We Should Trust President Donald Trump

[yt_dropcap type=”square” font=”” size=”14″ color=”#000″ background=”#fff” ] D [/yt_dropcap]onald Trump and his deep love for America has not changed since he became President of the United States, only his knowledge and access to national security intelligence and information has.

With the recent Syrian tomahawk missile attack by the Trump Administration after what appeared to have been dubious evidence of Syrian culpability, President Donald Trump lost a great deal of his loyal supporters and followers.

This is because tens of millions of Americans (as well as hundreds of millions of people overseas) felt that he was playing fast and furious in courting World War 3, which is an unforgivable sin and hazard to “play” with the lives of 8 billion human beings on planet earth.

Furthermore, his recent and seeming “flip flops” on other issues, which contrasted so blatantly his passionate message blasts via Twitter for the past several years, also made Trump appear to be disingenuous, or even worse, dishonest, as well as an opportunist.

Many argued that Donald Trump was in fact always part of the “Deep State,” an “insider” who simply lied to the American people en masse in order to get elected.

However, is this really true?

We already know that Donald Trump is an America-Firster who deeply and passionately cares about the United States, and who wants to see his beloved nation do well – we know this because you simply can not fake it that well for decades since he first began to do his interviews as a young man in his 30s, with some famous interviews with a young Tom Brokaw and even with Allen King, Oprah Winfrey, and Rona Barrett, amongst others.

What is striking in all of these interviews is that in each and every one of them, Donald Trump comes across as a very kind, sweet, compassionate, intelligent, and concerned American citizen who cares deeply about his country, and how well it does in the future.

He also makes it very clear in each and every one of these interviews that he would rather not be President of the United States, or run for office, because it is a very “mean life” and because he would rather see someone else more qualified to actually do the job correctly.

No one can fake that type of consistently sincere love for America and deep personal humility for more than 4 decades in public life starting when he was only 30.

Donald Trump is the real deal, and wants what is best for America, not for himself.

He truly wishes to spend his older years fixing and helping America become great again, like it was when he was a young man, and for this sentiment he should be lionized and commended, not criticized.

So what changed?

Why does it appear that he has flip-flopped on so many of his pre-election platforms and positions, most notably the much vaunted and posted re-tweets of his opposition to intervention in Syria, or other issues?

Well perhaps the best answer is now, President Donald Trump has number one top priority security clearance, and has the information and intelligence at his fingertips which has caused him to make certain decisions that he would not have made before, when he quite frankly did not know much more than the average American citizen, without the benefit of this raw intelligence and information.

The point is, Donald Trump and his deep love for America has not changed, merely his knowledge and awareness of what is ailing America has.

And this new founded knowledge of truths that are not shared with the American people on National Security grounds, has altered and colored his decision-making and judgements.

So we as Americans must take comfort in the fact that we elected this great man to be our President, because he resonated with us and convinced us of who he is, and what he stands for.

And now, we must also trust President Donald Trump that he will continue to do what is best for the United States of America, and its people, even if we as Americans often do not quite understand why he has made some of these decisions in the first place.

Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq.
Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq.
Ranked amongst Top Attorneys in the United States by Newsweek Magazine in 2012 and 2013.