Re-hatching needs new eggs; when was the best time to create national upskilling models and quadrupling exportability and nest eggs? When was the best time to mobilize national gatekeepers of trade and commerce on rethinking of trade-groups to focus on showcasing and discovering of hidden grassroots talents over blind globalization? When was the best time to “digitize” the nation…it was a decade ago. When was the best time to “design”…productivity, it was also decade ago. We need new eggs.
Some harsh questions; nation by nation depending on the level of crisis on economic fronts, are cities and national regions ready for national mobilization of entrepreneurialism? Are national Associations and Chambers in agreement on upskilling small medium enterprises? Is there a national agenda to quadruple innovative excellence and exportability? How simultaneous synchronization uplifts upskilling and reskilling of 1000 to 100,000 SME on a fast track basis? How can Roundtable discussions LIVE streamed to 100,000 stakeholders within a nation instantly create a national umbrella? How will Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism across a region or nation and uplifts the SME base?
Why understanding of pandemic landscape by Public Sectors of the world so critically essential?
Why nation-by-nation, upskilling of governments and institutional bodies is far more important?
Why digital platforms on upskilling will solve such serious deficiencies on fast track basis?
The hatching also needs a nest; 50% downtown of the world may not survive, 50% of tall office towers may go empty, 50% of office workers may work remote, 50% downtown retail shops may not survive, 50% economies may lose a decade to recover, 50% small medium businesses may go bankrupt…50% nations are in serious difficulties…
Let us say we do not have a proper nest and problems may linger many years…
More harsh questions; when the last open national debate on Futurism is Workless? What was mobilization activated on creating national programs on critical thinking, complex problem solving? How global age understanding of global collaborations, dealing with diversity, tolerance installed in Public Sectors? These simple notions backed by global technologies and now fully endorsed by Covid-19 as the only working model for going forward. Deeper study required by all corner office holders of Public Private Sectors of the world as downtown go dim and suburbia re-shines.
The re-hatching; there is “No” time to waste on any justification; no time to complain as it is a sign of incompetence, now is the time of action and solid competencies. Deploy digitization of Top national trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce to upgrade to excellent digital platforms so that their entire membership can skate nationally, and globally highlighting their goods and services. Apply “National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism Protocols” This is a global age revolution based on entrepreneurial mobilization… study Pentiana Project. There are special sets of skills required to uplift midsize business economy during pandemic recovery. Study deeply. Solutions already spread around the world. National leadership on such call is missing. Study more on Google
The new flying paths; why digitization of economies still such a nightmare after a decade for almost free technologies available in abundance; because today, any open discussion in any major department anywhere in the world immediately exposes some 50% redundancy of surrounding staff and 50% incompetency to deal with the required challenges. Everyone is scared to talk about anything to activate any change, if digital absolutely frightened to talk about ‘upskilling’ for fears of being exposed, staying ‘Mum’ is the word, hide under the desk and appear busy in deep silence. Welcome to the reality check and get ready for the march of billion workers.
The flight of the billion; next item on the global pandemic agenda is to cope with billion jobless, workless, officeless,, masked and unmasked working citizenry marching on main boulevards of the big and small cities of the world as national leaderships across some 200 nations of the world have limited time to get ready. The disconnected, debased and unemployed are looking for something more than a press conference or a well-rehearsed teleprompter show; they are not concerned for being locked-in but rather angry for locked-out of any grassroots prosperity. They already know the economic limitations and level of performance of their own local governments and therefore seeking hardcore intelligent, workable, honest answers with long-term plans of the future.
They are coming out in disappointments, wrapped in anger, but more about themselves for letting their skills and crafts miss the boats, their degrees and experiences now not trade-able, their burden of debt, guilt and sorrows unbearable, some fought health crisis, some survived body bags, lingering in sadness, seeking truth and answers, they wander the world remotely. The time has also come to embrace upskilling and uplifting of women entrepreneurs all across the world, as they are the other missing wheel of the national economy. Follow the trail of silence on such matters.
On re-hatching economy, the displaced have real issues and they need real help. They know charities will not last; real deployments of solutions and real mobilization of methodologies are the only long-term answers.
They need answers and not riot gears,
They need truth and not theatrics.
They need grassroots prosperity and not hologramic economies
They are re-hatching and now need brand-new thinking and new style leaderships
The rest is easy.