The first and oldest Book has this to say, “…and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck” – Africa.
The aftermaths of the COVID-19 shall witness the fast tracking of world events. The political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, and medical wellbeing of many nations shall begin to move at a fast pace. This edge has become an eye opener to African leaders and a game changer for the continent of Africa.
Meanwhile, the coronavirus era has made Africa a graduate of its very long history of colonial domination and exploitative agreements like the Grobler, Moffat treaties and the Rudd Concession which led to the colonization of Zimbabwe just to mention a few.
African leaders now remember that not all guests come and act in good faith. This era has given birth to many stories whose truth is only known by the originators. These stories have become whistle blowers to Africa and the continent will be cautious. The continent is still regarded as laboratories by some quarters of this globalized world as reported by several media platforms. The erstwhile colonisers of Africa have resorted to forcing Africa to forget the first pages of its history. Africa has learnt that the first pages of the history books are more important because they have information about the genesis of today and tomorrow’s events.
The end of the COVID-19 era will be laden with events that points towards the emergence of a new global order. The need to maintain power and dominance shall create new alignments and realignments among nation-states. These new alliances, and realignments shall be based on colonial, yesteryear history and genuine COVID-19 assistance. For instance, countries that provided assistance in the decolonization era such as China, USSR and Cuba shall have a special place in Africa. In this regard, Africa is now obliged to choose its allies carefully whilst bearing in mind that it is its own liberator.
Although, military power may be very vital for national survival, military power without a mighty and effective health sector is meaningless. Currently, the world is fighting an invisible enemy. For this reason, it can only be defeated by an effective health sector and disciplined societies. The 21st century has proved to the world that nations equipped with the best militaries have not been spared by this pandemic. Lessons drawn from China indicate that efforts by its security sector, an effective health sector, and a disciplined population contributed to China’s success story. The Chinese population understood the purpose of lockdown and quarantine in times of an airborne epidemic like the COVID-19 era. Noteworthy, this epidemic has taught Africa and the rest of the world that investing in conventional warfare equipment like nuclear warheads and EMPs alone among others will be an unfair distribution of resources because nowadays, the real enemy is that which affects human health. No weapon has been fired even accidentally, but the coronavirus war is being fought with syringes, med suits, medicines and ventilators in the hospitals whilst proper diet, hygiene, masks, sanitizers and gloves are on the preventive line. The coronavirus epidemic has taught Africa that guerrilla, conventional or nuclear warfare is nothing compared to an invisible enemy whose origins may not be known and way of transmission is via air droplets.
The coronavirus epidemic exposed the vulnerability of both rich and poor nations. This writer can deduce that Africa is aware that it is much more vulnerable to manipulation by powerful states and non-state organizations. This is because it possesses vast resources whilst it is very dependent on foreign aid. The coronavirus epidemic has generated a kind of African renaissance light in the minds of African leaders. Against this backdrop, their preparedness to face epidemics, pestilences and disasters both natural and man-made at unexpected times is still a pipedream. This epidemic has made several African countries realize that they can live with limited imports thereby saving the much needed foreign currency. Local industries and universities are being capacitated to ensure the provision of essential goods and services which are not available locally. The reliance on overseas facilities is being reduced due to travel restrictions and overcrowding of overseas medical facilities leading to the revamping of local hospitals and other medical facilities.
African renaissance shall be led from three fronts namely; Southern, Eastern and Western fronts. The economic and political muscle of South Africa shall rally Southern Africa to realize its potential. Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia with their vast human and land resources will realize that value addition is the only way to go as far as their own development is concerned. A positive step is already being seen in Madagascar which has already started using its promising local herbal preventive and cure for the COVID-19 virus. This is despite criticism from other quarters and this precedence that the island nation has set will be a great story for many years to come. This is a great stride in the development of African solutions to diseases and this will go a long way in the development of a formidable Southern African Development Community health system.
Afro-centered economic and trade policies in Southern Africa will create strong currencies in Southern Africa thereby boosting innovation and development. Trade with extra-African regions will be based on technology transfer, fair trade and fair competition. Rwanda and Tanzania will rally East African economies into adopting smart economies, healing, innovation and development. The Rwandan model, being the first of its kind in Africa will be a pride that most countries will want to follow. Furthermore, the political and economic will of Tanzania will together create a smart block that will be a great force in the coming years. The Nigerian economic and business muscle will see West African states blending in to create a great block that will become the greatest economic block in Africa. This will be based on the region’s vast oil resources. Senegal’s innovative experience will see the region establish one of the best medical facilities in Africa. Opposition political parties in Africa will cease to be foreign funded and influenced, but they will use African solutions to African problems. In due season there will be real African democracy. African democracy which will be based on African values, beliefs and traditions. Most importantly, it will be independent of extra-African influence and manipulation.
Pre-colonial and colonial history shall bring the whole of Africa together. These three fronts will rally Africa into a new era that will be difficult to stop. Africa is now aware of the main causes of civil wars, terrorism and banditry and it and will eradicate them decisively. The African Union will be reformed and this continental body will wholly be funded by Africa. Its influence will be used by Africa to undo unfair treaties, concessions and agreements that were imposed on Africa before. Africa shall unanimously adopt a gold backed Afro-currency that no nation can stop. When that happens, events will start to move in the most unexpected direction that will see Africa becoming the greatest economy in the world. In the process, Africa will be very much aware of machinations that will try to destroy its progress. Despite the criticisms provided by several media platforms, China will emerge as Africa’s greatest trading partner and ally. The relationship will be based on history and mutual understanding. China respects other countries norms and values. Just like China, Africa will become the global business hub based on mutual understanding, fair competition, win-win and trust.
This epidemic has taught Africa to implement policies that are born of Africa, for the good of the African people. Foreign economic policies will soon become a thing of the past. African leaders have realized that corruption, foreign induced and domestic, is the cancer hindering African development. They will create frameworks that minimize or end corruption. Africa shall create a food secure continent with food, not genetically modified but naturally grown. Sustainable frameworks for poverty alleviation shall be formulated thereby alleviating and eventually ending poverty. For the world, the greatest lesson is to treat Africa as an equal and with respect so as to receive the same tomorrow.