In recent months, coronavirus has been the most prominent variable in shaping relations at various national, regional, and global scales. In the face of the coronavirus, different policies and strategies have been adopted by different actors, especially governments, and different analyzes have been presented. These analyzes are temporal or based on the present situation or they are trying to draw the world after coronavirus. In terms of content, analyzes are numerous and extensive, and the issue has been addressed from various economic, social, political, biological, and other angles. From the analysis, there are differences and sometimes contradictions. This is just to show that we are in a wide range of analyzes based on coronavirus. In this section, we do not want to provide an analysis, but rather a scientific discussion and try to refer to the cronavirus discussion with different perspectives in the field of political geography and geopolitics studies:
The view of political geography: Political geography is a branch of the scientific field of geography. In general, political geography can be defined as the study of human interaction with the emphasis on the political dimension with nature in order to organize the geographical space. It should be noted that political geography in various forms, such as the geography itself, tries to organize the geographical space on different scales, that is, to form a better living space for its inhabitants. In political geography, space governance policies, space managers, and political space structures are considered more prominent to influence the construction of geographical spaces. On this basis, on a national scale, the finger is pointing to the organization of the geographical space towards the government and the governing body. With this view of political geographers on the cronavirus crisis, if we look at the government, two types of approaches can be identified in general:
The first approach: The first group is governments that trying to consider coronavirus as a problem in the global space and consider themselves as an actor in this whole space, and are trying to solve the global crisis with the help and synergy and organize the world space.
The second approach: The second group is governments that trying to see coronavirus as a national issue and consider their utmost effort and attention to this crisis on a national scale, and try to be based on strategies and programs to organize the geographical space of their country. This group pays little attention to issues and problems in the global space and lends themselves to geographical spaces.
Geopolitical view: Geopolitics is one of the fields of study with high prominence that has several definitions, but it’s easy to define it in that way. Knowledge of designing and recreating actors’ strategies to achieve interests and goals based on geographical sources of power. Geopolitical scientists try to design the best strategy for the actors in different ways based on the geographical resources of the actors’ power. On this basis, on a national scale, the main actor is based on the geographical resources of government power. With this view of geopolitical scientists on the cronavirus crisis, if we look at governments, two types of approaches can be identified in general:
The first approach: The first group is governments that have considered coronavirus as a new powerful competitor for themselves and other countries that have challenged the global environment. Accordingly, in order to deal with this powerful competitor, they have adopted a strategy of increasing convergent and interactive relations with other actors and are trying to overcome their new global rival.
The second approach: The second group is governments that have considered cronavirus as a new powerful actor who is the handiwork of rival actors who have targeted and challenged their global space and power. Accordingly, in order to counter this powerful rival, they have adopted a strategy of increasing competitive and divergent relations, and by pointing the finger of blame at other governments, they are trying to maintain themselves and their allies, and to pay less attention to other governments and do not have the conditions.
An overview of the current situation in the global space simply illustrates the facts stated above (examples and facts are clear, examples are not given above). It seems that the more governments are in the current crisis situation, the more convergent and responsible they will be, both in terms of political geography and geopolitical views of each other and the world, they can achieve better and faster results to eliminate the crisis caused by coronavirus.