The strategic issue of the Uyghur political-military movement

[yt_dropcap type=”square” font=”” size=”14″ color=”#000″ background=”#fff” ] T [/yt_dropcap]he geopolitical goals of the Uyghur political movement in Europe and in the many areas in which it has established itself (Latin America, Europe, Australia, United States) are basically the following:

1) to “cover up” and distort the intelligence signals of the Chinese anti-jihadist network; 2) to increasingly isolate and separate the People’s Republic of China from the Western world; 3) to raise funds for the Uyghur internal and external terrorism in Xinjiang and, finally, 4) to create the media coverage, in the West, for a future Islamist guerrilla warfare in the Chinese territory, thus creating positive climate and feelings – as freedom fighters – for the Uyghur jihadists operating in China.

The headquarters of the World Uyghur Congress (WUC) are located in Munich – at the core of each movement in Europe and outside it – and the organisation is led by Dolkun Isa as Secretary.

At the beginning of October 2016 he organized the demonstrations of local Uyghurs and Western anti-China activists in the United States (in Washington and in California) and later in the Netherlands – and obviously also in Munich.

Dolkun Isa is an organizer and a liaison between the WUC in Munich and Western politicians, journalists and activists.

The world Uyghur network operates more than we may think in the soft power sphere, with a view to countering China and creating a negative climate against it among the European ruling classes.

Interpol has a long negative report on Dolkun Isa in its records; he was imprisoned in South Korea in 2009 and could not obtain the visa to enter India in 2016.

There is even speculation that Dolkun Isa is trying to create a covert association of the World Uyghur Congress for “human rights”, based in Europe, and with non-Islamic members

The WUC President, who mostly guides Dolkun Isa himself, is Rebiya Kader, a wealthy Uyghur businesswoman who has long been living in Washington, USA.

It is worth recalling that in 1999 Rebiya Kader who, at the time, was the eighth richest woman in China and already member of China’s Parliament, was imprisoned on charges of having sold some Chinese military secrets to the United States.

Hence why is the WUC Secretary, Dolkun Isa, so often operating in Europe? First and foremost to organize a stable defamation campaign against the People’s Republic of China, with a view to successfully opposing the Chinese line in Europe.

The WUC first goal is to isolate China. The second one is to pass off China as “a terrorist State”, thus destroying its relations with the West.

This can mainly happen in the liberal-radical world, which is the most connected with US interests and the most capable of influencing both the EU Right and Left.

Hence the aim is to hit – currently and in the future – China’s interests in Europe and in the rest of the West.

In essence, WUC does not absolutely want the European countries to adhere to China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

For WUC, confining China in its old terrestrial region is the premonitory sign and harbinger of a possible defeat on the ground of mass armed struggle, which could make the traditional Chinese contradictions increase and break out: urban areas / rural areas, military power / Party, CPC middle managers / executives.

Finally the WUC sections are the cover and the base for fundraising, as well as the strategic headquarters abroad for the future operations of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM).

ETIM is the overtly jihadist branch of the Uyghur movement, which is already hitting Chinese targets in the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) region, as happened in Kyrgyzstan on August 30, with an attack on the local Chinese Embassy.

The SCO safety belt is another of the primary targets that the Uyghurs plan to hit.

Hence WUC is an important network, in direct contact with the jihadist Uyghur “armed struggle”.

In Hamburg and in the rest of Germany, the Uyghurs are a small community, largely inside the Tibetan one and mainly integrated with the many local Turkish workers. It also welcomes Uyghur exiles who have recently staged demonstrations in Xinjiang and who can be useful in a “covert war” against the diplomatic missions of the People’s Republic of China in Europe.

The fleeing Uyghurs follow the same route as those going to swell the ranks of the “sword jihad”, who are currently over 3,000: Thailand, Indonesia and finally Pakistan. From there they go to work – via Turkey – to Germany or join the jihadist militants.

It is worth noting, however, that all the events we have analyzed show very little presence of emigrated Uyghurs, often “moved” from city to city only for advertising purposes. Conversely we find there a very wide audience of “human rights” Western militants, especially of liberal-radical tradition.

In addition to a considerable number of protesters linked to the multifarious world of the Tibetan diaspora, who are the WUC true and primary cover.

Certainly a world of mirrors which, however, implies a basically pro-US political stance for “free” Tibet and, hence also for the Uyghurs, equally “free” from the Chinese “backlash”.

While the Pentagon’s current strategic line is to encircle the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China, two powers growing fast both at economic and geopolitical levels – two “anti-hegemonic” policies compared to the unipolar world wanted by the United States – it is easy to imagine how the Tibetans and the Uyghurs are perfect, for the United States, for propaganda purposes.

In fact the only officially-known funding to WUC is that of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). However, there is also the Turkish intelligence service (MIT) which directly supports – through emigration – the insurgency within Xinjiang and possibly there will also be funds from Saudi Arabia, which operates in the jihad area mainly through the Al Nusra Front in Afghanistan.

Incidentally, it is the same militant area where the ETIM jihadists end up in Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Turkey, however, wants Xinjiang because it wants to implement its crazy project of Panturanic unification of all Turkmen ethnic groups under its new Sultanate.

Furthermore, the North American NED backed – with funds and trainers – the “Crimson Revolution” in Lhasa in March 2008, the “saffron revolution” in Burma in August, September and October 2007, in addition to all the other “colour revolutions” in Serbia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Iran.

Hence the National Endowment for Democracy is clearly the soft war instrument and the tool for “covert” operations most often used by the United States and its intelligence services.

It will certainly continue to operate in ”East Turkestan”, as the local Islamist militants call Xinjiang.

Though this be madness, yet there is method in ‘t – just to quote Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

Hence the enigma is solved: WUC and the other networks supporting the Uyghur movement in the world are targeted to the North American strategy designed to contain China and strategically weaken and defuse it in its near abroad.

For obvious territorial and tactical reasons, they are also designed to cause problems for the unity of purpose between China and Russia.

Hence ETIM, which is massively present in the Pakistani tribal area, raises funds for itself, but also for the local jihad in China, with the cover propaganda according to which every jihad is local.

This means that the global jihad has nothing to do with the insurgency in Xinjiang, which is very useful for “cleansing” and making the image of the Islamic revolt in China nationalistic and peaceful.

Part of the funds, however, also comes from WUC, which raises money in Europe and in Australia to back not so much the guerrilla warfare, but the Uyghur population within Xinjiang.

Nevertheless, how are these funds flowing? Through NGOs.

The foreign NGOs operating before the new Chinese law are the following: the Bai Yang Public Welfare, led by Li Le, based at the School of Pharmacy of Xinjiang, funded by the One Foundation of which works mainly in the field of education and training.

Another one is the Canadian Co-operative Association (CCA), which is the NGO of Canadian cooperatives and private credit institutions, which has funded a microcredit facility in Xinjiang to the tune of 4.8 billion dollars.

Another NGO is the Fred Hollows Foundation, an Australian organization working in the health sector – ophthalmology, in particular.

Again in Xinjiang there is also the Good Rock Foundation, a NGO based in Hong Kong taking care of Chinese orphans.

In the “Turkmen” region of the People’s Republic of China Medecins Sans Frontières Belgium operates particularly in the treatment of infectious diseases, such as AIDS and SARS.

There is also the Ninth World Foundation, which provides medical and education support to the poorest people.

The other NGOs are the Our Free Sky, OFS Volunteer Organization, which provides aid to the most vulnerable social groups; the Sunshine Voluntary Teaching, obviously dealing with education and finally the Yale-China Association for Sino-US cultural exchanges.

According to our calculations, the total amount of funds employed by the NGOs in Xinjiang between 2015 and the first half of 2016 is equal to 4.25 million US dollars.

Finally, if we consider that, in the Autonomous Region, the distribution of money – including both voluntary transfers and contributions and “bribes and kickbacks” – implies a 13.4% to the public and “covert” organisations of local Islam, the cash available to the Uyghur movement is approximately 5.2 millions.

Hence, on the one hand, WUC and its armed wing, ETIM, are functions of the global jihad, in the visible and in the invisible areas; on the other, they are primary factors of the US strategy of slow destabilization and containment of China.

Giancarlo Elia Valori
Giancarlo Elia Valori
Advisory Board Co-chair Honoris Causa Professor Giancarlo Elia Valori is a world-renowned Italian economist and international relations expert, who serves as the President of International Studies and Geopolitics Foundation, International World Group, Global Strategic Business In 1995, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem dedicated the Giancarlo Elia Valori chair of Peace and Regional Cooperation. Prof. Valori also holds chairs for Peace Studies at Yeshiva University in New York and at Peking University in China. Among his many honors from countries and institutions around the world, Prof. Valori is an Honorable of the Academy of Science at the Institute of France, Knight Grand Cross, Knight of Labor of the Italian Republic, Honorary Professor at the Peking University