NYC Deep State Government Plays Politics While Subway Riders Suffer

Like Nero during the fall of the Roman Empire, NYC’s political Deep State plays the proverbial fiddle, bickering and infighting, while the People dependent on the subway system, burn in squalor.

In one of their latest, hidden games of nefarious politics, the New York City Deep State local government continues to bicker, sabotage and undercut each other, using the most visible and sensitive aspects of Big Apple life, the MTA Subway System.

One only has to have ridden the subway in the last few months to notice that something has gone seriously wrong with everyday usage.

It is not uncommon, and in fact, it is now normal, to witness the following issues while taking your local subway by and between any of the 5 major boroughs within New York City:

(1) monstrous delays multiplying commuter time by 5-10 times their normal stretch, stalling the NYC economy and making people miss work, appointments or meetings;

(2) air conditioning on the subway cars being non-existent on the hottest summer days, with heating being equally absent during the coldest winter months;

(3) various lights fused, non-replaced, on nearly all of the subway cars, leaving passengers depressed and psychologically freaked out, having to stare at dark foreboding shadows all over the place;

(4) dirt, garbage, and filth plaguing the subway cars, as well as on the surrounding platforms and hallways, punctuated by strong smells of urine, feces, and disease;

(5) an increase in loud, boisterous, crazy and violent mental patients and homeless people screaming at no one in particular, but menacing and harassing the various passengers in NYC’s transit system, making a routine subway ride now a life-threatening and dangerous risk;

(6) routine stops midway between station stops, with thousands of people trapped underground in spots with no internet, no air, no ventilation, and no one to help, compounded with extreme crowding to the point where one seriously questions if they will actually survive the trip – many people with anxiety issues find this development to be the most disturbing and life-threatening, with their blood pressure, pulses, heart rate, and body heat increasing to the point of panic;

(7) big fat dirty hairy rats carrying various diseases in full bloom, reproducing profusely, trampling through the railway tracks and up and around the platform, daring humans to challenge them;

(8) sporadic murders with people being shoved off the platforms reaching an all-time high, as the lunatic asylums of NYC are prematurely emptied of their occupants, seemingly given directions to head directly to the NYC MTA subway system;

(9) extremely hot platform areas during the hottest day of summer, leaving people covered in sweat streaming from their faces and bodies, drenching their clothes all the way through, and suffering from near tundra-like conditions in the dead of winter;

(10) the walls and infrastructure of the subway system falling apart, dilapidated and dreary, with bricks coming off and wall plaster peeling everywhere, with all of the surface areas badly needing paint or some other type of cosmetic coverup, all of which only add to the extremely depressing and disgusting status of the NYC subway system.

It has not been this bad in decades – indeed during Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and then Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s stints for nearly 2 decades, the subway system was the crown and jewel of mass transit – and it was rumored that Mayor Bloomberg even traveled the subway every morning to get to work.

Clearly if Michael Bloomberg was riding the subway regularly as Mayor, he was not going to tolerate the above listed conditions at all, and he did something about them all to make sure that they were fixed and dealt with.

That was a real leader.

And Mayor Giuliani was equally concerned with the status of the subways and also flexed his muscles and clenched his fists in true leadership form and snapped it all into shape, after the disastrous tenures of Mayor David Dinkins and Mayor Koch before him.

New York City desperately needs a Mayor who will address these issues, but it appears that Joe Lhota, currently head of the MTA Subway System, doesn’t really like Democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio that much, possibly because Lhota is a Republican having formerly worked for the Rudy Giuliani administration, and knows that making the vast majority of NYC’s residents and inhabitants dread and detest the subway system is the most visible, easy, and glaring way of ensuring that they vote him out of office.

It appears that either Mayor de Blasio does not have enough control over NYC’s subway system, or Joe Lhota is deliberately messing around with it, instructing his staff from the top on down to either exacerbate the above listed horrific conditions of the NYC Subway system, or is preventing de Blasio from dealing with it himself.

Either way, whoever is responsible for this, needs to be fired immediately, and possibly prosecuted, just as Governor Chris Christie’s staff was targeted after it was revealed that they may have deliberately tampered with the traffic on the George Washington Bridge to punish another politician Mark Sokolich in the Fort Lee New Jersey area for not towing the line politically, thus ruining and destroying the commute of hundreds of millions of people trying to get back and forth for work and life.

In that case, the United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey Paul J. Fishman launched a massive federal investigation, resulting in a sweeping nine-count indictment against Bridget Anne Kelly, the deputy chief of staff, Baroni and Wildstein.

Wildstein entered a guilty plea, and testified against Baroni and Kelly, who were found guilty on all counts in November 2016.

David Samson pleaded guilty to one felony count of conspiracy in July 2016, for acts unrelated to the lane closures but unearthed by the federal Bridgegate investigation.

A real leader needs to be installed, either as head of the MTA Subway System or in the Mayors Office, and a criminal investigation needs to be opened up by the New York FBI as well as the U.S. Attorneys in the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York.

The people of NYC deserve much better, and it won’t do anymore for these 2 idiots to keep blaming each other, pointing their fingers at one another, while 8 million New Yorkers and 100s of millions of tourists from all over the world, suffer in extreme squalor.

Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq.
Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq.
Ranked amongst Top Attorneys in the United States by Newsweek Magazine in 2012 and 2013.