In peacekeeping, public diplomacy generally, is that the open exchange of concepts to the public of foreign nations to ascertain a discourse designed to apprize and encourage. Public Diplomacy essentially give a platform to states to act, understand, inform & influence through conferences and visits. Public diplomacy permits a rustic to succeed in bent on an outsized audience within the different country through completely different mediums, tools & approaches. Because the international demands has remodeled over the century, thus the approaches of public diplomacy too. So, there are samples of effective public diplomacy execution like USA, China, and India etc. But in this scenario, if we talk about Pakistan & Public diplomacy then there are multiple options but with some restraints.
The basic purpose of this text is to point out opportunities to official Representatives of Pakistan that within the current powerful state of affairs, Pakistan can use tools of Public diplomacy to project their real & soft image.
As a nation, ‘we not solely a misunderstood nation, we seek as an exporters of threats, our nuclear assets are our pride however the globe sees them as a threat’. Therefore, we have a tendency to not simply leave ourselves to the vagaries of time or at the mercy of many countries & their representation of us that is even not the bottom realities. Pakistanis shouldn’t be naïve that everything are going to be alright, as if by magic or prudently. We have a tendency to restore the Quaid’s bequest, not by force or violence, however through the vision of our founding Fathers.
There are tools of Public Diplomacy that may play its role in case of Pakistan like cultural & exchange programs, International broadcasting, war of nerves, Nation stigmatization etc. however the foremost authoritative one are going to be the Soft Power (the ability of a state to urge what it need through cultural attraction instead of through powerful means). And therefore the common suggestions that can be used for winning soft power projection are investment/aid programmes, diplomacy, culture, media and exchange programmes. It involves calculated use of persuasion and influence in ways like having political and social validity.
If Pakistan desires to be engaging to the globe, it needs to link itself with the future and all those global trends which are shaping the future. Education, IT sector and ladies authorization with global-outreach which are able to create today’s Pakistan with the additional appealing and engaging Pakistan of tomorrow.
What is missing is that the jargon of modernism from our diplomatic and national narratives.’ Also, Pakistan’s media solely highlight the awful and broken aspects of the country to spice up channel ratings, whereas actually they must emulate channels like PTV World, that is commonly boxed as a pro-government channel, however is a minimum of showcasing documentaries and speak shows on the positive aspects of Pakistan’s wealthy and distinctive culture, traditions, history and wondrous folks.
In the political domain, it’s vital for our state to install a mature democratic values through democratic dispensation and giving grandness to political establishments and interdepartmental harmony.
Yes, it’s troublesome for developing state like Asian Pakistan to project its soft image however it’s not impossible similarly. Simply would like to adapt step by step strategy & best political beliefs to urge smart results. We’ll have to be compelled to determine the constraints and limitations in utilizing our soft power assets so draft a policy roadmap to create our soft power. We want to plot and cultivate ways to project state as a sovereign, progressive, tolerant and prosperous state. Failure to handle these problems might be a direction for disaster, particularly if the image deterioration war is won by the opponent through image distortion.