China Hides Research into the Origins of Coronavirus

As the Coronavirus continues to take thousands of lives around the world, many wonder exactly how the pandemic began. It’s well-documented that the virus originated in Wuhan, China, likely from infected bats that made contact with humans in the region. From there, the virus began spreading from person to person, eventually leaving China’s borders and affecting nearly every nation in the world. However, there are still a lot of question marks surrounding one of the worst pandemics to hit the planet since the Bubonic Plague.

Since the outbreak, both foreign governments and media outlets have been skeptical about the information coming out of China. Many experts question the number of active cases, the number of deaths, and other information that the Chinese government has promoted as factual. The ruling party in China says that they have been truthful from the start, but it’s hard to believe it when the information doesn’t align with the experiences of most other countries.

In any case, for those living and working in China, it’s even harder to access factual information about the Coronavirus. In order to get relevant, unsuppressed information, Chinese citizens and ex-pats living in the country will need a VPN to enable access to restricted siteswhich willalter a user’s location, giving them unfiltered access to trustworthy Coronavirus resources.

How Is China Suppressing Coronavirus Research?

Unfortunately, the fact is that China has not been forthcoming with Coronavirus information. Studies have already been conducted into the novel Coronavirus, but so far, much of the research has not seen the light of day. In many cases, the Chinese government refused to allow the academic research to be published at all. In others, the government limited public access to the study results. Without this research, scientists around the world can’t effectively study the origins of the virus.

How It Could Affect the Planet

In many ways, the Chinese government’s disinformation campaign has already severely impacted millions (if not billions) of people. The greatest disservice is to people living in Wuhan and the surrounding region. The Chinese government is notorious for withholding information and limiting access to online resources within its borders. Now more than ever, people living in China need access to accurate and trustworthy information about the novel Coronavirus.

Outside of China’s borders, the lack of trustworthy information makes it difficult for foreign governments to effectively contain the novel Coronavirus. Experts rely on active cases and death counts to track the spread of the virus. Since the Coronavirus began in China, it stands to offer some of the most useful information, making the Chinese government’s actions even more egregious.

Not only does this raise questions about China’s transparency, but it also hinders potential efforts to create a vaccine. Information about the precise origins of the virus could help scientists understand how the Coronavirus first jumped from animals to humans and how it mutated from its original form. Without the information about its origins, those racing to create a vaccine are left in the dark.

Trustworthy Resources for Coronavirus Information

Whether you’re trying to access reliable Coronavirus information inside or outside of China’s borders, you’ll need to know who to trust. Thankfully, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are both authoritative resources. Additionally, MedlinePlus, the Associated Press, and BBC News all provide accurate, up-to-date information on the following topics:

  • Active Case Counts – This tells you roughly how many people in your city or region have contracted Coronavirus. It may be stressful, but learning the risk level for your area can help you to know if you can safely go to the grocery store, pick up medication from the pharmacy, or run other important errands.
  • Symptoms – This will help you to know if you or one of your loved ones may have Coronavirus. So far, Coronavirus patients exhibit symptoms similar to the common flu. In some people, the symptoms are more severe (and dangerous), while in others, the symptoms are non-existent.
  • Health and Government Advisories – Knowing how to respond to the Coronavirus is the most important information for individuals around the world. In some areas, you may be required to wear a mask, while in others, you may not even be able to leave your home. Keeping track of the latest advisories will help you understand what kind of behavior to adopt and avoid.

Access What Is Happening in Real-Time

In these trying times, information is a very powerful tool. Unfortunately, China has been suspected of suppressing information from its citizens.  By using a VPN from within China, one can break through what’s known as “The Great Firewall”.  It might come with some risk, but there are people trying to ascertain the truth from all corners of the world.