Starting up your own restaurant within a budget

A business that you own is a dream of many individuals, but very few actually work hard to accomplish it. The initial struggle involved in the start of any venture is exhausting and when that business is of running a restaurant, it becomes all the more challenging.

Any good eatery has to maintain food quality, customer relations, the ambiance and its staff. It’s not an easy job to be par with everything at once. It requires relentless effort from the owner as well as the staff. To look for inspiration you can look at the best restaurants in your city to get a clearer picture of how good restaurants work.

Anyone expecting to open up a new restaurant as their first entrepreneurial adventure must be aware of a few things that will help them in their journey. The basic foundation of a business has to be their budget for the project, and a restaurant start-up is no exception. To map out all the possibilities, your money matters have to be set in place, this will then be your guide to further advancements in the planning of your project. To help you stay within budget, here are a few tips that will let you run the restaurant that you had once dreamt of opening.

Restaurant Equipment

Any restaurant hoping to provide its chefs with the best tools would want to buy the best utensils. But this doesn’t always have to be the case. A restaurant’s chef needs are defined by the cuisine it serves. When you have decided on the menu of your restaurant, or the certain types of foods you will be serving there, only then you should choose your equipment. There are a variety of stoves and grills that serve different purposes. If grilled food is not a part of your menu, then don’t opt for a stove with a grill or an oven which you are suspecting your chefs may never use. In order to better understand these choices, consult a chef or someone with sufficient knowledge in cooking food.

Another option available to you is to look for second-hand equipment. Second-hand stuff is relatively cheap and could be bought off from a lot of places. It could be online, or a restaurant that has gone out of business. If the condition of the tools seems good enough to serve the intended purpose without any hindrance, then it is surely a good investment.


An ambiance is a strong point of any restaurant catering to anyone who is looking for something more than just good food. It adds an experience to the diner and has the potential to create a loyal customer. But seeing that you have a budget, you should introduce things to the room little by little. If you really want to decide between the two decorations, then make the decision based on your needs over your wants. It is important that you have a fancy light on the ceiling more than beautiful wallpaper or a plush leather seat. Use tactics on the design of your dining area more than money to make the place look tasteful and interesting.


If you are opening a restaurant that is aiming to produce Haute cuisines, then you may as well put that idea to rest, unless you have the proper resources or a good loan plan. As your student loan payments may have taught you that the loans are not easy to pay, so keep the initial investments lower. Your Food expense is something that you will have to go through daily. Groceries and meat prices can fluctuate, which may work to your advantage or disadvantage accordingly, but the percentage of the profit and loss doesn’t vary significantly here. But if you are serving food items that are costly, then it will definitely affect your monthly budget. Don’t directly choose delicacies which will cost you more than most of your groceries combined. Introduce items that are expensive in the menu later and go for dishes that cost less to prepare in the starting few months of your eatery.

Marketing Strategy

It is a good strategy to make your presence known before you start operations. But one must remember to not go overboard with these promotional tactics. A planned marketing will direct the right type of customers to you. It is always better to use social media to your advantage rather than any other medium to promote your restaurant. It costs less and is more effective than any other medium in existence. With its variety of options to find and serve to your desired niche, you will be able to set a customer base and advertise to them within a short while.

Avoiding any of these can have a bad response to your efforts. Therefore to follow a plan is the best way to have a successful running business. Each part of the tactics is correlated with each other and is set to provide you with the best outcome in a minimal budget. Remember, a good strategy will help you reach the top, not over spending.