Trump Is Just Inches Away From The Clutches Of Impeachment

On February 1st 2017, right after Trump had taken office, I had written a detailed article that Donald Trump would be impeached. At that time, it sounded like a farfetched idea. An idea less and a wish more. But it was not my wish neither do governments are taken down upon wishes.

My premise was based on the fact that the President of America may be igniting the feelings of nationalism which got him elected but those slogans in America do not last long. Secondly, there is no room for ego in the American system, “I The President…” does not work, “We The People…” does, as per the constitution. No President can put his personal decisions above the national interest. It has never happened before and it cannot happen now. And Trump is all about “I’ not “We”.

Thirdly, there are two categories of people in America, the ones who get elected on public funding, and the ones who fund those candidates who are running on their funds. The second category is further divided into two sets. The Political Action Committees, meaning the large funders with ulterior motives and the smaller campaign donors who just want to fund their favorite candidates and put them in office. But this set of people are more powerful than the larger funders because they outnumber the large funders in votes. And more importantly, they are common Americans who despise large corporations and their monetary manipulation in every matter. They may not understand the complexities of the funding procedures and the intentions behind that funding, but they are very wise as to gauging an honest funder and a dishonest funder. These are the people, who feel betrayed if they find out that their honest donations went to elect a dishonest man.

History has repeated itself. With the impeachment of Richard Nixon, to Bill Clinton. Nixon a Republican. Clinton a Democrat. And the Democrats have a memory of an elephant. They would not miss a single chance to get even with Trump, the Republican. Having been a lifelong Republican and having served in positions, all the way to The Republican Presidential Taskforce, as its youngest member for 2 years, I learned the mindset of both the parties. And the learning that one goes through from the inside of such a Taskforce, one can never imagine the depth of learning being a voter, from the outside.

Add to it all, the innate dislike of Trump in the circles of Washington, D.C. From the Justice Department officials to The Department Of State. Plus the Prosecutors, some of whom Trump has rubbed the wrong way from day one and others through his insulting Tweets that he does, on a weekly basis. Trump plays with public sentiment with his Tweets. He may get a million likes within a few hours but the Prosecutors do not care and they don’t perform to the public tunes. They work behind the scenes and get even in their own due time. And even, they have already gotten.

Let’s see how.

Former Trump National Security Advisor, charged by the Prosecution, Michael Flynn, has pleaded guilty. Deputy Campaign Chairman, Rick Gates, charged by the Prosecution, has pleaded guilty. Trump’s Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor, George Papadopoulos, charged by the Prosecution, pleaded guilty. Trump Campaign Chairman, Paul Manafort, charged by the Prosecution, went through a trial and found guilty on eight counts. And last but not the least, Trump’s main confidant and deal maker lawyer, who paid all the women who had affairs with Trump and the one who arranged meetings with the Russians who are accused of meddling into the election process, the main charge on which the President can be impeached, Michael Cohen, has pleaded guilty.

These five people will and have cooperated with the Prosecutors and 4 of them have agreed to divulge whatever they have against Trump, to the prosecutors. Time has come, in my view, to begin the process of impeachment of the President of America. Mr.Donald Trump.

Every sign, every clue, points towards the direction of an impeachment. And it appears that it should begin within a matter of few months.

Will this world become a better place after Trump. Iran and China would say yes along with the European Union but the only country that would say no, would be Saudi Arabia. Let’s wait and see. The script of the movie seems more interesting than reality.

Mir Mohammad Ali Khan
Mir Mohammad Ali Khan
Founder Of An Investment Bank On Wall Street. Author of 4 books. Ex Advisor To The Government Of Pakistan