Deep State Control of the American Courts and Judiciary

Not much attention has been paid to the insidious and hidden Deep State Plutocratic/Oligarch control of the U.S. Courts and its corresponding judiciary, whether state, federal or local.

Perhaps it was inevitable, but the straying away from the United States Constitution over the past 225 years or so has been so gradual, and so muted, that it has been almost impossible to recognize when the schisms occurred and when the greatest violations of the vision of the Founding Fathers actually happened.

Various events in American history, to be sure, have certainly “fast tracked” the American court system and its judiciary away from the U.S. Constitution, usually emanating out of fear-based legislation and ad hoc clandestine “thief in the night” enactments, such as the events of the Oklahoma City bombing which ushered in the DOJ/FBI’s resurgence of the COINTELPRO program outlawed in 1975 after the Frank Church Hearings but reinstated by the 1995 Bill Clinton/Joe Biden Community Oriented Policing (“COPS”) gang-stalking/STASI program, or the obvious events of 911 which reinstated the CIA’s mass assassination/propaganda/MKULTRA program after its curtailing also by the Church Senate Hearings, or even relating to the creation of the Federal Reserve central banking system in 1913 which literally was surreptitiously passed on Christmas Eve in 1913 when 99% of the Congress and Senate were at home with their families for the holidays.

Many long-term surviving judges have reported that the Constitution intended that only elected lawmakers be permitted to create law, yet federal and state judges routinely and daily create their own law in the judicial system based on their own activism, personal opinions, corruption, bribery, and bias.

This court/judicial element is called “case law,” and occurs daily through the rulings of federal and state judges.

When a judge hands down a ruling, and it survives appeal with the next tier of judges, it then becomes full-fledged, full-blown, case law legal precedent.

But these constant and daily court rulings have now eclipsed the speed and pace of the legislative branch, and so therefore currently the American people are constantly subject to case rulings of individual judges (who are much easier to corrupt and purchase than the entire congress/senate) than the laws made by the legislature pursuant to the U.S. Constitution.

The constant case law/legal precedent phenomenon consistently, continuously, and routinely alters and changes legislative and constitutional intent on a daily, if not hourly, basis.

Lawyers love this phenomenon because it constantly creates new business opportunities for them, and their associated Bar Associations, highly profitable Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) programs, and other financial “hangers on” entities who feverishly mine these daily judicial court rulings for nuggets of gold to buy and sell to gain tactical advantages over others who may or may not know about them, in order to make a fast buck.

Adding insult to injury is the fact that larger and powerful law firms who have banks, mega corporations, and wealthy individuals as “cash cow clients” routinely buy off and control federal, state and local judges, and their corresponding court rulings reflect the agendas and visions of those wealthy powerful clients, at the complete and total expense of the common people and the masses.

The Deep State Plutocrat/Oligarch Elite control these financial purse-strings, and exercise this power on a daily basis, so that our body of law and jurisprudence is today, and at once, totally unrecognizable from the visions of the Founding Fathers and our first American courts.

It is common knowledge within the legal profession that corrupt judges regularly refuse to identify potential conflicts of interest, and refuse to step aside from cases where their personal bias, feelings, money trail, and connections might create a greater risk of them issuing an unfair ruling.

As a corollary to this truism, corrupted judges systematically provide advantages to those who have given them money and power, while they more often than not ignore the human rights, civil liberties, and constitutional rights of those who seek justice for acts of wrongdoing committed against them.

The only way to undo this vast quagmire of a mess is to meditate on these facts and “re-set the clock” a bit to try and recapture the original intent of the founding fathers, the United States Constitution, and the original legislatures, and quickly pare down and discount the various and cacophonous squawking of American judges over the past 225 years, but this is no mean feat – it will require an overall restocking of our nations federal and state judiciary, and a return to what made this country’s legal system great in the first place – the words and inherent meaning of the United States Constitution.

Once again, the only way the American people will ever see change is by incessantly calling/emailing/texting/faxing their local and federal congressional and senate leaders, as well as their local federal and state law enforcement agencies, to demand change at the local and federal level to investigate, arrest, prosecute, convict, and replace our nation’s corrupt judges and court personnel, and thereupon revolutionize the courts.

It will not happen if the American people don’t care or are apathetic about all of this.

Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq.
Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq.
Ranked amongst Top Attorneys in the United States by Newsweek Magazine in 2012 and 2013.