World Bank Project to Support Modernization of Higher Education in Belarus

The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved today a €100 million project to support the modernization of Belarus’ higher education sector, a crucial step towards achieving a modern university system and boosting economic growth potential.

Thanks to the project, laboratories and research, teaching and learning facilities in 18 Higher Education Institutions in Belarus will be modernized with up-to-date equipment, while buildings in several institutions will be rehabilitated.

“In 2015, Belarus joined the Bologna Process, a pan-European higher education reform initiative. This important step resulted in a major commitment to improving higher education,” said Nina Arnhold, World Bank Global Lead for Tertiary Education and Senior Education Specialist. “With this project, we are pleased to support the country’s ongoing efforts to align university outcomes with the demands of the 21st century labor market. We are also committed to supporting independent quality assurance and modernization of the teaching and learning environment.”

With support from the project, Belarusian universities and colleges will have opportunities to participate more actively in international programs and initiatives. In addition, the project will contribute to improving the quality of Belarusian tertiary education, through the establishment of a National Quality Assurance Agency which will be fully aligned with the Bologna Process.

“Between 2020 and 2025, around 300,000 students and academic staff will benefit each year from an improved teaching and learning environment, thanks to this project,” said Alex Kremer, World Bank Country Manager for Belarus. “This is the intellectual capital that could transform Belarus from a resource-based economy into a knowledge economy.”

Since the Republic of Belarus joined the World Bank in 1992, lending commitments to the country have totaled $1.9 billion. The active investment lending portfolio financed by the World Bank in Belarus includes nine projects totaling $942.71 million.