The ever present world-system perspective within the UN ECOFIN

As the Political Economy World-System theory suggests, the world has a stratification system. In the world economy, class positions result in an unequal resources distribution.

Taking into account that the lack of access to energy and sustainable modern energy services is a highlight factor that directly influences poverty eradication efforts (the greatest global challenge facing the world today, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in the developing world), the proposal within the Economic and Financial Committee to urge all state members to guarantee the right to access to such technologies is essential.

Following the Political Economy world stratification system precepts a remarkable fact within the Committee is the presence of two different groups of countries. The Least Developed Countries (LDCs) setting them down peripheral nations and the rest as core nations. About 2.6 billion people in those developing countries rely on traditional biomass in order to cook and for heating, and 1.3 billion people do not have electricity. Even when energy supplies are available, those people are unable to pay for them because core nations purchase raw materials from noncore nations at low prices while for their exports the demand higher prices to noncore nations.

The Economic and Financial Committee tries its bests to redress those economic imbalances dealing with macroeconomic policy questions (international trade, international financial system, and external debt sustainability, among others), financing for development, sustainable development, human settlements, poverty eradication, globalization and interdependence, operational activities for development, and information and communication technologies for development. Nevertheless, since the soft international law card which the committee play with to achieve its purpose does not have enough hardness it is necessary to lay a wide and broad foundations in this topic in order to fill that lack of international law softness (recalling it does not have a proper legally binding force but weaker than traditional law).

In order to achieve laying a wide and broad foundations upon macroeconomic policy questions such as the access to energy and sustainable modern energy services, the United Nations ECOFIN Committee draft resolutions in this subject calls upon Governments of core countries to take further action in order to mobilize the provision of financial resources and technology transfer on concessional and preferential terms to LDCS countries and countries with economies in transition. It is really outstanding the role the relevant international and regional organizations and relevant stakeholders play to spread a greater reliance on advanced energy technologies, including cleaner fossil fuel technologies, and the sustainable use of traditional energy resources, which could meet the growing need for energy services in the longer term to achieve sustainable development. The United Nations Second Committee encourages all relevant funding institutions and bilateral and multilateral donors, as well as regional funding institutions and non-governmental organizations, to continue to support efforts aimed at the development of the energy sector in developing countries and countries with economies in transition on the basis of environment- friendly new and renewable sources of energy of demonstrated viability, while taking fully into account the development structure of energy-based economies of developing countries, and to assist in the attainment of the levels of investment necessary to expand energy supplies, including beyond urban areas. As well as to enhance the effectiveness and the full utilization of existing international funds for the effective implementation of national and regional high-priority projects in the area of new and renewable sources of energy.

Enrique Muñoz-Salido
Enrique Muñoz-Salido
Enrique works in the tech industry, computer software, in the City, London. His interests lie at crossroads of human behavior and software. Enrique is an Oxford Masters graduate, Talentia scholarship.