Happiness is a beautiful combination of joy and pleasure, that gives the way to peace. Happiness is a subjective feeling but today’s world gives it an objective meaning. We have associated our happiness with wealth, bank balance, property, gold, and other materialistic things. But the basic formula of happiness lies in the forgotten pleasures. The pleasures once cherished by our elders are still the true sources of happiness, but unfortunately, we forget these ones.
food, sleep, children, books, smiles, music, prayers, Quran, charity, timely
forgiveness, honesty, appreciation, support, outdoor
games, socializing,…….all these components have lost their effects in our lives.
We have forgotten to enjoy the pleasure of our good health because we do not
care about that. Whereas, to have a healthy body, a healthy physique gives the
ultimate pleasure of being fit in life and free from diseases.
Everyone is hurrying and running away. We are unable to give proper time to sleep, to children, to elders, and most importantly to ourselves. Elders do not realize that their children need them. They consider it enough, to give all the material things to their kids. But they are mistaken. Children want their real-time. They have so many problems to share with their parents. It is their first and foremost right to have quality time with their elders. On the other side of the picture, kids are themselves now so busy in useless activities, that they almost do not bother to spend time with family. They have made their own corners, which is making them a more introvert and un-socialized.
It is said that “A smile is not just a way to exhibit your happiness and well-being, it is also a way to make people good about themselves. “But we are misers and cowards to share our smile with others so that it may not spread like a wave of pleasure. We have become selfish almost at everything.
Similarly, forgiveness enables
you to decide about your relationship with others based on happiness. In this
state, you are tolerating others and in a long way, you feel closer to other
But we the so-called “good human
beings” like to take revenge, We like people hurting back in a more hard
way. We do not forgive. We are egoistic. We like seeing others in pain. We
enjoy to see them in a more miserable condition and in more hardships. We do
not like to forgive others easily. We do not like to help others. We are harsh.
We cannot see others’ happiness.
Life is wonderful and worth living, but we have made it very unhappy by creating ethnic, provincial, national and international conflicts. We live in a continuous race state of the race, running for our desires and positions. I do not condom this living style as I understand for such people, happiness is all about getting things. But to neglect many other things that are the true sources of bringing happiness in life is not a good idea. Do find some positive ways to find happiness in life. Happiness that would last forever. The happiness that is collective, constructive and subjective.