Standards build trust

Modern conception over today’s worldly aspects, in its entire heart and soul, is leagued with persuasion of self-interests and materialism.

Owing humblest gratitude to the technological advancement and volatile information revolution, the integration of states, nations and in this modern conception, of emerging non-states organizations and actors has eventually brought affinity in coherence, through repeated practices of trade, foreign alliances and societal propinquities at grass root   level.

The maximal plaster, that channelizes these patterns of actions, interactions and reactions, is what we call trust. The confidence and entrustment that binds the two or more, , to negotiated arenas  is a , mutual responsive forbearing that accommodation  and cutting a deal is possible, if, a certain code of covenant is practiced, through legal affirmations.

History thoroughly supports the much cherished notion of ‘’standards build trust’’.

Every historic declaration, agreement or even formal work plans have followed a decorum of specified standards and codes that have enabled the effective regulation of the treaties. The reconfirmation of the much stipulated notion, is verified by taking the oldest narrated treaty between aggressive regimes of Egypt and Hittites dated back in the era of 13th century, which advances to the emblem that, all sort of peace time agreements, abolishing radical chances of war, needs a specified code of conduct, that is practiced through mutual trust, no matter, even if the two are worse enemies.

The shift from individualistic to collectivist approach of society did not work miraculously. The entire exercise was put on real grounds through standardization of codes of conduct and important legislator road maps. They eventually lead to ‘trust building amongst nations and societies. Standards do not only promote trust building amongst symmetric parties, but on the more celebrated end, it enables developmental schemes amongst the asymmetries, thereby leading to positive constructivism.

The IDRB bank and institutions like IMF are working efficiently, though they follow dictatorial lines of the powerful ones, who manipulate them, yet, enable the processes like globalization in terms of economics avenues, to carry out the developmental oriented programming to, maximize arenas of healthy sustenance of the developing and the underdeveloped states.

The current world order, which is assumed to be a neo-liberal one , though it sarcastically works on the realistic paradigms, practices law and order in an anarchic  world through coercion and standardization of parameters, which define the operational work  circle  of the rest.

Though standardization is more often monopolized by the elitist, in any form of structure, and they are at times at an exploitative posture, yet they also facilitate coordination and easy interactions .the leading and lagging trends of the world link up the entire world from Asia to Antarctica, to Europe to Africa, and what facilitates this linkages pattern of communication is, the standardization on parts of all, and what further strengthens this standardization is trust.

So in a cycle we travel from communication to interaction, and then to standardization, which eventually in the air of optimism, reliance and trust building promotes new trends of development.

Talking about Pakistan, the beloved motherland, we do have trust deficits in trading, commerce and other economical dealings. For instance we have trust deficits regarding trades, with India, so instances like this are cashed as golden opportunities by states like Dubai. Analyzing the facts, the very thing that we lack is optimal standardization at the first end and effective implementation at the other.

China , the world’s rising economic power , owes to its current power stratum , due to its economic policies , which in their most righteous direction , targeted on optimal and  standard coding of products.

Interestingly they do not maintain a unified and universal echelon, rather they pursue a distinguished standard policy with all their trading beneficiaries, and reciprocate accordingly. As we know Chinese products , as per the communal public is instantly thought of second grade, which does even hold true, yet the same Chinese product  , being exported to Europe will be far more differential .

The irony prevails!

Yet it adds to the growth of a region.

The genotype of a human as per the natural sciences, varies from every individual to individual, and human being the center of gravity of this universe is the prime focus of every aspect. Evaluating the assumption of Clinical psychologists, it is very crucial for the spontaneous outgrowth of every institutions setup, the co-relation of a cognitive genotype that essentially needs to complement the rational and pragmatic phenotype that is the very discernable function to the buildup of any normative and objective standardization scheme.

Standards do not really work on arbitration, rather they dovetail the expertise opinion, in tally to the ongoing environmental context, lip syncing the needs and ends of the particular project.

Authorities like PSQCA are a step ahead, towards the very approach being debated that, “trust can be built through making and implementation of standards on practical grounds of reality

The modus operandi of such organizations, cheer for the cherished legislation and execution of codes, that stand high and equal to the world acknowledged standards in the economic arenas of cooperation and interaction.

The calculus is not only directed to the econometric dealings, but standards also need to be instilled in the political and social conduct. This argument has been well versed by scholars like Thomas Hobbs, which have underlined the critical thesis of social contract.

Codification of social contract is, constitution, which evaluates all the codes practically, and it is a duty over the executive modus operandi of state, to execute them, with a sense of trust worthy relation of a citizen and a state.

 And the other most notable dimension, is that, once if standards have been made, and the practice has been channelized, one should never compromise over them. Accommodation  , if to be facilitated , should not be at the cost of cutting down of standards, rather once standards made, they must be enliven to the devoted cause of supremacy in hierarchy of  intra-regional and global spheres of competitions. This is what Pakistanis policies are diverting their prime focus over to.

This build ups a nation via nation’s image!

Laraib Afzal
Laraib Afzal
Laraib Afzal is currently studying International Relations at Quaid-i-Azam University. She can be reached at laraib.afzal110[at]