Intersectionality represents an ideology of pure wickedness, racism, and subjugation. Under its basic ideology white people are on the brink of extinction. In Western countries where the white birthrate is collapsing and borders are open to nonwhite immigration, mainly Muslims, it is only a question of time before whites become a minority in their own countries. As the nonwhite immigrants do not wish to assimilate and integrate, Western civilization itself and all its cultural values are on the road to extinction.
Identity Politics, now institutionalized in Western universities and school systems, teaches that whites are to be guilty for victimizing non-whites and teaches nonwhites to hate whites for victimizing them. If the roles were reversed, if whites massacring blacks, the white media in the West would be shrill in its condemnation of whites. But if blacks massacring whites, it is even not news to publish. Moreover, if you say anything about it, you are labeled a “white supremacist” or “racist.” Black lives matter, but not white lives matters, or better all lives matters. Whites should be ashamed of themselves and must be subordinated.
On November 19, 2017 the European Union has declared itself “too white” and demands mass immigration to “remedy” that problem. The EU Commissioner for Migration, Dimitris Avrampoulos, wrote an editorial for Politico called, “Europe’s migrants are here to stay… We cannot and will never be able to stop migration… It is naïve to think that our societies will remain homogenous and migration-free… mass migration is a moral imperative… At the end of the day, we all need to be ready to accept migration, mobility, and diversity as the new norm and tailor our policies accordingly.” The mass third world Muslim migration must be the “new norm… neither walls nor policies will allow any part of the EU to remain homogeneous, Christian and Muslim migration-free.”
Despite Avrampoulos’s claims that Europe needs to shut up and accept their “new norm” and become less “homogenous,” it’s clear: Europe is losing its culture because of immigration, it has changed the fabric of Europe permanently. Many Europeans have other priorities. The EU’s stance on immigration conflicts with many of its member states, mainly Central European countries, like Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Poland, which run away from the communist incisors and have not yet adhered to politically correctness, have elected right-wing leaders who have vowed to crack down on unrestricted immigration, no matter what the EU says. Hungary, in particular, has built a wall along its southern border – which also marks the southern boundary of the EU – to stop the flow of illegal immigrants from the Middle East.
For example, Soeren Kern claims, in February 2020 on Gatestone Institute that Greece’s Migrant Crisis has become a powder keg ready to explode.” In 2016, Greek authorities, with backing from the EU, introduced a so-called containment policy aimed at deterring migrants from crossing to Greece from Turkey. The policy requires migrants to remain on the islands until their asylum requests are processed. The asylum system has come to a standstill.
The containment policy has angered local residents, who complain that migrants are responsible for a spike in crime. “People have seen their properties destroyed, their sheep and goats have been slaughtered, their homes broken into. A few years back, when there were 5,000 migrants on the island, things seemed bad enough. Now there’s a sense that the situation has really got out of hand” (Nikos Trakellis, community leader in Moria, Lesbos). “I fear for the safety of our people, the residents of Lesbos. For the situation to change, many refugees have to be transferred to the mainland and new arrivals from Turkey must be stopped. If not, we are doomed.” (North Aegean Regional Governor Kostas Moutzouris). “Welcome in Greece are only those we choose. Those who are not welcome will be returned. We will permanently shut the door to illegal human traffickers, to those who want to enter even though they are not entitled to asylum” (Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis). This is a very small example of the European situation.
The very identity and ethnic awareness of whites are under assault. The Swedish national TV broadcaster, SVT, has produced a propaganda film under the guise of being a documentary which claims that Sweden was originally a country populated by blacks, and the new influx of Muslims is just returning Sweden to normality. When Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, offered to exempt Hungarian mothers of four children from taxation, the Swedish government minister, Annika Strandhall, reacted in aggressive reply to equate Orban’s call to the Nazi white supremacy. It was an offensive attack on feminism which had freed women from bearing children and given them independence. This reaction means that it is the independence of whites to go on extinction while Islam to win over and Muslim women to bring more children.
“Victim group” has become a hate crime. Decades ago Jean Raspail in his novel, The Camp of the Saints, described a French government and media that welcomed the Third World immigrants who overran France and extinguished the French nation. Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s nationalist party, stands for France, The French government wants to imprison her and forced her to take psychiatric observation. Unfortunately, suicidal France President, Macron, who has declared her of being “the betrayal of patriotism… Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism.” By putting “ourselves first . . . we erase our nation’s moral values.” These views are similar to Merkel’s Germany and in Britain.
Indeed, throughout the West there are so many poisonous voices raised against the West that it is perhaps too late to cure he situation and to bring Europe perhaps even the US back to normality. Rapes and gang mass rapes almost exclusively perpetrated by Muslims is pervasive all over Western Europe. The days are coming when raped women are to be accused of seducing male rappers. Even today, throughout Europe, especially in Germany and Scandinavia, there are pressures on the police and media not to report rapes of white women and other crimes committed by Muslim immigrants.
The origins and evolution of anti-whiteness or “White skin privilege,” gained a foothold in radical leftist’s circles in the 1960s, following Susan Sontag’s notorious formulation, that “the white race is the cancer of human history.” The left’s war on whiteness soared only after it resulted in takeover of American universities in the 1980s. Peggy McIntosh has brought the issue to the core in 1988 in her working paper, “White Privilege and Male Privilege.” With the academia “research” and the media megaphone, the left has set out to systematically demonize whiteness as a growth industry.
Walter Williams talks about university corruption and asks, have the diversity cultists completely taken over? He quotes Heather Mac Donald’s The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture. According to a UCLA scientist, “All across the country the big question now in STEM is: how can we promote more women and minorities by ‘changing’ the requirements we had previously set for graduate level study?” Mac Donald says, “Mathematical problem-solving is being deemphasized in favor of more qualitative group projects; the pace of undergraduate physics education is being slowed down so that no one gets left behind.”
On the same lines, New York City tries to “liberate” teachers from their “whiteness.” NYC schools training teaches to discriminate against white students. A new mandatory, $23 million “anti-bias” program is training New York City school teachers to discriminate against white children, no matter what. When The New York Post recently published remarks from one training session, in which the instructor defined ‘racial equality’ as favoring non-white students over white students, regardless of any other circumstances. The training teaches ‘replacement thinking’ and encourages educators to become ‘liberated’ from their ‘whiteness’.
In another session among NYC school superintendents, attendees were asked to discuss various life experiences that inspired them to fight for social justice. When a high-ranking school official, a white, Jewish man, described his family’s experience in the Holocaust and Nazi concentration camps, He was publicly chastised by his own colleagues. One woman saying “This is not about being Jewish! This is about black and brown boys of color only. You better check yourself.”
Diversity-crazed people ignore the fact that there are systemic differences in race and sex that influence various outcomes. Males outperform females at the highest levels of math; however, males are overrepresented at the lowest levels of math competence. In 2016, the number of males scoring above 700 on the math portion of the SAT was nearly twice as high as the number of females scoring above 700. There are 2.5 males in the U.S. in the top 0.01 percent of math ability for every female, according to the journal Intelligence (February 2018).
In terms of careers, females are more people-centered than males. That might explain why females make up 75 percent of workers in health care-related fields but only 14 percent of engineering workers and 25 percent of computer workers. Nearly 82 percent of medical residents in 2016 were women. Mac Donald asks sarcastically, “Is gynecology biased against males, or are females selecting where they want to work?”
“The Diversity Delusion” documents academic practices that fall just shy of lunacy at many universities. It clearly seen by the efforts to promote racial diversity. Renowned Berkeley philosophy professor John Searle, who sees affirmative action as a disaster, said, “They admitted people who could barely read.” Dr. Thomas Sowell and others have discussed this problem of mismatching students. Black and Hispanic students who might do well in a less competitive setting are recruited to highly competitive universities and become failures. Harvard, Yale, UCLA and many other universities, George Mason University and others promote separation in the name of diversity and inclusion. They have only black graduation ceremonies. Cal State Los Angeles, the University of Connecticut, UC Davis and UC Berkeley, among others, offer racially segregated housing for black students. Whites are excluded and diminished.
The left’s attack on whiteness has a single purpose: to convince whites that their whiteness unjustly confers symbolic and real privileges. The ultimate objective in stigmatizing whiteness is to intensify racial tension and also intends to destroy whites’ comfortable assumption that their skin color is “normal” through the slogan “treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.” On this line, The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education describes Whiteness Studies as “a growing body of scholarship whose aim is to reveal the invisible structures that produce and reproduce white supremacy and privilege.” Jodi Linley, a white assistant professor at the University of Iowa, says that she aims to “dismantle whiteness” in her “curriculum, assignments and pedagogy,” in order to battle “white supremacy” and “white privilege.” In a “White Privilege” course taught by Portland State University Professor Rachel Sanders, students learn that “whiteness is the lynchpin of structures of racial meaning and racial inequality in the United States,” and that “to preserve whiteness is to preserve racial injustice.”
For Max Boot, “It has become impossible for me to deny the reality of discrimination, harassment, even violence that people of color and women continue to experience in modern-day America from a power structure that remains for the most part in the hands of straight, white males… Whether I realize it or not, I have benefitted from my skin color and my gender — and those of a different gender or sexuality or skin color have suffered because of it.”
As Jeff Hitchcock put it in 1998 at the Third National Conference on Whiteness, “There is no crime that whiteness has not committed against people of color…. We must blame whiteness for the continuing patterns today that deny the rights of those outside of whiteness and which damage and pervert the humanity of those of us within it.” At the University of Michigan, a group called “the Coalition against Anti-Blackness” maintains that in order to make campuses safe for blacks, the “scourge of whiteness” must be removed altogether. In an opinion piece in a Texas State University student newspaper, the University Star, student author Rudy Martinez writes that “whiteness in the United States” is a “construct used to perpetuate a system of racist power,” and that, “ontologically speaking, white death will mean liberation for all.”
University of Michigan training session used ‘Privileged Identity Exploration Model’ that aimed to help white employees deal with their “whiteness” so they could become better equipped to fight for social justice causes. Participants who took part in the “Conversations on Whiteness” were taught to “recognize the difficulties they face when talking about social justice issues related to their White identity, explore this discomfort, and devise ways to work through it.” The goal was to help participants in “unpacking Whiteness” to support students and staff with issues “related to identity and social justice.”
This racist approach was first introduced in 2007 by University of Iowa professor Sherry Watt, in a College Student Affairs Journal article. The model purports to be a method for understanding how people react to stimuli that alert them of the privilege they hold. The model is to be used by “facilitators” to “engage participants in discussions about diversity,” according to Watt. She states there are eight defenses people use to avoid recognizing their privilege. Examples of defenses include “denial,” where someone simply refuses to admit their privilege, and “minimization,” where someone trivializes the impact of their privilege.
The University of Michigan is holding trainings to help staff cope with “intersecting identities” and whiteness as an issue of shame. The American University at Washington DC hosted a training event designed to help staff understand their own identities. One of the workshops titled “Creating Inclusive Communities.” From defining “ally-ship” to “micro-aggression” to “intersectionality.” The conclusion: all individuals can show racism, but only whites are responsible for institutional racism. By definition, black people as a group are not accountable for racism.
Cal State San Marcos on November 30, 2017 introduced a “Whiteness Forum” and displayed 14 poster boards detailing different ways in which whiteness in America oppresses people of color and society. It was of annual forum that has taken place of Prof. Dreama Moon’s “Communication of Whiteness” course, about “reflecting on white privilege and racism.” The forum kicked off with two spoken poems performed by students in the class who expressed frustration with whiteness. A female African American student, called Africa “the greatest country in the world, where we all once originated.” At the same time she did not asked who brought her ancestors to America, what was the role of the Muslim slave-traders while she adores Islam as a religion of the colors? She continued: “I identify not with the equality of America, but with the ‘We the People.’” Another student’s poem offered: “Whiteness thrives on the hate of everyone. Realize we are all pawns in this chess game. Every day is a day to challenge whiteness.”
The Professor, who is white, encouraged to learn about “white supremacy… In our discussion of whiteness, we argue that practices of power in both the past and present have continuously reinforced white supremacy in the United States military through the use of policies, attitudes and unequal opportunities given to minorities… Students learn best when they actually do something as opposed to just hear something.” The syllabus seeks to examine “whiteness as a historical, social, political and ideological ‘invention’ with a long trajectory within the United States and in the world.” The syllabus defines whiteness “as a system of power based on racist ideology maintained discursively, institutionally, and materially.” Professor Dreama Moon said: “one thing you can do today is to begin to educate yourself about white supremacy and learn how to help eradicate it.”
At Pomona College, a forum was formed whose purpose is to help white students “own” their racism, “deconstruct” their Whiteness, and assist them in “dismantling White Supremacy.” An ad of the group reads “We’re all racist. We’re all micro-aggressive. We are all not only complicit in, but actively perpetuating white supremacy.” Students within the group must be “white people who believe white supremacy exists, whether [they] have owned that [they themselves] are racist or not… White students who do not believe in White supremacy are not welcome.”
The group’s Facebook page includes a quote from UC Berkeley professor Haney Lopez, whose specialty is racism in the US post-Civil Rights era: recognizing that white identity is a self-fashioned, hierarchical fantasy, whites should attempt to dismantle whiteness as it currently exists. Whites should renounce their privileged racial character, not simply out of guilt. Rather, they should dismantle the edifice of Whiteness because this mythological construct stands at the vortex of racial inequality in America.
Among the research guides available online from the University of San Francisco, there is the course meanwhile, is a “white privilege resource guide” that provides resources to help researchers deal with their various forms of privilege being white. The student newspaper at Evergreen State College has a section in its opinion pages described as “for people of color by people of color.” “This should be a place where we can be us without it being overshadowed by the dark cloud that is living under white supremacy and having to see things from a white perspective. This is why when we do cover these issues it will be in the context and from the perspective of POC and POC only.”
Portland Community College celebrates “Whiteness History Month.” According to PCC Dean of Student Instruction, Craig Collins, “whiteness” being the “academic” term developed in the mid-1990s, which examines the “social construct of whiteness…” It’s a “systemic organizational issue which affects everyone.” The slogans are: “Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.” “Hierarchy is white male perspective and it should be abolished.” “The ‘hierarchy conservators’ have had no choice but to move farther from the center [to right in order] to keep the political see-saw in balance.”
The anti-white distortion has come to a new peak in June 2020, when the city of Seattle summoned its white employees (white employees only) and essentially told them, “Your skin color is a crime.” In a truly extremist (and Orwellian) perversion of anti-racism training, the meeting was officially called, “Interrupting Internalized Racial Superiority and Whiteness.”
According to a public records detailed in the video by Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson, “White employees were told that their white qualities were offensive and unacceptable. Those qualities included perfectionism, objectivity and individualism.”They were further told to drop those qualities and undertake “the work of undoing your own whiteness.”
John Perazzo has published a pamphlet trying to unveil the colossal myth of “white privilege” and the deception and ignorance that underlies this worldview. The left has gain control on the main public means, including the media and the academia. One of these perspectives is the notion that white people are both the cause and the embodiment of virtually every societal ill afflicting the world. Until “whiteness” can be either stopped, banned or destroyed outright, “people of color” will continue to be discriminated and abused. All known inequalities are attributed by the Left to injustices orchestrated by white people. By relentlessly banging the drum of “white privilege,” the Left has effectively portrayed race and gender relations as little more than a constant battle between white oppressors and black victims.
Evidence of the left’s success in its war against whiteness can be seen in the book titled I Am So Sick of White Guys, which is a full-throated attack on white power. It can also be seen in the work of the Whiteness Project in which documentarian Whitney Dow interviews members of demographic groups ranging from millennials to white-collar workers who confront and express doubts about their whiteness. It is also read by the recent tweet by Drexel University professor, George Ciccariello-Maher, titled “All I Want for Christmas Is a White Genocide”; and in a poster campaign at the University of Wisconsin-Superior that shows images of white students with the slogan “Is White skin fair skin?”
In addition to the muddying of waters about one’s sex, race itself has become muddied. Senator Elizabeth Warren, a white European bizarre origin, has long claimed that she has Native American heritage. Warren’s recent effort to settle the issue through DNA analysis blew up in her face. She is only between 1/64th and 1/1,024th Native American. Moreover, now she compares white nationalism poses same threat against U.S. as ISIS and Al-Qaeda. “It’s going to take acknowledging what a terrible problem white nationalism is and how it is a threat to the safety and security of the United States,” Warren said. “In the same way that ISIS and Al-Qaeda terrorism pose a threat to the U.S., so does the rise of white nationalism.”
Rachel Dolezal, a professor of Africana studies at Eastern Washington University, was born Caucasian but chose to define herself as a black person, and she has a new legal name, Nkechi Amare Diallo, which means “gift of God” in Ibo. That is her new ultimate identity. Accordingly, it will be of no wonder that males, not only those who cannot meet the male requirement, but even “regular” to claim they are females.
Robert Stacy McCain takes us to the political-partisan realm and declares that the Democrats have a race problem and asks, is demonizing white people makes their campaign strategy for 2020? In contrast, in his speech in Poland on July 6, 2018, President Donald Trump declared: “The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?” This declaration was so courageous and true that it reflected reality.
However, a wicked criticism stemmed from gross ignorance, dishonesty and evil. Peter Beinart, an associate professor of journalism and political science at the City University of New York, has reacted: “Donald Trump referred 10 times to ‘the West’ and five times to ‘our civilization.’ His white nationalist supporters will understand exactly what he means. The West is a racial and religious term. To be considered Western, a country must be largely Christian and largely white… this is racism and Western-centrism…it shows the superiority of the white man.
Jeannie DeAngelis relates to the Left’s war against white males. She declares that for years now we are witnessing social and cultural wars led by the left-wing with the object to undermine the status and reputation of straight white conservative males. She equates the situation with Saul Alinsky’s textbook for Marxist street thugs, Rules for Radicals. To eradicate the white problem in America, they are being portrayed as misogynist, bigoted, homophobic, and violent. All American heroes of the past do not escaped retroactive ridicule from the left for their political identification and pale skin color. Today, even a male Supreme Court justice nominee, if he is Christian, white, and pro-life, can be falsely accused of rape by an unstable female activist, flayed alive, and condemned in the court of public opinion by virtue of race, gender, and ethnic heritage.
Taking Alinsky Rule #10, it recommends that social justice warriors “maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.” Therefore, to advance their agenda, leftists will continue to hammer away at white conservative males – both dead and alive – as well as attempt to establish a radical vision for our nation by undermining the reputation of any man who longs to see America made great again.
Unfortunately, this phenomenon has become so pervasive that is also part of the Christian church. One of the biggest, The United Church of Christ, has declared that “all whites are racists by all means.” It is the time the white man has to take responsibility and accuse himself by violating the minorities’ basic rights and violence against them.
Well, Peter Beinart and all those from the academia who twist the reality and fabricate the facts of history should learn the basics about “the West” compare to other civilizations. They are not only ignorant enough but wicked people who deliberately destroy generations of innocent students about the real facts. They should be encouraged to read Ibn Warraq book, Why the West is the Best. Or perhaps even better he should be thankful and grateful to learn Ibn Warraq’s newest and irrefutable book concerning the nature of Islam, The Islam in Islamic Terrorism: the Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and Ideology. Yet, perhaps Beinart tries to compare Western technological-scientific-cultural achievements compare to other civilizations? There is also another angle: what about taking specific issues like democracy compare to other systems? What about comparing the many issues of tolerance and freedoms? What are the teachings of Islam compare to Judaism and Christianity? The treatment of women? The issue of slavery? The open liberal society?
Yes, the West is the best and the Judeo-Christian civilization is much superior to the others and should be taken as a model for imitation not destruction. And if Beinart is ashamed being white and belong to the Western civilization, perhaps he can try to run away from his color and to live in the wonderful desert of Islam, but still this has nothing to do to Western achievements that have brought humanity to thrive. The counter-reaction came perhaps by the following cynical saying: “A black kid asks his mother, ‘Mama, what is a Democracy?’ ‘Well, son, that’s when white folks go to work every day so we can get all our benefits, like free cell phones for each family member, rent subsidy, food stamps, WIC, free healthcare, utility subsidy, and so on.’ ‘But mama, don’t the white people get pissed off about that?’ ‘Sure they do, and that is called racism!” Now lunatic sick leftist whites blame with ugly generalization all whites being racists, and imperialists, and apartheidists.
Victor Davis Hanson relates to the fact that most estimates suggest that 80 to 90 percent of the immigrants coming to America are nonwhite. Why, then, if America is plagued by an incurable “white supremacy” and “white privilege,” would hundreds of thousands of nonwhite immigrants each year wish even rush to enter such a dreadful place? The answer to why America appears attractive to newcomers is obvious: what global elites say and what non-elites do are two quite different things.
Millions of immigrants would have avoided from entering the US had they believed America was a racist country dominated by overweening white privilege. Throughout history white supremacist societies, or any other supposedly racially defined nation, have not adopted de facto or de jure immigration policies that welcome immigrants who are 80-90 percent of a different race or ethnic background. The result is that more than 243 years after its independence, the US is also the world’s most racially, ethnically, and religiously diverse nation and unmatched in its efforts to promote equality.
In terms of politics, there is little evidence that white people vote primarily for white people. Barack Hussein Obama exceeded the white voter support of almost any prior Democratic candidate in the three decades. He was also a Muslim; what can we say about Islamophobia? Currently, Joe Biden polls are higher among black Democratic voters than does either Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) or Corey Booker (D-N.J.). Does this suggest white supremacy? Thousands of African-American male youths are murdered each year by other African-American young men in progressive cities, run by progressive governments, and usually amid strict gun-control laws, without charges that progressive politicians are racist and supremacist.
Moreover, all racist movements have leaders. America’s white majority has experienced such fringe racist demagogues who hoped to forge a common racial identity among enclaves of white Americans, i.e. David Duke’s Ku Klux Klan or George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party. Yet both men were fizzles who never succeeded in bringing huge groups to support them. This also the fate of the alt-rightist Richard Spencer, who has no real national following. In contrast, the well-known anti-Semites and unapologetic racists of our media age are provocateurs like Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, and Rev. Jerimiah Wright. In fact, black conservatives such as Clarence Thomas have been the subject of vicious racial attacks by so-called progressive liberals.
In a detailed documentary, in July 23, 2019, Andrew Harrod describes how NYU claims “Islamophobia” is in fact a “white Supremacy. According to its members, even the Supreme Court decisions are “exemplary of a nonredeemable, bigoted America… reflects a longer history of structural systems of oppression.” Others accuse that white Americans “have been socialized as white people, with messages from our families, teachers, media and society about whiteness under an umbrella of white supremacy, both subtle and overt.” Americans “live in a society where all people are racialized from the time we are born.”
Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative (MuslimARC), has published an Anti-Racism guide for Muslims.” According to the guide, white socialization “results in not being able to fully recognize or understand how racism is perpetuated in society” and an “inability to see racism being complicit in by our silence.” White Americans actually “perpetuate racism when we take a ‘color blind’ approach.” “Anti-white racism does not exist, because racism by default is a system that benefits white people and harms People of Color.”
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) Legal and Policy Director, Abed Ayoub, cries out that the “Supreme Court is going to be a rubber stamp for upholding structural racism, structural Islamophobia and basically like a white supremacist agenda.” Ayoub reiterated the outrageous Holocaust trivializing slander that American border detention centers are “concentration camps.” At the same time he praised Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib for their Anti-Semitic declarations and called for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, defamed by him as an “apartheid” and “ethnic cleansing” state. This propaganda groups the Muslims in an intersectional rainbow coalition of oppressed minorities.
For Maha Hilal, DC Justice for Muslims Collective (DCJMC), Islamophobia “is maintained and perpetrated by white supremacy and bigotry.” DCJMC’s Guiding Principles, being a superficial Marxist claims, state that all forms of violence, such as capitalism, colonialism, poverty, racism, patriarchy, ableism, caste-based violence, Islamophobia, homophobia, and transphobia, create a world where white status-quo dehumanizes us as Muslims. Discriminatory immigration policies throughout American history have had the purpose to concentrate wealth and power among the white elites through cultivating an entrenched system of white supremacy, buttressed by capitalism and sexism, and shaped by ableism. Muslims are innocent victims of policies that are “symptomatic of a larger narrative that the U.S. national security apparatus is rooted in.” At the same time she has signed pro-BDS petition and has written that Israel promotes “Jewish and white supremacy.”
No American can emigrate to China or Japan and expect to find full equality, given the emphases in those places on race and appearance. Mexico’s constitution has in the past formalized questions of racial essence as a requisite for immigration, given immigrants would be judged “according to their possibilities of contributing to national progress” and without upsetting “the equilibrium of the national demographics.” In most countries, there still remain at least informal gradations and castes predicated on superficial appearances.
The Gatestone institute, July 5, 2020, Giulio Meotti claims that slavery rampant in Africa, Middle East; the West wrongly accuses itself. He blames that for the intersectional activists, the US is the world’s biggest oppressor, not China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, or Iran. It is in fact a “Stalinism of communitarianism (sectarian politics) that makes itself into an indigenous victimization.” He quotes Ayaan Hirsi Ali, on June 9, 2020, saying: “What the media do not tell you is that America is the best place on the planet to be black, female, gay, trans or what have you. We have our problems and we need to address those. But our society and our systems are far from racist”. He also quotes Abnousse Shalmani, born in Tehran, now living in Paris, to Le Figaro, June 12, 2020: “The new anti-racism is racism disguised as humanism… It implies that every white person is bad… and that every black person is a victim.”
Meotti asserts that slavery still exists in many parts of Africa and Middle East, but the self-flagellating Western public is obsessively focused only on the Western past of African slavery rather than on real, ongoing slavery, which is alive and well. The public is amazingly unaware of the huge Islamic part of slavery. Slavery is still the order of the day in many Arab and Islamic countries, and slave markets are booming. For today’s slaves, there are no demonstrations in the streets, no international political pressure, and virtually no articles in the media. The mob rage is indeed an anti-racism that biting its tail to turn into racism.
A group of 12 writers who fled dictatorships for democracies, eight of them came from the Islamic world, put their names to a statement in the French magazine Charlie Hebdo warning against Islamic “totalitarianism:””After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new global totalitarian threat: Islamism. They still suffer death threats and abuses. Other demand that it is high time for the United States to stop funding the United Nations. The United Nations is being used to perpetuate injustice, not stop it.
Meotti brings Andrew Sullivan on Intelligencer:”‘Intersectionality’ is the latest academic craze sweeping the American academy. On the surface, it is a recent neo-Marxist theory that argues that social oppression does not simply apply to single categories of identity — such as race, gender, sexual orientation, class, etc. — but to all of them in an interlocking system of hierarchy and power.”
He also quotes Hirsi Ali, writing in The Wall Street Journal:”When I hear it said that the U.S. is defined above all by racism, when I see books such as Robin DiAngelo’s ‘White Fragility’ top the bestseller list, when I read of educators and journalists being fired for daring to question the orthodoxies of Black Lives Matter, then I feel obliged to speak up… America looks different if you grew up, as I did, in Africa and the Middle East”.
The Algerian writer Kamel Daoud indicted this hypocrisy. “There is an instinct for death in the air of the total revolution. The West is guilty by definition, we find ourselves not in a demand for change but, little by little, in [a demand for] destruction, the restoration of a barbarity of revenge.” This is an “anti-Western Soviet-style trials. It is forbidden to say that the West is also the place to which we flee when we want to escape the injustice of our country of origin, dictatorship, war, hunger, or simply boredom. It is fashionable to say that the West is guilty of everything. With the great announcement of antiracism, the Inquisition returns.”
On July 4, 2020, Dave Rybarczyk wrote about The Myth of ‘White Guilt’. Everywhere he finds debates and seminars concerning with the social situation in the US. What was striking was the level of guilt among the participants. Their opinion is now to blame the collective. They assert that since racial oppression still exists and can no longer be attributed to individual actions, then the institutions and invisible cultural influences must be the new source of racism. No one is racist, but the collective is racist. These individuals are also predisposed to intolerance toward those who do not share their guilt. They are accused by “hate speech.”
He mentions Drexel University professor George Ciccariello-Maher tweeted (2016, deleted):”All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide: “decades of research on how race and gender function in our society” and convinced that his words “were neither provocative in tone nor controversial in content.” However, he inadvertently reveals the shallowness and fallaciousness of Critical Theory and its body of research. It is appalling that genocide can be an outcome of what we once knew as “scholarly study.”it shows no concern whatsoever for the plight of disadvantaged blacks. This is a statement of hateful agitation. It expresses the typical goal of the academy today, and of “Black Lives Matter,” and of fraudulent perspectives such as “white fragility,” ultimately to discredit and delegitimize “whiteness” altogether. This is in itself the most unadulterated form of racism.
Indeed, the blame is on the universities. They teach us amorphous (and guilt-inducing) concepts such as “white privilege” and “institutional oppression” and “covert racism” and “micro-aggression.” They base this on “social identity,” an inherently divisive construct. However, prescriptions such as these are not solutions. They are the problem. By focusing on the superficial, the academic community has critically failed to discover the actual root causes of the issues we face, and consequently has failed utterly to address them.
Moreover, they have no actual remedial value. If every vestige of “white racism” and “white supremacy” were eliminated tomorrow, it would not restore black fatherhood, reduce the black abortion rate, improve the black graduation rate, the black teen homicide rate, and blunt the gangster culture. In academia, activism and empathy entirely overshadow detached empirical research. We sadly suffer a dreadful dearth of objective research in pursuit of the root causes of poverty, violence, racial differences and cultural degeneration – with simple honesty.
Rybarczyk claims that university researchers operate comfortably within the protection of “political correctness,” and so are free to engage in bias masquerading as knowledge. They are able to make claims that are shielded from both criticism and rigorous falsifiability – the bedrock foundations of proper scientific study.
He quote the 1965 assertion of Herbert Marcuse concerning the political right: “[T]he restoration of freedom of thought may necessitate new and rigid restrictions on teachings and practices in the educational institutions which, by their very methods and concepts, serve to enclose the mind within the established universe of discourse and behavior — thereby precluding a priori a rational evaluation of the alternatives.”Yet, this attitude is now totally applied to the left. It is the distilled Marxist model.
The tragedy of the dominant politically-correct culture is that none of its work actually reaches the disadvantaged. Instead, it prevents actual, effective remediation of oppressive conditions and failed situations. It forbids even the mention of valid alternatives.It may serve the purpose of increasing white guilt, but it does nothing to improve the lot of the disadvantaged.
For Rybarczyk the solution is clear: topple the Ivory Tower, permanently. Our educators will not self-correct. They have thwarted genuine progress for quite long enough. They have worked their socialdamage and we see the results in the streets. We are reaping what they have sown.It should be clear that none of this is to minimize the predicament of truly disadvantaged individuals and communities. This is solely an indictment of a corrupt ideology and its practitioners and victims.