A Critique of the American Justice System Pertaining to Race

The most painful lesson a minority can experience is when he comes face to face with the American justice system, whether it be the criminal, family, or civil courts, or the law enforcement agencies which often times feed them by dragging minorities before them.

It is only when the racial/religious minority enters that system, at whatever age, does he realize that in America, which was built on a legacy of slavery and indentured servitude, he is only a fraction of a human or citizen in the institutionalized eyes of the law.

Slavery was only abolished in the United States in 1865, while the Civil Rights Act (otherwise known as Title VII) was only enacted in 1964.

So in essence this country only granted the rights (or perception) that all men are equal in the eyes of the law roughly 50 years ago, barely enough for 2 generations of Americans, and only 150 years since racial/religious minorities were literally enslaved and were not even considered human by their white European colonizers/owners.

Therefore it should come as no surprise that the United States does indeed have a deeply entrenched race problem, where it can be hidden in the restaurants, bars, social circles, places of employment, universities, and other places where different races meet and congregate, but behind closed doors, white America still has not fully grasped the fact that non-white, non-European based people, are fully and 100% human as well.

Because of this deep-seated prejudice (if not hatred), and since the majority of law enforcement personnel and the courts are staffed with European-descended white Americans, and because of the common law based judicial made law that exists in this country, whenever there is any doubt about the guilt or innocence of the minority, this system almost always goes against that minority, and all of this is committed under the color of law and authority, fully legal, and in the vast majority of cases, the lies often become the truth.

Even within inter-racial relationships, where one party is white, and the other is not, that white individual will nearly always carry some remnant (however minuscule) that their partner is not fully human, and therefore can not fully be respected, so if a relationship goes sour, or if an argument takes place, rather than respect the other party to work through it, the vast majority of white partners in that relationship will simply throw up their hands up and declare that it is not worth fixing anyway.

Why do they do that?

Well, because it is not possible to fully love and respect a “non-human” as an equal, deserving full respect normally accorded to a fully fledged, 100%, white human being.

And this is the saddest part of the truth, and a lesson purposefully not taught in nursery, grammar, grade, high school, or even college, where teachers hope for a better future, or don’t want to ruin their pupil’s hopes in their own future.

In fact the exact opposite is taught, that all are equal in the eyes of the American Justice System, like the fables of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, until that minority is one day shaken down to their very core, usually because of his experiences in the icy, cruel, sadistic, soul-less American Justice System, as described above.

There is unfortunately no quick fix to this problem – and sadly it will go on for as long as it can run its course, but the fundamental truth must be acknowledged – that America was built and assembled on the skulls and bones of the minority races, whatever their hue or religion, and white European based Americans were the ones who stood on top of them.

This inherent, institutionalized racism and discrimination goes to the very core and fabric of this country, and this is why so many minorities who come to these shores, looking for a better life, are so invariably heartbroken when they discover these eternal truths.

That they will always be an outsider.

That they will never be able to fully develop true friendships or real love affairs with their fellow white citizenry, and that if ever there should be a disagreement or a conflict with one of them, at the end of the day, in the final analysis, the minority will always lose the battle, especially within the American justice system, normally without fail.

If you are in a court room with one of your white American counterparts, very often you will see the judge rule against you on nearly everything (denied motions, ex parte petitions granted in your absence, contempt motions against you freely signed and handed down against you by the judge while yours go unnoticed, unsigned, or disregarded, your opposition afforded rights and privileges not given to you, your opposition being tutored and counseled by the judge himself on how to defeat you, issues of doubt nearly always resolved in your opposition’s favor, and other small but aggregated acts of institutionalized discrimination).

To that end, even if you are correct on the facts and law, the American justice system, given enough time and delay, will nearly always find you in the wrong.

In the criminal courts this means jail time, probation, sanctions, and other horrific punishments, and in the civil system, this means bankruptcy, loss of money and property, loss of funds and livelihood, or other destructive edicts.

In the family court system, this means that you will most probably lose your own children even if you are the better parent, have them abducted and kid-napped right in front of you under the color law and authority, and you are rendered completely and utterly powerless to do anything about it.

The American police are also part of the problem, but what they make up for in a general lack of education in the law on par with the judges ruling the courtrooms, they make up for in their brutal power to arrest, beat, detain, harass, surveillance, set you up with dishonest informants, eavesdrop, lie, cheat and steal in order to destroy your life.

God forbid you are a minority and the police are white Americans, because they will also, under the color of law and authority, engage in the above acts which are far worse and less respectful of your inalienable civil liberties and human rights than a judge could ever be.

Unfortunately, even if the minority is an Attorney, litigant or defendant in the American justice system, born optimistic, driven, ambitious, highly organized, intelligent, and resourceful, he must finally acknowledge that there is no true real justice in America if you are a racial or religious non-white minority in the United States of America.

This is why 1/3 of all blacks, 1/6 of all latinos and 1/5 of all other racial and religious minorities have found themselves in jail, behind bars, or financially ruined, in this country.

The American Justice System is at its current state, a lost cause if you are not a white European based person.

And it is a nightmare if you are not.

Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq.
Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq.
Ranked amongst Top Attorneys in the United States by Newsweek Magazine in 2012 and 2013.