It appears that yet again, once more, Obama-appointee FTC Antitrust Chairwoman Edith Ramirez is asleep at her desk. Previously she was grilled about apparently not doing her job when it came to Google, wherein she was asked to address “contradictions” in testimony she gave to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the FTC’s dropping of an antitrust action against Google in 2013 – the requests pointed to a variety of evidence obtained through open government laws that suggested that Ramirez and other FTC officials had unusually close relationships with Google, and that those relationships may have helped the company avoid antitrust action.
Perhaps she is just the latest minority “protected class” member installed by the Deep State Plutocrat Elite in order to do their dirty business, as usual, and given no power or mandate to effect or engage in any meaningful change for the benefit of the American people, or the rest of the world.
The latest news broadcasts from up on high is that AT&T is about to buy Time-Warner Cable, for a cool 85 billion dollars.
And yet again, all we hear are crickets chirping from Edith Ramirez’ and the other FTC staff desks.
Do they not realize that yet again, ANOTHER huge media conglomerate is being swallowed and acquired by another huge media conglomerate, to create another gargantuan media outlet, in another consolidation of the enormous power, money, wealth, intimidation, conspiracy, and control of the American (and now global) media, which directly undermines and eviscerates the US Constitution, contained within the purview of the First Amendment?
The People have already spoken – almost unanimously, and screamed from the rooftops at the top of their lungs, that the media is controlled by only 6 major corporations, and that the People literally have to scramble, scour the internet, subscribe to alternative media/news outlets, and otherwise sign up for “conspiracy theory” web sites, in order to get their much needed, and very necessary, news and information about their country, the world, and current events which directly affect their lives, and their friends/family/children.
But FTC Chief Edith Ramirez, like she did during the Google investigations, says, and does nothing.
Could it be because she is somehow being told to “stand down,” or is otherwise benefiting from this pyramid scheme-like media conglomeration?
Is she being promised a great job afterwards, making millions of dollars at the American People’s expense, like almost every other single revolving door government/private sector whore who puts in their time – see Goldman Sachs’ Robert Rubin, Tim Geithner, Larry Summers, Gene Sperling, and others flitting around as US Treasury Secretary or Federal Reserve stooges, or even former Attorney General Eric Holder’s beeline back to his leather chair and cherrywood desk at uber-elite bankster law firm Covington & Burling LLP after he essentially “whitewashed” the trillion dollar international bankster crimes of 2008 during his tenure in the Obama Administration, placing no one in jail, just hitting them all with “fines” of a few million dollars here and there, which really is just a “days pay” for these banking behemoths, and is otherwise just chalked up to the “cost of doing business” on their way to fleecing trillions of dollars from the American taxpayer, and countless billions of people overseas, connected within the interlocking “keiretsu” banking system of the international central bankers?
When are we, the American People, going to begin to hold our elected (and non-elected but appointed) government leaders’ collective feet to the fire?
When are we going to call them out for being the lazy, good for nothing, taxpayer-sucking crooks that they are, and demand that they actually do their jobs?
United States antitrust law is a collection of federal and state government laws that regulate the conduct and organization of business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers. (The concept is called competition law in other English-speaking countries.)
The main statutes are the Sherman Act 1890, the Clayton Act 1914 and the Federal Trade Commission Act 1914.
These Acts, first, restrict the formation of “cartels” and prohibit other collusive practices regarded as being in restraint of trade.
Second, they restrict the mergers and acquisitions of organizations that could substantially lessen competition.
Third, they prohibit the creation of a monopoly and the abuse of monopoly power.
The Federal Trade Commission, the U.S. Department of Justice, state governments and private parties who are sufficiently affected may all bring actions in the courts to enforce the antitrust laws.
The scope of antitrust laws, and the degree to which they should interfere in an enterprise’s freedom to conduct business, or to protect smaller businesses, communities and consumers, are strongly debated.
One view, mostly closely associated with the “Chicago School of Economics” suggests that antitrust laws should focus solely on the benefits to consumers and overall efficiency, while a broad range of legal and economic theory sees the role of antitrust laws as also controlling economic power in the public interest.
Preventing collusion and cartels that act in restraint of trade is an essential task of antitrust law.
It reflects the view that each business has a duty to act independently on the market, and so earn its profits solely by providing better priced and quality products than its competitors.
The Sherman Act §1 prohibits “every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce.”
This targets two or more distinct enterprises acting together in a way that harms third parties.
The American People, and indeed the rest of the world, need to pay closer attention to the assembling of the “Pyramid” of oppressive global governance and New World Order infrastructure in their own midst, and in their own lifetime, before they find themselves unable to escape the juggernaut and heavy machinery being built all around them, in order to enslave.