A European preview

In the view of an inclusive, fair and peaceful European union, the goal of very important leader has been directed, from 1958 and onwards.

Gradually, after the end of the Second World War, the aim to ensure lasting peace was created in Europe. United Europe, EEC originally, has been the political objective of the largest portion of politicians in Europe then. The objective was twofold, the achievement of political and economic union.

However, the debate on the EU’s standing, ie on the question whether to be a federation or a supranational organization, created obstacles to political unification. The resistance of members states to fully integrate to a union and the fear of nationalism, which always smoldering in Europe when national identity issues raised, were the main causes to become the target of fluid political union.

Since 1990 European Union has been shaped, while the initial legal requirements have being put to full economic integration.

The question, which initially voiced, was on political motives and ties that could defend the Union and the cohesion perpetually. In western and central Europe, common historical, cultural and religious traditions have been established, from the 15th century. However these common traditions were committed only in Western and Central Europe, mainly due to political factors. Western Europe did not live Ottoman rule and did not come in direct relationship with the Eastern cultural element, compared with Eastern Europe.

Ottoman rule lasted for four centuries, with the irreversible result the eastern component of the extenders to be firmly associated with the western element of Europeans conquered in the regions of Ottoman rule. The political and cultural habits of Eastern Europe, the influence that the countries received under Ottoman rule were points of differentiation, and under such conditions, even today there are different readings of politics and habits. After the final victory of the Europeans against the Ottomans, after the end of the Balkan wars, Europe had very little time to regroup until the outbreak of the First World War. If we follow the course of history, we will understand the conciseness of events and the dramatic conditions in which the national identity of European states created.

Europe’s higher culture, Renaissance and Reformation was also the Europe of the Middle Ages and totalitarianism. Europe gave birth to liberalism, but gave birth to fascism. Certainly the generalization is not correct, as the political situation in each country is based on a specific set of factors, geopolitical and economic starting point. However, it is indicative that during two centuries, every political idea, as extreme and if it was, was born, lived and died in Europe.

The economic union was the solution to defend the general welfare. It was the solution for creating a peaceful road for forming a single identity. The cooperation would lead to interaction and interaction to intimacy and solidarity. There were very strict financial rules, which the applicant Member State should succeed to penetrate the economic union. The ingredient of success, the secret strategy for the welfare of each federation, whether it’s called the eurozone or the US is the de facto lack of confidence, continuous monitoring and compliance. This, Europe, attempted to do. That was the goal. The very recent history, however, shows that some countries did not follow the strict rules and the leading axis of Germany did not have the necessary supervision mechanisms to immediately detect any irregularities. Today Europe is experiencing the return of a strict financial policy, which calls for discipline. There is punishment, there is reward. The Machiavellian approach to politics is always a realistic representation of the situation. The euro is the second most important reserve currency. It is a hard currency, which support the important global financial transactions. The strength of the euro, however, is based on the robustness of countries that have adopted it. There is the political issue of social cohesion in Europe, there is the economic benefit, as well. The only way seems to be the discipline rules.

The next day, however, should be a day of balance and producing useful policy based both on the idealism of Europe, as the one that created the original vision for union, and on the new fiscal conditions have been created.

It is important to demonstrate that a common identity, common goals and a common understanding have been created during the almost five decades of a united Europe. The discussion of national identity did not stop, how could it be stopped in an environment with such a historical tension, as it is the European? However, the truth is that we are many years Europeans and we can understand Europe as our acquis.

Veni Mouzakiari
Veni Mouzakiari
Phd Candidate at the department of International and European Studies, University of Macedonia. Political consultant