The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Future Education

The way people receive and consume news and entertainment has changed drastically nowadays with features such as personalized content coming into play. Other technologies have also changed the entire ball game regarding content creation and distribution. 

Although this subset of AI seemed to thrive, the growth was quite stagnant in the education industry, but not of late. There are many applications of AI in the education industry that have transformed the perspective of many students by enabling smart learning.

So, how has AI changed the education industry and what is the future in this? Here is the influence of Artificial Intelligence on future education:

Smart educational content

Smart educational content is a technique that is still emerging in most countries which entails digitalizing the curriculum. When that curriculum is available on digital platforms, it becomes more interactive and beneficial to the students. For example, AI systems are used to make textbook content much more comprehensible and easy to navigate. 

AI can also categorize the contents of the curriculum and group it efficiently together for easier reference in the classroom. The content entailed by the curriculum that can be categorized by AI-powered programs could range from videos, audio, and eBooks. 

These systems are currently being developed to cater for all ages and educational levels. In that way, education and AI cooperate to make things easier for students without threatening the jobs of teachers.

Aiding teachers

Teachers don’t only teach but they have a lot of other administrative work to do that could easily wear them down. That doesn’t only affect their productivity but it also impacts the performance of the classes they teach. To solve that problem for teachers, AI systems have been specifically designed to give teachers a lighter workload. 

Some systems help teachers grade their papers and prepare lesson plans for them. AI systems can now grade multiple choice questions and hopefully, in the near future, machine learning will enable it to take on more complex answers. 

The next development teachers are looking forward to concerning lightening their administrative workload is processing enrollment processes. 

Online writing agencies that provide assignment help for Aussies are already using AI systems to organize their processes better. Segregating the work orders, processing the writing orders and AI-enabled live chats are some of the examples of the techniques they have already incorporated.

Personalized learning       

Most probably, you have used the personalized recommendations on Netflix or YouTube to get the content you like and prefer. Students can have the same luxury now and get a personalized learning experience. AI systems can spot the areas where the students lag behind and tries to create an easier learning process for them.

Teachers can also know exactly where to focus and how to deliver the content they have prepared. There are also AI tutoring systems that help students suffering in some subjects get the help they need. The latter programs give instantaneous feedback and work with students directly so they can improve their grades.

Creating teaching content

Teachers should prepare engaging content to try and excite the class while he teaches. Otherwise, students will be bored and doze off. To combat that, teachers try to arrange interactive games and quizzes to try and get the class fully engaged. That helps students perform really well and excel over their peers that didn’t have exposure to this style of teaching. 

Although that may be great for students, the teachers may bear the full brunt of this development in their teaching method.

To cut down the expenses and the time spent trying to create quizzes, teachers can leave that to AI-powered programs to prepare the material they will use. These programs create the quizzes and games for the teachers them additional free time.

Connecting students globally

Technology has been well-known to connect different people who may even live on either side of the planet. That can be very useful for students all around the world for easier communication and sharing of ideas. Some platforms currently cater to certain universities and students globally and it allows them to study together. 

AI comes in handy to sort the data provided by the different students logging into the platform. For example, classes may need to be sorted by curriculum and directed to the relevant portal. 

AI serves that purpose and can control access to the platforms that are being used by those students globally. The use of AI in this capacity is still under construction and needs to be fine-tuned for optimum performance. 

Final thoughts

AI and education definitely go hand in hand and its collaboration has proved very effective for students and teachers. The latter can get administrative help through systems that grade papers and prepare lesson plans. While students can enjoy getting a personalized learning experience that enables students to perform better. 

Digital classrooms are also possible due to AI and students can enjoy accessing these platforms due to this technology. These are just a few examples of how AI has collaborated with the education industry and there are many more.

Elizabeth Skinner
Elizabeth Skinner
Elizabeth Skinner finds her peace in traveling. She’s seen places on three continents so far. Elizabeth shares blog posts with tips for travelers, trying to inspire people to get bolder with their vacations.