Now that the Trump Administration has successfully prepared, filed and achieved historic criminal justice reform, something which his predecessors could not get done, or even made worse such as with Joe Biden and Bill Clinton’s cataclysmic Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (“VCCLEA”) often referred to as the “1994 Crime Bill,” which illegally and unconstitutionally jailed or contributed to criminal records to 70 million Americans (more than the population of France), mass incarcerating 1/3 of all blacks, 1/6 of all latinos, and 1/10 of all whites in the United States, now is the time to also pass a comprehensive all encompassing family court reform act as well.
The American family court system is world famous for being one of the most cruel, catastrophic, abusive, arbitrary, and destructive forms of court ordered governance that the world has ever seen.
Rooted in such Hitlerian ideas such as “the best interests of the child” and “preventing domestic violence,” which seem noble and positive on the surface, unfortunately it is the only court system which removes all constitutional guarantees of individual human and civil rights, usually from the father, as soon as he steps into the “family court arena.”
The aforementioned Hitlerian concepts immediately subject a disfavored litigant of his/her 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 13th Amendment Rights, within a closed “star chamber” court, without cameras or spectators allowed, completely and totally ripe for them to be plundered, abused, harassed, threatened, surveillanced, castigated, attacked, bankrupted, invaded and destroyed by all of the career members of this family court system – including the various “magistrates,” judges, court officers, law clerks, child protective service workers, court appointed attorneys and “forensic experts,” law guardians, and anyone else who can either make a buck or get even with one of the parties involved in fighting for his/her life, or that of their children.
It is no wonder that a great many conspiracy theories have emerged that to deposit someone within the family court system is tantamount to a slow motion assassination or torture chamber, wherein that targeted individual is slowly, methodically, and painfully destroyed over many years, sometimes decades, subjected over and over to repeated fear, bankruptcy, incarceration or detention, for crimes/transgressions that did not even exist before the family court even got involved.
And it’s all done in secret, not open to the general public, for the “best interests of the child” or to “protect people from domestic violence (even false allegations thereon).”
Orders of Protection (“OP”), depriving people of their life, liberty, property, children, or possessions are handed out like jelly beans, because no judge or magistrate of first impression wants to be in the newspaper just in case one of the allegations turns out to be true, but by the time a party is determined to be innocent of the allegations contained within the family offense petition forming the basis of the OP, that person’s life has already been irreparably ruined in almost every capacity.
To that end, the family court system must immediately be reformed, if not outright abolished, as follows:
(1) all judges/magistrates must be screened (and then screened again) for any links to extremist domestic or ideological groups or agents such as militant feminism, leftist organizations, racist organizations, socialist organizations, or any other groups which by nature and definition fly in the face of the United States Constitution guaranteeing equal due process rights for each and every one of their citizenry;
(2) no longer should judges or magistrates allow their law clerks or staff to write their judicial opinions – too many times a “life and death” judicial opinion governing a family, children, or domestic partnership is written in near “chicken scratch” without any basis in law or fact, merely on emotion, gut instinct, and personal prejudice, by an untrained individual with no background in the law or the constitution, resulting in complete destruction of their targets for arbitrary and capricious reasons;
(3) orders of protection can not and should not issue as a matter of right – more emphasis needs to be placed on completely and totally evaluating and gauging the imminent threat and seriousness of both the charges (and the evidence) before these are allowed to be issued, which are also unfortunately registered with the federal government law enforcement agencies as well as with the states and local enforcement agencies;
(4) more emphasis needs to be placed on family mediation, arbitration, and even counseling services for domestic partners, husbands and wives to “stay together” for the best interests of the child, if at all feasible and possible, rather than right from the beginning arming both sides to the teeth with legal and equitable weapons of mass destruction designed to mimic a gladiatorial combat, rather than a very sad and sorry state of affairs facing this very vulnerable and disoriented family;
(5) Fathers and Mothers must be treated equally under the law and their children need to be considered a part of both in complete and total equality – the sad cultural norm that pervades the family court system, that somehow, “women and mothers” are always right and are all powerful, with men and fathers having little to no rights whatsoever, needs to change, and change immediately, as this outright discrimination against men is a direct hit and assault on the very words and meaning of the United States Constitution, and undermines the very basis and spirit of the United States of America, and what our Founding Fathers and their legacies within the U.S. Armed Forces fought and died for, decade after decade, since the country’s inception;
(6) Court Officers need to be trained not only in overall court security, but also in common decency and sensitivity as their characteristic “jack booted thug” approach irreparably and for life traumatizes children, families, parents, their lawyers and litigants in the entire family court process;
(7) any indication that one parent is actively interfering with the rights of another parent with regard to visitation, custody, relationship with their own children should be duly noted and punished with extreme prejudice – parental alienation also needs to become a topic covered by child protective service workers and not ignored or covered up like is currently the case now in the family court arena – children are extremely impressionable and sensitive and like to ingratiate themselves to the parent where they feel most safe – and if one parents is alienating or cutting off the other, then that is grounds to change custody immediately;
(8) favoritism within the family court system should be identified and eradicated immediately upon discovery – this reflects the sentiments expressed in Point 1 above, wherein certain litigants in the family court system are allied with the presiding judge or magistrate on purely political, ideological, sexual, financial, ethnic, or other grounds, and then benefit enormously when it comes to case adjudication or decisions handed down from the bench (or from their law clerks/paralegals/forensic experts/court personnel);
(9) the federal government and law enforcement must readily step in whenever and wherever these types of problems arise – currently the position of the federal law enforcement agencies reflect a sentiment that “they do not like to get involved in current court proceedings” but this type of mentality encourages corruption, favoritism, child trafficking, child abuse, parental alienation, contributes to crime, and other social ills/aberrations, and can no longer be tolerated any more;
(10) similarly, appellate and federal courts should no longer outright reject appeals for justice from targeted litigants currently wrestling with a corrupt out of control family court star chamber – and it is not fair or moral that corrupt judges, magistrates, law clerks, and court personnel can claim “sovereign immunity” and thus be insulated from accountability, and then be defended by States Attorneys General and the awesome power and limitless purse of the State, when they commit crimes against children and families.
In short, the American Family Court System, like the Criminal Justice System, needs to be reformed, and reformed now, as it is a National Security issue to preserve and protect the integrity, strength and sanctity of the nuclear family unit.