In over a decade, India has expanded its nuclear weapons capability, especially after getting a civil nuclear cooperation deal from the United States in 2008. India got this deal as result of a policy shift in the U.S. administration, and that was more likely to contain the emerging China. In the process, the U.S. has privileged India politically, economically and strategically.
For instance, the country specific IAEA safeguards, the waiver to trade nuclear materials with Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) states, and later, the entry into Missile Control Regime (MTCR).
There are numerous published reports on the unusual pace of the Indian ballistic missiles program, such as, Federation of American Scientists, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists and Arms Control Association which view that India is intensifying the pace of building long-range missiles vis-Ã -vis China and Pakistan. Despite this India was offered various defense cooperation pacts from the U.S., including the transfer of advanced technology to modernize the missiles.
The influence of the U.S. is deriving other states to aside the international non-proliferation laws, and make place for Indian nuclear exceptionalism. Though, the U.S. policies indicate that it is still hesitant to formally endorse India as a strategic ally. However, these regular reports on Indian military expansionism, appear satisfactory for the United States. Like, the report “Indian nuclear forces 2017” by Hans M Kristensen and Robert S Norris, which concludes that Indian nuclear posture is now diverting from Pakistan to China.
The report, indicated that India is moving towards a wide range of missiles and delivery systems; from tactical nuclear weapons to intercontinental ballistic missiles, and from Air, Land to Sea. India also claims its actions are in fear of China’s rise. Contrary, the Indian military doctrines and deployments had always been and are still Pakistan specific. Which is forcing Pakistan to take counter-measures to assure deterrence. Therefore, the Indian nuclear forces that can target either of states, are also a threat to the whole continent.
Eventually, this is the U.S. objective, contained China assures the sole hegemonic power status, regardless of Indian involvement in misusing the technology and training provided by the U.S. and U.K. for the space advancement program. India has used the rocket propulsion mechanism to develop long-range ballistic missiles. Though, it is not the first time that India has diverted the research and development work for maximizing the military power, and to somehow justify its quest for global power status.
Ironically, with this assistance, India is now fully gearing up to commission numerous nuclear plans, in order to meet the requirement of fuel and warheads, for strategic weapons. The report also pointed, the possession of nuclear material by India is enough for 200 nuclear warheads. India has completed the nuclear triad, and is increasing the military muscle by building different missiles and delivery systems, thus the nuclear material will supposedly increase accordingly.
The Indian activities are not limited to the region only; the past and present record of nuclear, and missile proliferation of India in global arena is embarrassing. For instance, take the recent North Korean tensions, behind every North Korean short and long range ballistic missile test, is India. It has played a malevolent role, despite of U.N. sanctions by providing assistance and training to the North Korean apprentices in the missile and space development programs. Ironically, many western analysts do not observe this connection seriously.
In past, several strategic analysts pointed that the India has intentions to produce around 600 nuclear warheads, and test thermo-nuclear device under supervision of a secret nuclear complex. Contemporary study, indicates that the Indian plans to commission fast nuclear power generation reactors all around the country to overcome energy crises that will also allow India to stockpile nuclear material for over 2600 nukes.
Unfortunately, the U.S. assistance has made India, the sole problem for the whole South Asian region. India is exploiting the political, economic and strategic environment of neighboring countries by sponsoring terrorism. Today, three Indian neighboring states, i.e., Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal claim with evidence that India is sponsoring instability and terrorism in their country.
Former U.S. senator Larry Pressler, in his book, Neighbours in Arms: An American Senator’s Quest for Disarmament in a Nuclear Subcontinent, wrote “I don’t think either Pakistan or India would have gone ahead with nuclear weapons if we were sincere about non-proliferation.”
The international community and the U.S. itself can still play a major role in improving the hostile strategic situation in the South Asian region, by adopting rational and non-discriminatory policies. India should be pressurized politically to give up the military and nuclear adventurism. The 2008 waiver of NSG to India must be revoked, to restrict further stockpiling of nuclear fissile material, and strengthening the non-proliferation regimes. Similarly, the Indian MTCR membership needs a revision, because it provides a cover for Indian missiles development and delivery systems program.