We know that enemies of freedom are using the same technology that hackers use, and we are also using it. “(Tom Ridge, former US Secretary of Homeland Security)
It seems that in the present era, the need to develop a deterrent in cyberspace has been well understood. Apparently, with the development of communication technologies and the generalization of the use of the Internet in everyday life, it’s time to complete the defense in cyberspace so that all possible defense options could be available.
US officials have recently signaled to their French counterparts that they would increase the level of security of their intelligence systems. This, in addition to pointing out the vulnerability of French intelligence systems, suggests that the United States expects its allies to achieve a level of autonomy in cyber defense.
The United States, in the “International Strategy for Cyber ​​Space” document, has developed a so-called “US Collective Barrage Plan”, which divides states into three distinct categories:
“Governments “acceptable “and” responsible “behaviors on the part of the United States, but do not have the necessary equipment and capabilities to cyber defense. The United States can make good relations with these governments, but they will overpower the security of the United States.
– Governments that have “acceptable” and “responsible” behaviors on the US side and are able to secure their intelligence systems, the United States wants to establish full cooperation with these governments.
– Governments that are “unacceptable” and “irresponsible” from the US perspective (potential rivals) and not able to work with them.
Paris is trying to develop an autonomous system with cyber security investments, which allows its cybercrime operations to be relied upon.
But this American plan, as analyzed above, provides two-dimensional “sovereignty / affiliation” solutions that allow France or any of its other partners to make the necessary reforms and programs to create Adopts or develops cybercrime. The country, with its confirmation as a mainstream security intelligence system, can be considered as one of the main partners within the framework of US collective censorship, provided that the management and leadership of the collective defense system are entrusted to the United States.
The security products developed for sensitive defense industries and approved by the French National Security Agency (ISIS) to cover the needs of government activities (defense / arms, diplomacy) are very limited. However, cyber defense should not only be dedicated to this field of activity, but also should cover all key information systems to the infrastructure of vital infrastructure and networks. Therefore, we need to develop processes for the approval of products that are specific to more business sectors, which creates a special constraint on supply demand management.
According to the above analysis, such operations in the country not only entail the immunization of products, but also require the development of organizational processes and qualifications for them. In addition, private companies should also participate in cyber security exercises. To achieve this, it seems that a full implementation of the National Security Management Plan is necessary.