I would rather talk to my pastor than my own family. We have all been estranged for years. I will continue to pray for them, live with forgiveness in my heart for them for all my days and my nights, but I have to move onwards. I have to move on with my life.
Get to know myself the way that God knows you. Have a personal relationship with God. Understand and acknowledge what you stand for, what your principles are, what you want to devote yourself to learning for the rest of your life. Life offers up dimensions and particles and cities to us, from those we build the empires that are left behind in our wake for both life and death are only seasons. There is a meeting that is divine, a timing that is both comedic and tragic, an interesting read is an inspiring read. How to retain that aura of authenticity, well it is both complex and simple, complicated and frustrating at times but if you move away from those negative feelings and emotions that well up inside of you, that dwell hidden in your subconsciousness, your consciousness will be reconciled to something more than a writer’s secrets or the poet’s fantastical life beyond matter, meta and words. The life beyond the physical, beyond this universe is the virtual reality made up of artificial intelligence.
But there is something else. There is your soul.
You are the term what Phil Ndlela coined, ‘thought leader’. We are all called to God. We are all called to service. What is the fool’s mission in life, what is the wise person’s mission in life. There will always be that principality, always that duality. When the time comes to choose between God, and that duality, that principle, think of what it means to be angelic, to embody the spiritual realm. Do everything that you can do to spend time alone with God. You will be blessed. If you allow your self to listen to God. You will be greatly blessed. If you just make God your source and resource, your inspiration and the one true and marvelous and ordained ministry in your life above everything else that humanity has to offer. For spending time with God changes us with boldness and confidence. Do everything, do it all for the glory of God. Do not fight your salvation. Do not worry about your testimony for God has called you daughter of Eve, and son of Adam. We are not all blessed with discipline or bestowed with devotion. We are not all disciples, we are not all advisors, counsellors, caretakers, protectors, for one must be protected in the game of love, This is the whole nine yards. To become a spiritual disciple you must invest in prayer. I told myself this a long time ago daily for twenty odd years.
When you are wounded deeply, turn to God. When you begin to manifest miracles in your own life, you will manifest them in others. Pray, a voice whispers in my ear and said. Meditate, be kind, tolerant and forgiving. Show an understanding of kindness, the phenomenon of tolerance, the gift of forgiveness towards yourself and others with care and to those less fortunate than yourselves. God knows it is not easy on your journey, o this life path he has given you not getting your way. It is far easier to be carnal and to walk in the flesh. I have hurt so much, been wounded so much. I have been going around mountains all my life until I found love in God, and adoration for the word of God and studied and as I began to observe it carefully, mindfully I became transformed and adversity was taken away from me.
This is part of my book of remembrance. This is my love letter to God.
Keep me safe, Lord. Bless me, Lord. Thank you for the abundance of miracles in my life, Lord. Thank you for promotion, for all my plans, for my progress and thank you for the move of God in my life, Lord.
Read the Psalms for lessons in humility. Read Proverbs for wisdom.
I took my day, my time with God and the supernatural realm afterwards.
He took His time with me. The world is a busy, noisy and energetic place. Every year since yesterday I was an apprentice in training, now I am the master of the universe, the master of my own destiny. I am strong in the word of God, I read the Scriptures everyday, I appreciate my father on earth as well as my Father in heaven. I have been suffering from burnout and failure, misery and depression for twenty odd years. God followed me all the days of my life. Our God is greater. Our God is stronger than burnout and failure, misery and depression i have discovered. It is God’s redemptive power that will inspire faith in others. Let us declare the glory of God from life to the resurrection. The arrows point to the gospel. This is part of my book of remembrance. This is my love letter to God.