Undoubtedly, the Pak-U.S. relations are prolonged and significant however they revolve around four facets that are demonstrative, unpredictable, passionate — and deeply flawed. It is very fascinating to lookout with a mixture of inquisitiveness and apprehension, when the United States and Pakistan have trade-off mutual expressions of affection, followed by allegations of betrayal. Recent F-16s issue brought back bitter truth of US-Pakistan relentless relations and memories of betrayal past.
Since 1950s Pakistan has cardinal relations with the U.S. and voluntarily always offered its services when asked by the United States, but relations between these two countries remain stringent. US constantly used Pakistan’s friendship as an instrument to serve its interest in the short term and when its objectives has been accomplished U.S. left Pakistan in the sway. Washington has continuously abandoned Islamabad in political and strategic situation when its support was needed the most.
Notwithstanding being the member of SEATO and CENTO, the US let down Pakistan in 1965 and 1971 wars and refused to supply of arms, ammo and military hardware at a precarious time when it was fighting against five times stronger Indian forces. The U.S. remained silent and overlooked India’s so called peaceful nuclear explosion in 1974 but started complaining and bullying Pakistan when it became acquainted with Pakistan’s capabilities to develop a nuclear weapon. The U.S. enforced punitive economic sanctions on Pakistan in 1979, in 1990s (Pressler Amendment) and in 1998. Nowadays, when Pakistan is in middle of a prodigious battle against terrorism and phenomenal success achieved in Zarb-e-Azb operation, the U.S. refused to sell F-16s on decided terms.
There are three main reasons behind the U.S. Congress refusal to sell these fighter jets and to create hurdles in this trade off. First and obvious reason is Pakistan’s former ambassador to Washington Hussain Haqqani, who is running a campaign against the sale of US F-16 aircraft to Pakistan. Secondly, India is exercising its influence by lobbying over members of the United States Congress under the umbrella of the Senate India Caucus to resist F-16s deal with Pakistan. Third reason is Afghanistan’s hostility towards Pakistan. Recently, a prominent Afghan lawmaker requested the US to halt all financial and military assistance to Pakistan, as well as sale of F-16 jets, and to execute economic sanctions, saying that the Pakistani government was providing safe havens to terrorists.
Thus suddenly, a proved exiled traitor, a country who has belligerent posture towards Pakistan and any jackal hooting in Afghanistan become credible source of information for the suspicious Republican Congressmen. And Pakistan after all these years of rendering services is not believed in by them that means something is wrong somewhere.
In an interview to CBS Former Pakistan Ambassador to the United Nations, Abdullah Hussain Haroon, adeptly elaborated on US-Pakistan relations by saying that, “You know Pakistan is still helping to fight, They are not about to lose their investment in America, despite everything you do. Whether it is the Iranians, Pakistanis and Indians or anyone. Anyone who comes to replace the Americans in Afghanistan will not be friends. The Afghan will call them enemies. Nobody wants to get involved in Afghanistan. Despite that I can identify one country to you which may unfortunately still stands by you and go in, that’s Pakistan. And look how you are treating us. I am so seriously saddened and indignant that how we are being treated. Don’t punish Pakistan time and again, you have done it for long enough time for what? We have paid the price you have not paid. 9/11 pales in comparison with the numbers of death within Pakistan for standing by your side. And you can’t recognized that! What a shame if you ask me! What a shame.”
Pakistan has always lead from the front when it comes to security of the United States, for instance, in the back drop of 9/11 there was another threat to New York on 5 September 2011. The U.S. had provided a list of suspected persons to Pakistani officials who were going to plan an attack in New York. Pakistan went off the road and handed over 3 suspects to the U.S. and demanded nothing in return.
Now, when the United States is going to conclude its military campaign in Afghanistan it should count on Pakistan. But the case is quite different, U.S. is playing an Indian card in Afghanistan rather than securing Pakistan’s strategic and security interests in the region.
Another important concern here is that the U.S. is unnecessarily favoring India just on thought that India when needed will counter China. Which is less likely to happen and will only add to the security challenges of the U.S. India has no power or strategy to fight against China or in case if needed to fight to against Russia the oldest rival of United States. Eventually the U.S. objectives will remain unaccomplished and in limbo with respect to regional stability of South Asia and Asia Pacific.
Pakistan is the gateway to these regions which the U.S. cannot afford to lose. If the U.S. wants Pakistan to cooperate and assist especially in scenario of Afghan exit strategy, it should reciprocate with good will towards Pakistan and must have to abandon its custom of unilateralism, pomposity and deception.