Discussion Points at Office: Day-One Reopening

The office world faces post-lockdown debates on day-one of their openings; here are some critical points of discussions, the objective is to advance on humanized living with economical survival issues but not allow old fashioned silence on incompetency as success models or any repressions on critical needs on upskilling and reskilling of workforces as turnaround strategies.

Where is leadership hiding? Influenced by harsh Covid attitude forcing daily briefings has opened up bold global dialogue demanding truth at each level; leadership capable to speak with open declaration of their own competency on medicine or financial juggling are allowed to speak or stay mum. Best are the fair traders of information balancing living and work transitions quandaries in a humanistic way? True leadership stripped of hierarchies, decorum, job-titles and protocols, without Teleprompters and sleek PR crisis management consultants, only those capable of honestly answering extremely difficult questions in clear tongue without hidden agenda or deeply hidden monetary gains.

Where is the work hiding? Office is about being present, from corner office to the smallest cubicle, from top of the totem pole to the ground, now it’s about, lives, salaries and safety, the hours, the distancing remote working and the face to face realties are all on the table, all in simultaneous spin, right in front of all staff in the entire building, welcome to the start of the day one; demanding answers before lunch time, a solid decision before 5 PM so arriving the next day becomes a continued possibility. Organizational structure must prove capabilities to bounce with digitally plat-formed economic models to allow majority to go remote and optimize their performance by fully subsidized upskilling and reskilling and therefore creating clear savings on office rents and overheads. Time to smash punch clocks. Management seeking crowd of workers around as security blanket fired. Create distributed performance based working structures and powerful flat meritocratic based organizations. Deeper studies are mandatory. Create a remote working world.

Where is the wisdom hiding? Globally speaking Covid 19 attitude is emerging as a reality check measure; arrived like a message in a bottle on the shores of collective human wisdom, now shaking down gigantic physically visible economic structures, exposing invisible debt structuring, challenging  illusionary successes and depleted progress of mankind. All this slowly synchronized in simultaneous motion, all across the world, steadily tipping balance on life and death ratios. Now, awaiting The Biblical famines and counting on the arrival of the days of the locusts, while restless citizenry vocal and mastery of covidism questioning national leaderships on economies and basic welfare. This is global pandemic of exposing frailty of life, unpreparedness and unskilled leadership pointing fingers and anything moving.

Covidism brought a test on incompetency, a measure of real and true economic power, a challenge on human endurance, and finally a mirror to face the truth for all to finally stand up as Erectus

Where is mastery of covidism hiding? Truth about the great and mighty battle plans now in hands of returning soldiers; the real survivors are now articulating in synch with a better message, as around the globe they were simultaneously self-imprisoned, quarantined, isolated and distanced, avoiding ventilators, surviving bankruptcies and escaping body-bags and now experienced in watching daily briefings, real-time live dramas of chaos, confusion and unthinkable calamities impacting 200 nations and the world, now armed with special knowledge challenging bureaucratic thinking with bold and new dialogues to fix broken systems and lingering economic collapses.

Where is the survival strategy hiding? Constant disruptive Triangulation: Constant disruption is now only sign left to catch up possible success in a post-Coronavirus chaotic world; Stillness of action is slow death anyway.  One: The Fourth Industrial Revolution is not coming because First Industrialization of Mind with life learning shifts ‘manpower’ mentality into ‘mentalpower’ optimization with critical thinking and complex problem solving as primary skill sets. How understanding of self-disruptive attitudes, global commercialization skills will create digital platform economy dancers. Two: Rejects structural framing of the industrial era, reject hierarchical rigidity of bureaucratic management. Liberate thinking, digitally structured framing and national global supremacy of excellence. Three: Mental framing must overrides old style manpower-deployments, talent optimization in remote working and creating hyper functional business models.

Mask to save, unmask to speak…share wisdom

Where you are hiding? Stay safe, keep distance, but seriously advance on skills, remote and mental work is future, as this is the only medicine that will save you; be real, honest and bold. Last 100 days created a global compression of what mankind declared a success during last 100 years as most an illusionary framework, to make it real we have to bring the world together, with diversity, tolerance and work all together to get out of fakery…our communities need us, our nations need us, we must acquire mastery of sorts, as mediocrity is the bureaucratic silence, we must squeeze out hidden talents as an amazing future awaits.

Create disruption as a new business lifestyle and enjoy the ride. Differentiate old change to new change. Optimize disruption as world is hungry for new ideas. Innovation is bloodstream of disruption. Globalize disruptive outcomes to tackle limitless markets. Disrupt, innovate and expand. Respect of mental power in remote working set-ups, mundane work in hands of robots. Eliminate commuting as inhumane and cubical office work cruel. Recreate a brand new digital platform model of remote working and customer access. Discover how new models will dance on platform economy and new roles assigned to trade organizations like associations and Chambers of Commerce

Naseem Javed
Naseem Javed
Naseem Javed, a Canadian born in a printing publishing family of small merchants, settled over two centuries surrounding the Red Fort in Chandni Chowk, Delhi, India. Educated and raised in Karachi, Pakistan, and arrived in Canada fifty years ago. He spent years at the 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics and learned how to create and develop global-stature organizations and events. Acquired global experiences, serviced dozens of Fortune 500 companies as a senior advisor over 25 years, and learned how to commercialize, monetize, and popularize complex ideas globally. Later, in 2000, Naseem took a sabbatical when he noticed markets lost the art of value creation and adopted value manipulation when one million dollar turnover factories traded as 100 million dollar operations in stock exchanges. He took all his high-value knowledge and experiences, placed them in a shoe box, and almost free for the world's 100 million Small and Medium Enterprises. He developed The National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism Protocols. The rest is history. Now highlighted as a corporate philosopher, the Chair of Expothon Worldwide, and recognized authority on new economic thinking, where the mobilization of small and medium business entrepreneurialism is tabled as the savior of already struggling economies. Expothon has been sharing weekly information with some 2,000 senior officials at the Cabinet level in around 100 countries for the last 50 to 100 weeks. The narratives are an open challenge to current economic development and offer pragmatic solutions and new thinking on mobilizing the untapped talents of the national citizenry. He is a world-class speaker and author, gaining global attention. https://expothon.com