For this reason it is difficult to live in this geography. The weak state is destroyed in this geography. Turkey is a country with a 2000-year state tradition. For this reason it is one of the powerful nations of the region. In recent years, Turkey’s military and economic power has increased even more. It is almost impossible to step into the region without the resentment of Turkey. For this reason the countries that want to make policy in the Middle East should be with Turkey. Countries with Turkey win, but those who are not together lose. After this brief introduction we can say that the end of the EU in the context of Turkey-EU relations.
Throughout history, it has sought to establish good relations with the West. This is evidenced by the approximately 53-year relationship with The European Union (EU). But recently, relations between Turkey and the EU have come to the point of breaking. The deterioration of relations between Turkey and EU is worse for the EU.
The economic and political center of the world is shifting from the West to the East. In this process it is logical for the EU to establish good relations with Turkey. But the EU does not prefer it. The question is why the EU has made such a choice. But the EU must question and answer this question on its own. Because the preference of the EU can be bad for itself.
The EU has experienced the most troubled period of its history. Its recent decisions has also showed this. The EU is almost astonished and does not know what to do. The EU is in a bottomless pit. Instead of thinking own future, the EU is helplessly making decisions about Turkey. Unfortunately, the EU is preparing its own end with these decisions.
The EU must first prove to its members of its legitimacy. France and the Netherlands had a negative outcome in the referendum on the constitution of the European Union in 2005. Later referendums were canceled in member states such as Finland and Germany. Referendums have been postponed in some member countries. European citizens abstain on the constitution of the EU, they were not persuaded.
Separation of the UK from the EU was a shock for whole world. Thus, the EU has lost face. This decision of the UK shows that the EU is in great difficulty. Britain has left the European Union with great courage. The reputation of the EU has been damaged.
The attitude of the EU about refugee issue have been followed by the whole world. They have followed inconsistent policies. They do not keep their promises. They can not act like unity. There are great disagreements about various issues within the Union. European citizens are quite disturbed by some decisions of the Union.
From now on, the international economic system will not be West-centered. The international economic system is shifting to central Asia. Europe is aware of this. The EU is trying to prevent new emerging forces like Turkey.
Turkey expects the EU to fight more effectively with the PKK and FETÖ and cut its financial resources. But the EU does not do it effectively. If the EU had been in Turkey for the fight against terrorism, the terror was over. As stated in Daily Sabah: “The PKK terror group has been freely holding rallies across European capitals, with the authorization of EU officials, despite the PKK being listed as a terror organization by the bloc. Also the EU turned a blind eye to the July 15 coup attempt by FETÖ in Turkey and lacked in taking measures against the network’s members in EU cities.
After the EU freeze Turkey’s membership talks, President Erdogan accused the EU of betrayal. He said “Some 30-40 votes for ‘no’ and 400-500 votes for ‘yes.’ What would happen if all of you voted ‘yes?’ You never treated humanity honestly and you did not look after people fairly. You did not pick up babies when they washed ashore on the Mediterranean. We are the ones who are feeding around 3.5 million refugees in this country,”
“You did not keep your promises. When 50,000 refugees turned up at the Kapıkule [border gate] you cried out and began to say ‘What will we do when Turkey opens the border gates?’ Look, if you go further, those border gates will be opened. You should know that,” he said. ”.
In response to this a senior EU offical said “Rhetorical threats are absolutely unhelpful and should not be the Standard tone between partners. This will not help Turkey’s credibility in the eyes of European citizens. Europe will not be blackmailed”
Hundreas of babies died while migrating. What did the West do when these babies died? How many refugees are taken by the West?
“Now in the world there are millions of Aylan Kurdis (Syrian refugee toddler) waiting for a response, compassion and mercy. Are there any steps taken for them? No… “There are millions of babies, women, all from 7 to 70 [years of age] in Africa waiting for a solution. And there are no steps taken…The world is bigger than five (US, UK, France, Russia and China). We need to defend that, but we shouldn’t be afraid of some people. We can’t applaud cruelty in order to look nice to someone. Are the ones who have been keeping the doors of the EU closed for 53 years imposing sanctions? What if they do? Are we finished; will we collapse? These sanctions won’t cause us to collapse. We will stand straight and continue on our way. Don’t forget, the West needs Turkey,” he added. ” Erdogan said.