RCA to Support Elpidophoros as Next Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Primate

Today the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in America (GOA) faces hard times. Complicated financial situation, misunderstandings between hierarchs and critical statements from the donors – all these mark a serious crisis in the GOA. Patriarch Bartholomew is said to be displeased with Archbishop Demetrios and is seeking a person to replace him. Some weeks ago there appeared pieces in the media (both positive and negative) in which Metropolitan Elpidophoros (Lambriniadis) of Bursa was claimed to become Demetrios’ successor.

According to the supporters of Elpidophoros becoming Primate of the Archdiocese, he is an effective crisis manager capable of setting the things straight and building a productive team to solve the crisis.

The opponents of the Metropolitan of Bursa say that he would take draconian measures to reach complete obedience, would make opposition shut up, get rid of the ideas of the GOA’s autocephaly and stick to the policy of ecumenism.

However, despite the criticism, the number of those wishing to see Met. Elpidophoros as Archbishop steadily grows. Thus, according to unofficial information from several sources, some members of the Retired Clergy Association (RCA) of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese are ready to support the metropolitan.

This organization was founded in 1988 by Fr. John Zanetos. Its goals include: to guide and help those who are about to retire to plan their retirement, to continue and promote the fellowship of retired the priests and to encourage the utilization of the retired priests’ expertise as a resource. The Association has its own Fund, it participates in the GOA’s annual Clergy-Laity Congresses.

In the opinion of the Association members, Met. Elpidophoros would renew the list of hierarchs, deal with funds mishandling, create an effective system of Archdiocese’s management. They believe he would help the GOA return its popularity and reputation and drive it out of a series of scandals.

Although the Archdiocese has got a loan for the construction of St. Nicholas church in New York (on the site of the church destroyed on 9/11) recently, this sum won’t be enough to complete the project. Besides, contractors who worked at the Ionian Village Camp Center of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese have sued the GOA demanding the payment, the National Herald reported on August 7. Things are going bad at the Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, which is said to be on the brink of bankruptcy.

Patriarch Bartholomew has quite a lot of reasons to be displeased with the 90-year-old Archbishop Demetrios. The question is whether his substitute has been found. Considering the popularity Elpidophoros is gaining (intentionally or not) in the USA, he can indeed be chosen to become the primate of the GOA on September 1-3, when the Synaxis of the Hierarchy of the Throne will take place. Meanwhile, I think, we should closely watch the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese-linked organizations which could express their opinion on supporting this or that candidate.