[yt_dropcap type=”square” font=”” size=”14″ color=”#000″ background=”#fff” ] O [/yt_dropcap]ne of President Donald Trump’s campaign promises was to clean up the judiciary, ie, one of the 3 main branch pools of fetid water known as the governmental “swamp” that he intends to “drain.”
But no other branch of the U.S. Government will ever more feverishly resist going quietly into the night, as this nation’s Judiciary.
This is because this 3rd branch of government is entirely made up of people who are literally, experts in the law, trials, evidence, discovery, and jurisprudence.
This means that these people have literal “black belts” in dispensing tyranny, all under the color of law and authority.
One of the greatest tragedies and hallmarks of modern American jurisprudence is that any judge, at any time, can rationalize or justify, under the color of law and authority, any and all tyrannical, unconstitutional, malicious, judicially activist, unjust, unfair, unethical, politically biased, racist, sexist, unethical, and even illegal court decisions with enough “legal mumbo jumbo,” and this one of the greatest weaknesses of the Common Law System (Judicial Based/Interpreted Legal Decisions) rather than a Civil Code-type law (Black and White right and wrong judicial decisions), such as can be found in Europe.
This immense power vested in Judges is the GREATEST reason that they need to be closely and deeply vetted for any and all ties to foreign powers, financial institutions and banks, fringe-groups, political groups, extremist protected class groups, activist groups, and other potential pollutants to a clean and pure judiciary that respects the U.S. Constitution – in fact judges should be vetted and scrutinized more than the standards used to determine whether or not a foreign visitor is a terrorist or not, as promulgated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, because a bad judge can do far more harm to the United States and its Citizenry, than any terrorist ever could.
Where once the Common Law was a very useful and in fact helpful type of body of law choice in America, leading to universally acceptable progressive decisions such as giving women and minorities the right to vote, civil rights laws and amendments, questioning and then eradicating out of date concepts and value systems that did not comport with modern life, today it has literally been hijacked by the most extreme, activist, anti-American, unconstitutional, civil liberties hating gaggle of Deep State Oligarch/Plutocrat-controlled screeching Neo-Conservative/Neo-Liberal Communist hysterics that have, over the past few decades, reduced our body of law and U.S. Constitution to a shambles.
The Deep State Oligarchs/Plutocrats have learned that by funding and supporting the various and different “Protected Classes” and “tapping into their passions,” that they could then control them and direct them as “useful idiots” to attack and turn them on their enemies, ie, anyone who stands in the way of their total and complete, unbridled and unopposed power.
In other words, the most wealthy and powerful have learned to use these protected classes, the most repressed and beaten down of American society, to destroy or undermine anyone that interferes with their tyranny.
Donald Trump has come out in the open, lambasting this nation’s thoroughly corrupted judiciary, railing against those corrupted and beholden judges (both federal and state), who have now decided to take up their legal arms against him, to both destroy and undermine his vision and presidency, and these judges are retaliating and lashing out with the vim and vinegar of hellfire and scorn.
They repeatedly support the issuance of press statements or using their fellow like-minded and similarly controlled scoundrels in the legislature (US Senate and Congress) about how they, like the Federal Reserve, are “above politics” and should not be questioned in their unbridled authority, or that their comfy and cushy judicial positions (sometimes lifetime appointments) should not, and can not, ever be questioned or usurped, in the most unconstitutional displays of jealously holding on to their gilded power thrones.
Their sheer shamelessness and unabashed thirst for power, and refusal or “offended sensibilities” to be questioned by the American People that they serve, or the President of the United States who was elected by the People, is truly disgusting to watch, and often speakers like American Bar Association President Linda Klein come out and publicly attack and castigate the President of the United States, just because he has recently dared to exercise his First Amendment Rights to criticize what he perceives to be rampant judicial corruption in the federal and state judiciary, first as a regular U.S. Citizen, then as a Presidential Candidate, and now as this country’s full-fledged elected U.S. President.
The bad news for these jealous vampire-like corrupted and activist judges is that now, President Donald Trump can actually do something about this serious judicial corruption problem in the United States, while before, as a regular citizen, he also had to just sit there, shut up, and take their abuse.
President Donald Trump has proven his love for the U.S. Constitution when he hoisted and submitted Judge Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court, in a heroic and herculean effort to save the American Republic, and to rescue it from the evil Satanic cabal that has subverted and undermined its courts all throughout America, from the civil, to the criminal, to the family, from the federal bench all the way down to the state and local.
The character of the U.S. Supreme Court is ultimately what will shape and filter what goes on at the federal/state/local level, but this will take time, possibly many years.
However it is worth the wait, and the smart and intelligent judges will know that the writing is on the wall – either they love and respect the U.S. Constitution, and abstain from activism and monetary/political corruption, or they will be handily and quickly swept out of power (at best) or jailed (at worst) by the very document and People that they loath, abuse, and hate.