Post-world war the second is the genesis of the USA as the major superpower and after the breakdown of the Soviet Union, USA had become the only superpower tending to form a unipolar world order. The UN has incepted the aftermath of WWII and pertained to be the biggest International Organization of the world people by its mandate and participation. But this mandate is in the question of whether it has served accordingly or has served to be the mechanism for the power politics of certain states. The hypothesis is, the USA is the protagonist of the current world order plays a major role on behalf of its own state policy/interests instead of having any cumulative interest of world society.
The UN charter aims by proclaiming,
“We the People of the United Nations Determined, ….to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security”
The charter of the United Nations has provided rhetoric words which are mesmerizingly beautiful to read and pledge. Though around fifty states have been the initial signatory party to the charter, per Article 110, the Charter entered into force on 24 October 1945, after ratification by the five permanent members of the Security Council and a majority of the other countries. That is to say that the pledges enshrined in the world charter are the expression of those five powerful states having the status of victorious and developed nations, while a significant portion of the world community lagged behind or not having the information of the charter. This tends to create controlled equality by the powerful states validating their arbitrariness to some extent.
In 2016, the U.S. government contributed more than $10 billion to the United Nations, of which about $6 billion was voluntary and $4 billion was assessed. This represents roughly twenty percent of the $50 billion the United States spends annually on foreign aid. So assessing the facts together it is well assumable to say that the USA is holding a great deal of command over the UN mechanism which somewhat allows the USA to drive the system on its way by using the legal tools and legislation. The possibility of a reciprocal UN influence upon United States policy has not gone unsuspected or even uncommented upon; it has simply gone for the most part unstudied in any systematic way.
At the 4607th meeting of the Security Council, held on 11 September 2002, in connection with the Council’s consideration of the item entitled “High-level meeting of the Security Council on the anniversary of 11 September 2001: acts of international terrorism”, the President of the Security Council made the following statement on behalf of the Council in reference to the UNSC resolution no. 1368:
“The Security Council meets today in remembrance and resolve. One year ago, infamous and horrifying acts of terrorism took almost 3,000 innocent lives. They included nationals of half the countries of the world. These attacks changed the way we see our world. Today, the Council honors those innocents killed and injured in the attacks of 11 September 2001. The Council expresses solidarity with their families.”
And the last paragraph of the statement concludes with:
“The threat is real, the challenge is enormous, and the fight against terrorism will be long. The Security Council will remain steadfast against the threat that endangers all that has been achieved and all that remains to be achieved, to fulfill the principles and purposes of the United Nations for all people everywhere.”
The above is the formal expression of the United Nations Security Council aka the most powerful organ on the UN. Let’s jump to the previous date containing the UNSC resolution regarding the heinous crime committed to human being at September 11, 2001. UNSC resolution no. 1368 states that:
“Unequivocallycondemns in the strongest terms the horrifying terrorist attacks which took place on 11 September 2001 in New York, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania and regards such acts, like any act of international terrorism, as a threat to international peace and security;”
After this resolution, many more resolutions have been passed in this matter. Since the probable discrepancies are not fluently attributable in regards to the USA’s role to the international issues via the UN Security Council and other mechanisms, thus the conspiracy theory emerges and sustains among the critical scholars. Criticism exists that, the USA doesn’t concern for the threat of climate change, though being a major stake at pollution itself the way it does for the terrorism for its own sake. The world community expects the US to interpret the climate threat as a real one just like the terror attack.
A monitoring group was requested in July of 2001 in adopting anti-terrorism measures against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Bin Laden and within a short subsequent period, the attack of 11 September 2001 happened and the request was being justified by every fact of the attack of 9/11. Though it sounds more like the conspiracy theory yet not avoidable.
Since it has been the unprecedented custom that the powerful most states should get the seat at the world order and geopolitical lead, it comes obviously by the time that after 74 years of formation hardly anyone claims the Security Council is representative as there are no African or Latin American states among permanent members. Security Council to form a balance of one possible remedy is to expand the Security Council and its permanent membership. The existing members have mixed feelings. The UK and France say they are in favor; the US and Russia are more tepid, warning a big council could be less effective. And China is dead against it. And there are also jealous regional rivals who don’t want to see their neighbors succeed. But big candidate countries such as Brazil, India, Germany, Japan and South Africa say there is no realistic alternative.
Power prevails though it is not static geopolitically forever, it changes its position time to time and so the global mechanisms should also be revisited to address peaceful coexistence of the nations.The global hegemony of the USA greatly depends on the United Nations Mechanism. The Security Council is the biggest tool for the USA in this regard. But in this open market era and globalism new states are emerging as superpowers by economic and military strength, which deserve the voices over global issues. So, it will be difficult for the USA in this century to prevail as the only superpower and navigate the UN with their foreign policy. Soon, China, India, Brazil, Russia, and other emerging states are heading to be a leader of world politics by holding the positions. The international status quo is supposed to break and form a new world order starting from the formal mechanism of the Security Council of the UN.