the start of U.S.-led Defender Europe 2020 military exercise in February, peace
movement activists have criticized the maneuvers and called them a provocation.
The exercises
are expected to last about five months, taking place mostly in Germany, Poland
and the Baltic states. US European Command said in October that the mission
aims to “to build readiness within the [NATO] alliance and deter potential
Defender Europe
2020 has sparked major protests in Germany. Local population in the Baltic
States also expresses dissatisfaction with the exercise. While the exercise
officially aims to monitor and check the viability of logistics in a time of
emergency, activists are concerned by the possible consequences of Defender
Europe 2020.
Among such
possible undesirable results are:
damage to roads
and other infrastructure;
flights of military aircraft over the cities and noise pollution;
damage to gas
pipelines and water wells, soil contamination and water pollution;
deforestation and extinction of endangered species of birds and animals;
negative impact
on tourism development in the hosting countries, as well as traffic
falling of shells
outside of the designated area which poses a direct threat to the local
These are only
few reasons why locals oppose such major military exercise as Defender Europe
2020 on their territories.
Protesters are
also concerned by the sheer amount of old military equipment being brought into
the country which will remain in the countries, turning them into warehouses of
old equipment.
Thus, activists
protested against the arrival of US soldiers and military equipment in Germany
for the ‘Defender Europe 2020’ military exercises with NATO forces, in
Bremerhaven on February 22. They marched from the centre of Bremerhaven towards
the Kaiserhafen docks, where the US ‘ARC Endurance’ carrier had arrived to
deliver the first batch of US military equipment for the military exercise.
Footage shows protesters marching with banners reading “Stop Defender
2020” and “No to confrontation with Russia.”
Many understand
that U.S. military activity has already ruined the security situation in Europe
and even expect its worsening. Next demonstration against War Maneuver Defender
2020 is planned on March 21 in Duisburg. The peace movement all over the world
unite their efforts to prevent further militarizing of Europe and protest
Defender Europe 2020 exercise. Among them is the network No to war – no to
worries us that there are so many US soldiers here now with heavy military
equipment, going through Germany. And we are here for peace because for us
there is nothing more important,” said one protester.
It is known
that more than 30,000 troops from 18 countries will participate in the
exercises, according to the US military. The main activities will take place in
April and May across 10 countries, among them Poland and the Baltic states.
Around 20,000 pieces of equipment will additionally be shipped from five
American seaports.
about the mass military exercises is also caused by the fact, that our days
more troops die during training than in combat operations. The number of
on-duty training related-mishaps resulting in injury or death has spiked over
the years of late. These are fatal vehicle training accidents, injury related
accidents, aviation accidents, and violation of national law by foreign
military. It makes an unsafe environment for the local population and troops
themselves and results in protests and dissatisfaction with the national
governments and military activity.
The more so,
such a massive movement of troops and equipment throughout Europe could lead
to further coronavirus spread which is the main threat, existing today in
the region. The safety of the local population and all exercise
participants should be of utmost importance.
throughout the exercise, further protests around the involved countries are