Climate Change – Biopolicy & Development

[yt_dropcap type=”square” font=”” size=”14″ color=”#000″ background=”#fff” ] C [/yt_dropcap]limate Change – Biopolicy & Development is a must-read for all who want to become informed and sensitized about possibly the greatest challenge facing humanity today.

This impressive work addresses such crucial questions as: “How is climate change different from global warming?” “How can we be so confident that humans are the primary cause of recent climate change?” “Which extreme weather events are posing serious threats to public health and wellbeing?” “How will water resources, land and biodiversity be impacted in the coming decades?” “What is the role of agriculture and forestry in climate change mitigation?” “What is the outlook for the world economy, jobs and education?” and “How has the international community been responding to these growing challenges?”

The book features nine chapters which outline the complex risks posed by climate change, look into mitigation and adaptation strategies in a variety of sectors, and present key paradigms for global policy with a view to the future. The aim is to contribute to the mobilization and inspiration of every individual on our planet, in every dimension of human endeavor, in order to lead to the timely transformation of policy into action.

The role of biopolicy

The final chapter examines how biopolicy – policy with bios = life, at the heart of decision-making – can offer insight and motivation for a climate-resilient future. The cooperation of technology and the arts, a re-assessment of the concept of profit, cities with zero pollution, green employment schemes, and initiatives for a greater appreciation of the microcosmos – the world of cells and molecules – can help society to revise energy intensive sectors, improve the quality of the environment, support life, and enhance international cooperation in climate change mitigation. The most essential part of this responsibility, however, remains the parameter of time. As repeatedly affirmed by Prof. Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis, “If we do not hear the ticking clock, then we are ethically accountable for the damages and problems we delegate to future generations.”

e-Learning program

The material in this publication is also used in B.I.O.’s extensive e-learning program, which is offered through the Organisation’s e-learning platform at Courses cover a variety of topics and focus on new thinking about ways to integrate sustainability principles in all academic disciplines and professional initiatives so as to increase insight in global strategies for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

To order copies of the book and/or to receive more information about the e-learning program, please contact ava[at]