[yt_dropcap type=”square” font=”” size=”14″ color=”#000″ background=”#fff” ] H [/yt_dropcap] aving failed miserably in their global campaigns to unilaterally and in an unprovoked fashion, destroy, subjugate and undermine the Ukraine and Russia, also using their proxy paramilitary force ISIS against Syria and other bordering middle eastern nations, with their concurrent campaigns using proxy state Saudi Arabia against Yemen and NATO against Libya coming under closer scrutiny and fire from heroic members of the U.S. Congress and Senate – Led by patriotic and honest “America-Firsters” Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Chris Murphy, Ted Lieu and Trey Gowdy;
The Neo-Conservatives appear to be frantically scaling the walls within the Pentagon, Intelligence Community, halls of the legislature, think-tanks, mainstream media outlets, and other US Government/NGO/Private enclaves, grasping at straws and throwing “Parthian Shots” more akin to the temper tantrums of a child, than a well-organized and amply financed intellectual force to be reckoned with.
Perhaps in their latest “Samson Option” type acts and behavior, it appears that they may very well be behind the latest spate of targeted assassinations, all over the world, but mainly focusing on high-level Russians in their own homes (Petr Polshikov), on the streets of Moscow (Boris Nemtsov), in art exhibits in Turkey (Andrey Karlov), and in hotels in Washington DC (Mikhail Lesin).
Whoever is carrying out these assassinations is either doing this out of blind frustrated rage, or trying to make it look like someone else.
But the greatest lesson of real-politik and international conflicts should always begin, and end, with the latin phrase “Cui Bono,” ie, “Who Benefits.”
Now with the confirmed election of Neo-Con hater President-Elect Donald Trump, it appears that the Neo-Conservative Movement’s fate is sealed, in each and every segment of the U.S. Government in which they have burrowed themselves like termites or maggots, whatever disgusting vermin insect appellation of choice.
So simply, by the process of first grade-level deduction, it is easy to show that right now, the only victors after a hard-fought series of years long battles on the battlefield, media, and in politics are the Russians under President Vladimir Putin, and the “America-Firsters” under U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump, and the vast majority of global humanity supporting them, that are all unanimously welcoming a new chapter and epoch of peace and prosperity in the future of the global community.
Underneath the protective and inspirational wings of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are nestled the vast majority of global humanity that care about their futures, their children, their jobs, their freedom, the avoidance of World War 3, and their plot of earth that they like to call home.
This would probably be 99% of humanity.
So who is not happy? Who represents the 1% of global humanity, who is not happy with the outcome of the last few months/years of recent geo-political developments? Who would literally kill to get even?
One does not have to be a brain surgeon to figure this out in only a few minutes.
This small, embittered, embattled, and spiteful minority of the global community are the only ones who would ruin a perfectly good global party of hope, prosperity, and optimism for the future – and they are all, completely and totally controlled by the Neo-Conservative Movement in the United States, which has previously been described to be the intellectual, political, media, financial, and “armchair warrior” face of the Deep State Plutocrat/Oligarch global elite.
So now that these Neo-Cons have also lost control of the Mainstream Media narrative with their recent embarrassments chronicled and detailed in the war by and between the Mainstream (“MSM”) and Alternative Media, with accusations and allegations of “Fake News” being hurled and bandied about like pissed-off monkeys throwing their own feces with the MSM emerging as the true loser as the vast majority of the world has awakened to the fact that they are just “arms” of the London Central Bankers and their foreign nation-state, family, or individual lackeys, the proverbial “jig” is finally, up.
Therefore, like any other spoiled brat armed to the teeth with jacked up private security and mercenaries, state of the art military hardware and technology, layers and layers of secret societies dispensing orders from up on high like any other mafia/organized crime family, and under the “color of law and authority” of the U.S. or other allied foreign government, these recent targeted assassinations by well-trained and connected “insiders” are no doubt being dispatched, like “Sith Warriors,” to the far corners of the globe, in order to kill off their enemies in a retaliatory and bitter fashion.
It is so obvious as to be a joke.
The quick, ad hoc assembling of high level Russian intelligence operatives and government employees by Vladimir Putin to determine the exact perpetrators/planners/organizers of these latest assassinations is obviously being done for window dressing and also to vet any last-minute arguments against a finding against these Neo-Con/Deep State perps, but everyone (including Putin) must be pretty certain about who these culprits truly are.
And so it goes – now that the lid has been lifted off of Pandora’s Box with these recent targeted and unprovoked assassinations of innocent Russian diplomats, intelligence officers, ambassadors, and private citizens, expect the great “Jedi/Sith” targeted individual assassinations to continue on throughout the world, as this global conflict has now been reduced to veritable provocation “mob hits” by and between the Neo-Cons and the rest of the civilized world – the odds are glaringly against the Neo-Cons.
The Neo-Cons were never known for their long-term planning or ability to be accurate or successful in their strategies or predictions in the past 50 years – so why would they start now?