Good and bad are two dimensions of everything. The race between the two is as old as human history. At times, if not always, one dimension weighs and dominates more but if it is the negative one which dominates; it becomes a matter of headache and serious concern. Covid-19 declared as pandemic by World Health Orginisation (WHO) also has two dimensions. It has taken and is continuously taking certain things from us and in turn has given us many things as well. But the former overtakes the latter and our gains from it are far less than the achievements. Apart from taking a heavy toll of human lives, it has paralyzed all the vital sectors of life, like trade and commerce, education, communication and transport. On the socio-cultural grounds it has created a serious trauma and has led to psychosomatic disturbances. The social web or fabric has seen a great set back and challenges due to the ongoing pandemic. The notions of physical distance, isolation, stay home and social distancing, are not like gospel and free from demerits. Marriage, one of the chief social institutions has faced a serious challenge in its work and function. So has the other socio-cultural and religious rituals and festivals suffered. Many ceremonies have been delayed, postponed and even cancelled. This all has led to social stagimization as delaying or cancelling of anything auspicious in our society is taken as ill omen and this yet again has increased mental crisis, anxiety and depression.
Socio-psychological spheres of human life have seen great strides during the ongoing lockdown. There are very few things to be cherished from this lockdown like decrease in crimes like rape and murder, theft, environmental pollution, biodiversity loss, illegal animal pouching, unlawful encroachments and deforestation but the things to be regretted are far worse as there has been tremendous increase in domestic violence, domestic fights, psychological traumas, depression, anxiety, short temperedness and irritability. There has been a great surge in number of conflicts and brawls at local level. The social environment is in total chaos and crisis. The worst hit of these crises are none other than women. Though men too suffer to a certain extent from this lockdown but compared to women their suffering is least. The division of labour operational in our society leaves men mostly exempted from more or less all indoor and household tasks. The women apart from arranging food and managing home and hearth have to look after children and in rural areas cattle as well. All men oriented works are more or less closed due to the lockdown, so they are left with nothing except making commentary on whatsoever happens in home. The children are also facing certain challenges in staying home and are causing more trouble to their already disturbed parents. Due to non-availability of baby food and other child oriented stuff parents find it very tough to deal with the situation. The helplessness ultimately leads to frustration, which in turn gives birth to certain problems like heated argumentation, scuffle and violence.
After Covid-19 Lockdown there has been serious increase in Domestic Violence cases all across the globe. To make people stay home, Lockdown was the lone possible option and solution to curtail and contain the spread of coronovirus. But this solution has brought more trouble in the lives of people particularly women and has increased the risk of a surge in the cases of domestic violence. Stay home doesn’t mean stay safe for all and it can’t be so. People are advised to stay at home due to Coronavirus but what if the home is also a dangerous place. Social distancing and home isolation seem to be good and right step to save the lives of the people but on the other hand, it has made the situation worse for the women who are being abused by their partners. As the restrictions were enforced by the Government, the cases of domestic violence increased at an alarming rate in many countries. Women who are facing this act of violence have no idea how to break out and escape from this situation during the days of quarantine. France is getting notorious for the increasing rate of domestic violence cases and recently the interior minister of France, Christophe Castaner showed concern over this social evil. A helpline number was introduced to help the victims of this violence. Similarly in China and Spain domestic violence cases have increased at an alarming rate. Spain amid strict lockdown restrictions has allowed victims of domestic abuse to leave home and report to the nearby police.
Likewise in India, the government has recently launched a toll-free helpline number for people suffering from any mental health issue due to the ongoing countrywide lockdown. On the first day, the control room received around 1,000 calls and on the second day 3,000. Not only is the threat of a new virus scary, many people are also facing stressful life challenges. As we know a huge number of people have lost their jobs or have seen recession in their incomes. Such people are facing issues of stress, anxiety, insomnia and this all is taking a heavy toll on their mental health. The fret over future is also adding to the miseries of the people. The bad news in the media and rumour too is adding feelings of stress and despair among people.
Lockdown as a new development was supposed to have some issues from socio-psychological point of view. In India it was not enforced properly, thoughtfully and no serious preparations were made. All of a sudden people were locked and left at the mercy of God. The subaltern section of the society faced the wrath of government and disease most. Behavioral changes are oblivious in a lockdown like situation. Lack of coordination and understanding between people and administration and then again between the government institutions within, is a major cause of certain social and psychological troubles. Consequently people have become vulnerable to issues like fear psychosis, petulance, quarrelsomeness and even some suffer from insomnia and suicide like tendencies. People are feeling tired and agitated, and the proverb “tang amad bejang amad” is appropriate to the situation. When a person is suppressed or unable to cope up with the situation and looses all possible weapons of resistance and patience, he resorts to the weapons of the weak like belligerence and abusing. The present lockdown is turning to be a “Path laar te bethe chamb” (between Scylla and Charybdis) like situation. One cannot run away but one cannot live with the situation as well. So with only two unpleasant options one has to choose the option with lesser evil and risk. But nothing except mutual understanding, patience and cooperation can come to our rescue in this crisis situation.
Certain things can be helpful in dealing with this stressful situation. There are plenty of activities you can engage with at home, including crafts, painting, reading books, watching television, cooking and baking. As mentioned before women are more prone to anxiety and stress, hence they should be encouraged and kept in good mood. Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) has said, “The best of you are those who are best to their women”. So it is our moral as well as religious obligation and duty to be good enough to our women, children and other fellow social beings. The pandemic will go and disappear but only our attitude and character shown in the crisis will be remembered for all the times to come.