budge, before they were completely watered by Obama on the last night of April ahead of the beginning of the month of Mai 2011, at the annual White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner, which was also considered successful in ending Trump’s hopes of advancing in the 2012 electoral race.

The audiences at the event were almost all political elites and the American economic elite, including Trump who sat in the middle of the audience. Obama began his speech with condolences over the hurricane in Alabama and several southern states. After that, in the comments section, Obama stepped on the gas, went straight into the explanation about the birth certificate and additional information. Everything was almost in a tone of humor that has strong political nuances.

Here’s the verbatim from the White House document:

“My fellow Americans. (Laughter and applause.) Mahalo! (Laughter.) It is wonderful to be here at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. What a week. (Laughter.) As some of you heard, the state of Hawaii released my official long-form birth certificate. (Applause.)

Hopefully this puts all doubts to rest. But just in case there are any lingering questions, tonight I’m prepared to go a step further. (Laughter.) Tonight, for the first time, I am releasing my official birth video. (Laughter.)

Now, I color you – (laughter) – no one has seen this footage in 50 years, not even me. But let’s take a look.

(“Secret Birth Video” plays.) (Applause.)

Oh well. Back to square one. (Laughter.) I want to make it clear to the Fox News table: That was a joke. (Laughter.) That was not my real birth video. (Laughter.) That was a children’s cartoon. (Laughter.) Call Disney if you don’t believe me. (Laughter.) They have the original long-form version. (Laughter.)”

Before Obama “Slammed” Donald Trump directly, Obama pinched Mitt Romney first, with a fairly classy political joke.

And then there’s a vicious rumor floating around that I think could really hurt Mitt Romney. I heard he passed universal care when he was governor of Massachusetts. (Laughter.) Someone should get to the bottom of that,” Obama said, while smile

After Mitt Romney, Obama went directly to Trump personally.

Here’s the Verbatim from the White House documents.

“And I know just the guy to do it – Donald Trump is here tonight! (Laughter and applause.) Now, I know that he’s taken some flak lately, but no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than Donald. (Laughter.) And that’s because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter-like, did we fake the moon landing? (Laughter.) What really happened in Roswell? (Laughter.) And where are Biggie and Tupac? (Laughter and applause.)

But all kidding aside, obviously, we all know about your credentials and breadth of experience. (Laughter.) For example – no, seriously, just recently, in an episode of Celebrity Apprentice – (laughter) – at the steakhouse, the men ‘s cooking team cooking did not impress the judges from Omaha Steaks. And there was a lot of blame to go around. But you, Mr. Trump, recognized that the real problem was a lack of leadership. And so ultimately, you didn’t blame Lil ‘Jon or Meatloaf. (Laughter.) You fired Gary Busey. (Laughter.) And these are the kind of decisions that would keep me up at night. (Laughter and applause.) Well handled, sir. (Laughter.) Well handled.

Say what you will about Mr. Trump, he certainly would bring some change to the White House. Let’s see what we’ve got up there. (Laughter.)

(The screen shows a cartoon of a palace, which reads “Trump White House Resort and Casino. Audience laughter breaks)”

In the midst of the audience, Trump just smiled, but his face was clearly visible on the camera blushing and awkward. And at that time, Trump realized, his card was dead for the 2012 precidentialrace. Because tomorrow and next, Obama’s birth certificate issue party was over. The Tea Party caucus turned to Mitt Romney, to fight in the 2012 precidential race, which also surrendered in front of Obama.

But without much public attention, shortly after Romney lost, Trump filled out the Republican Presidential nomination application, where at the top of application, precisely the Motto part, it said “Make America Great Again“. And the application filler, the figure that Obama had slam on the eve of the beginning of the month of May 2011, Donald Trump, finally shook hands with Obama at the White House as president of 2016-2020. The main weapon has changed, the big issue is “immigration”, born by Steve Bannon and Team. And till today, Trump bring Obama’s name to the campaign stages and try to cancel all Obama’s crucial policies.

Ronny P. Sasmita
Ronny P. Sasmita
Political Economic Observer and Senior Fellow at Economic Action Indonesia Institution/EconAct