The emergence of the most advanced day-to-day technologies in the military centers of the world has transformed the methods of conflict among the nations before and more than anywhere. In the meantime, the increasing importance of information and its underlying role in the life of the countries has changed the military intentions in the wars so that, unlike the past, the goal is not to eliminate traditional weapons and the manpower of the enemy, whose destruction with the use of new methods. In this way, the information age, along with its advanced technology, has led to a profound transformation in terms of such as weapons, goals, tactics, warfare, and so on. In recent years, the automation of the domestic infrastructure of some countries in the military, political and security sectors has dramatically accelerated, as advances in information networks have provided new opportunities for lower costs and more efficiency.
The space for policy and cyber interaction is considered to be the most recent and most important area of interest among policy and international experts in the theoretical and practical field. Neglecting it can cause serious and unpredictable damage to countries. The title has the title of the most important actress in the field of international relations. Today, “cyber security” is spoken in the field of international relations and politics. Real space cyberspace is a new field for impact and as a result of friendship, cooperation, competition, hostility and even war between countries and other actors. These cases clearly show that the Internet and cyberspace have provided a new field for politics, a space in which individuals, groups and governments are acting and policy makers. In the field of international relations, under the influence of the realism tradition, international issues are divided into very important issues such as security and less important issues, such as economic issues. Some experts believe that because of the importance of cyberspace, cyber security should be considered as one of the most important, critical, security or policy issues.
In the space of “Cyber Security” as a major new issue in the field of politics and international relations, as in other areas of politics, “values” and “interests” by different actors such as governments, organizations and Governmental and nongovernmental actors, and even people who produce, distribute and consume. In fact, unlike in the past, cyber security has placed new actors alongside governments as the most important actors in international relations, which are sometimes more capable and successful in the Internet. Anyway, apart from all the benefits and benefits of the Internet, the fact is that the Internet has provided “a new war space” called “cyber warfare”. In this type of war, countries and other actors use the Internet to spy, sabotage, and create insurrections, revolutions and even the destruction of military installations and vital centers of the other side.
Of course, the Internet has created a new space for “cooperation” and “interaction” between countries. In this regard, the Internet has made the relationship between all actors, including governments, individuals, organizations, and institutions, cheap and comfortable, due to its high speed and precision. As a result, the conditions for collaboration and engagement have been more interesting than ever before. While countries and other actors are aware of the need for widespread international cooperation on the Internet, they know that cyberspace has created a new area of international cooperation.
Finally, a new atmosphere in the international arena is formed that cannot be analyzed based on previous theories, approaches, and levels. In fact, the content and philosophy of the new space, called cyberspace, is very different from the past. In this new space, new types of friendship, cooperation, rivalry, hostility and war have been created alongside past patterns. Meanwhile, various and varied actors have been added to traditional actors that are very vague and unpredictable. Consequently, these conditions must emphasize new ideas, approaches, and perspectives that are much more flexible and open to the past.
Therefore, the cyber space has created new conditions in which issues of international relations are presented in a different way, resulting in a new form of policy called cyber security which has particular implications in the field of national and international security. Accordingly, in general, it can be said that “security policy” has a different meaning from what it has been so far, which includes two fundamental principles. On the one hand, political planners, diplomats, such as lawyers and intellectuals, have to come up with a collective agenda in order to find a place for subtle and supranational actors in politics and the administration of society. On the other hand, the global arena will represent new areas where governments alone are not role-play, in other words, “non-governmental”. So, while identifying the realm of government influence, a particular kind of problem arises when finding the right solution for them is not necessarily the responsibility of the government. Understanding and accepting this separation are important consideration in the security equations. Accordingly, a new curriculum is being developed, the nature of which is not only the elimination of threats, but also the creation of opportunities and the fulfillment of requirements that respect the capabilities of a political system. In this framework, new think tanks in the field of security studies are divided into two state-centered and non-government approaches, thus defining and identifying new actors in the national security equation, which has previously been for analysts they did not much matter. As the development of national security studies has progressed, the category of “threats” has also evolved, and we are turning to attention to new threats that are mostly non-governmental, and in contrast to the Cold War, in the two “national” and “supra” have spaces of the national government.
In addition, Iran’s national security considerations have been subject to various developments; in summary, the evolution of “outward-to-introspection” from the “ideological approach and pure commitment to more realism”, from the “Ummah-axis to Iran-centered” from “simplicity to complexity”, and from the “Threat to Threat – Opportunity in the International System”. In these developments, we are paying more attention to the need for a balance between the implications and limitations of cyber security and national security considerations.